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Everything posted by jupiterreef

  1. PUGULA's buy a 9/7, turn it into a EXPANSION team. They are BUFFONS, but they own the team !!
  2. Bills should give KW a huge contract, sign him then cut him, with out hurting the Bills. He becomes a URFA, to shop His self. If he dosen't find what He want, Bills bring him back @ Vet Min. + 500K.
  3. HO HUM, a lot of never was's & never will bees.
  4. THIS SITE WORK FOR ME ON FRIDAY. http://www.realstreamunited.com//nfl-live-streaming-video.html
  5. I streamed last night game from the site below. http://www.realstreamunited.com//nfl-live-streaming-video.html
  6. Your family member that has Sunday Ticket, has request ST to GO @ no charge. Best Buy has a Apple input that plugs into your IPAD. IT comes out with a power input & HDMI input. Put the power input into a electrical outlet . Put a HDMI cord from your IPAD into your TV HDMI input and it's done. More help @ 561 234041 .............. Ron
  7. Donn Esmonde artice is spot on. Sorry BILLS fans, but the artice is true, but ugly.
  8. they are all part of the JAMES gang.
  9. ROSCEO, played in the slot for us & knows our offense.
  10. 1. T Jackson 2. Colin Brown 3. Sam Young 4. A Carrington 5. Chris White 6. T McGee .7 D Howell 8. ??????????????
  11. NFL preseaon live steam is terrible next to DirecTV steam. It will be 100% perfect.
  12. I owned the Super Duper Market @ Broadway & Detriot, Iadmire you post.
  13. The play that sticks out in my mind, the Bills are moving ball downfield the Giants are out of time outs, there out of breath, Kelly hits Mc Kellar he makes the catch, Refs call time to review the play, it's ruled a good catch. Giants get a chance to regroup & the rest is history.
  14. If you and your brother, both have DTV here is a great soultion, order the package that you both agree on. If the the one you agree on is 100$ a month, you may have up 6 receivers for one account. Without DTV knowledge you, have three each. This would your cost to 50$ a month. SUNDAY TICKET is also spilt in half. If you need help with this e-mail at hornhiyoe@aol.com Good Luck
  15. The NFL went by this OT about 5 yrs ago. Howard Ballard would be a better singing.
  16. All those have had GREAT QB'S
  17. Ralph is senile, Ralph is cheap, Ralph is self severing, Ralph is probably two dozen more things. Ralph does not owe anyone, anything but his self. He has kept the BILLS in BUFFALO way to long. If it was all about $$$$$, he would have left a long time ago. At 91 yrs old do you really think that he's worried about making MONEY. The SKINS owner, spends alot money are his results any better then the bills. As a kid, I remember going to the ball diamond for a pick up game. When the kid who owned the Bat & Ball went home the game was over. Ralph should pick his Ball up and go home. He should not be the whipping boy for TWO BILLS DRIVE. There has been plenty of offers to buy the BILLS, He didn't even listen too most of them. After 50 yrs of ownership, don't tell me he not a BUFFALO IAN. So after 50 yrs, let string the OLD SENILE, CHEAP BASTARD UP. GO too hell, to all you that want him out of BUFFALO. I can remember when we were watching NY GAINTS in a EXHIBITION GAME @ Civic Stadium, that was PRO FOOTBALL,in BUFFALO, before Ralph, MADE the BUFFALO BILLS. I've been a BILLS for 50 yrs,and will be till they Move.
  18. 1st stop useing MY WIFE pic in your posts.
  19. Buffalos best was & still is FREYS
  20. BILLS can't even get a snap off perfectly in the shotgun, you execpt to do the witout a F**K up ?
  21. The score was 17 to 7.
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