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Everything posted by jupiterreef

  2. Temporary Installation Kit $49.00 1 $49.00 Handling and Delivery Fee Free Tax $3.19 This kit came from Dtv, takes 10 minutes to put together, but does not get HD, but it's only temp.
  3. If you don't have superfan, you don't get the ticket in HD.
  4. when your game is on local TV, it is not on ST. i live in PB county, had no problems with any tickrt channels.If you do not have superfan, you do not get HD.
  5. The pool hall the Hippodrome was on Main St, but is now on Hertle Ave. It's owned by Dick Vallone. The place was below SINGER GYM on Washtoning st. The pool hall's name escapes me. There were a lot of wannabes, but no real gangster.
  6. I'am 71 years old, and was @ the Anchor Bar the night that CHICKEN WINGS were born. A bunch of guys & myself used to play basketball every wed. night. After our workouts we went AB for beers & somethink to eat. After having a few beers & some eats, the lady that owned the AB, brought us a plate of wings to sample, saying that if liked them she would put that on the meun. WE ate them and asked what the hell we were eating, she said chicken wings. Need les to say they were great. She put that on the menu & as they say the rest history. They were fried in butter, in a big black iron frying pan. A number of are still alive to back this story up. GOD BLESS THERASA P.S. Thats what the woman name was.
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