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Everything posted by THEDuganWolcott

  1. What was that? A team that dominated the AFC for four consecutive years and never won a thing? Kinda like a team that has a drive for nine-and-a-half minutes and doesn't score a point. Okay, maybe not the same thing! But strikingly similar, huh?
  2. Actually Romo threw 5 ints int that game and fumbled another and we STILL lost. "Buffalo Bills football, BE THERE"....no thank you.
  3. Well, then, we should've ran a little more then, huh? Not that we didn't run well and run more this week, but seems as though our Ivy League grad-coach would adjust when Trent was struggling.
  4. NO! When ever anyone even mentions the Buffalo Bills, all you here is laughter. I was always proud to be a Bills fan, now its just getting embarrassing. Last year, when we lost to Dallas, that was heartbreaking. Anymore, it just like "whatever" to me. I've seen it all, wide-right, music-city miracle, 4 SB losses, and now, NINE seasons without a playoff game. I don't know what it is about the Bills, but I just keep coming back for more year after year. But I have to say, losing is just no big deal to me anymore. I'M not losing, THEY are. I'M not humiliated, THEY are. I'M not missing the playoffs for a 9th year in a row, THEY are. I didn't lose 4 superbowls, THEY did. The funny thing is people call the early 90's the "Glory Years" in Buffalo. WHY? We didn't win anything. The Giants did, Washington did, and Dallas did...TWICE! Not us...sorry...THEM!
  5. Dude, I've been supporting Edwards through this whole thing. I think they need to stick with him also, simply because they don't have much choice right now. But the fact is, this kids' performances are a BIG problem right now. It's not Jauron's fault that he threw three picks this time, not the offensive line's fault this time, not even the lack of running game's fault nor the defenses fault. It is totally, 100 % Trent Edwards fault. He either needs to find his way out of this or use that great big Stanford education and do something else.
  6. I have a bad neck-ache from watching last nights game, simply because my body isn't used to shaking my head that much, and I've been a Bills fan for a long time, so you'd think I'd be used to it by now. Before the Pats game, I wrote that we we're going to find out if we had the next Jim Kelly or the next Rob Johnson, Monday morning I wrote that we had our next Rob Johnson. Then, after the debacle that transpired last evening, I came to the startling realization the Rob Johnson quarterbacked our last playoff game. No, he didn't technically get us there, but he was the last QB to play a post-season game for Buffalo. Now, onto the problem at hand. We once again have us a QB that had such promise, and now seemingly is just imploding before our very eyes. There is a big difference between a QB who makes mistakes and still believes in himself, and, well, Trent Edwards! I read a lot of posts on here earlier in the year that after Trent made a mistake, he'd be shown on the sidelines "moping", "sulking", or what have you. I lashed out at those of you that said those things as I believed Edwards was not "sulking" or "moping", but that he couldn't wait to get back out there and was angry and wanted to redeem himself. To those of you who wrote that stuff, I sincerely apologize to you. You we're absolutely right! Earlier this year I ragged on then-starting Titans QB Vince Young for his "emotional" troubles with the game. As it turns out, we have a much worse scenario on our hands in Buffalo. Did anyone really believe Trent in his post-game comments that Cleveland played a lot of "drop-back coverage" and all he had we're his check-down recievers? Come on, like he's going to get right up there and say that he was afraid to throw the ball down the field after the three picks?! No QB does that. But it is a FACT! He was and IS scared to throw down field. He will be next week in K.C., then vs. San Fran, then vs. Miami, ect. And when you have a QB who is playing scared, you have the worst thing you can have. Hell, not even Detroit has this problem and they're 0-10! So, where do we go from here. Well, I think its more than safe to say the Bills will miss the Playoffs for the ninth consecutive season. They're going to stick with Jauron through the extension, whether we like it or not. And, lastly, I think they have to stick with Trent, whether we like it or not. He needs to grow, and it can't get much worse than this, that's the good news.
  7. McLovin will return one for 6 tonight, GUARANTEED!
  8. I'm sure we'll see the throwbacks tonight, but I believe the Bills should wear their away, goofy looking uniforms tonight just to get confidence that they CAN in fact win in them!
  9. 51 points? LOL You must be confusing the Buffalo Bills with a team that actually has a rythm and can actually score A point!
  10. YES! Combine that with a first round draft pick that's given them a spark on offense, plus us having no pass rush, plus us not stopping Jamal Lewis EVER, yep, I am worried!
  11. ...that we may get blown out tonight? I have been trying to be optomistic for several weeks and the way this team has been playing lately, combined with the fact that this is another game we're "supposed" to win, just about every prediction that I read shows Buffalo winning by between 3 and 7 points, with just a few picking Cleveland. There's definitely gonna be a sense of urgency plus a lot of emotion from the fans and players being that its a Monday Night game. But the Bills need not overblow this whole emotion part, because that in itself could come back to bite them. They need to remember that Cleveland is 3-6, bickering amongst each-other, and has nothing to lose. Just kinda worries me a little tonight, don't get me wrong, I'm psyched about a MNF game, but I'm just afraid Buffalo will put TOO much emotion into it and get blown out, I REALLY hope I'm wrong. What ya'll think?
  12. Don't forget about the officials screwing up, just like the onside kick. It CLEARLY hit a Patroit. But we're not New England or Dallas so we don't get those calls I guess, huh?
  13. F'n eh!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! Now we'll HAVE to run the ball and Jas Peters will actually HAVE to earn his paycheck this week!
  14. And yet after the first four games, miraculously, NONE of this was mentioned. Everybody and anything to do with the Bills were perfect! Hmmmmm................
  15. I'm sorry, is this supposed to make me cream in my pants or something???
  16. We think the Bills will try to establish the run, they won't. We think the Bills will blitz more, they won't. We think Brady Quinn will give the Bills problems with slant passes, he won't. We think Jamal Lewis is too washed up to burn us, he's not, and he will. We all think Leodis McKelvin will never return a kick for a TD, he will. We all think the front 4 of the D-Line can't generate a pass rush, they'll register 4 sacks. We all think Roscoe Parrish will return a punt for a TD, he won't. We all think Lee Evans will catch a TD pass, he won't, but tackle-eligible, ex- tight end Jason Peters will. (hey, he's gotta be good for somethin', right?) We all think Buffalo will blow out Cleveland, they won't...BILLS 24, BROWNS 17
  17. The Bills should be 8-4 after the next three game, we can all agree on that, right? As a Bills fan, I cannot stand when they lose, and after last Sunday, I was about as pissed-off and speachless as I've been in years. Losing 15 out of the last 16 to New England will do that to you. But a wise man once said, "we gotta move forward, nothing we can do about the past". Truer words have never been spoken. Yet somehow, I believe this team IS dwelling on the past. That's what a young football team will do. A veteran team has the poise and experience to move forward, and if there were any get well weeks for this team, it's the next three weeks. If they drop just one, chaos may ensue not just at Two Bills Drive, but One Bills drive as well! I look at it like this, I believe the chaos will be delayed, temporarily at least, as Buffalo should squash the next three opponents. If/ when that happens, the Bills need to realize what exactly that they've accomplished...NOTHING! Yeah, they'll be 8-4, but still 0-3 in the division. Now, that being said, I believe if Buffalo can finish 11-5, they'll win the division. I thoroughly believe neither New England nor the Favre-proned-Jets, nor the gimmick-running Miami Dolphins will finish 11-5. We have the most "favorable" schedule of the three to finish 11-5. I believe Buffalo beats the Jets in New York then loses to Denver in Mile High, then returns home with the Division on the line vs. New England and C-L-O-B-B-E-R-S them in front of the 12th man. Maybe I'm being too optomistic, but three horrible consecutive teams may be just what the doctor ordered for this team to get some swagger back, but after those three, they need to be cautious, because they still need to beat good teams along the way to get in.
  18. 11-5 will win the division, trust me. I agree, Buffalo HAS to beat their next three opponents, if they lose even one contest, they're done. I still fail to believe either of the other three finish 11-5. We have the best shot, we just need to get our swagger back and what a better time to do that than against three lesser opponents.
  19. Doesn't matter who the coach is when your have good personel on the field. Belichick fell ass backward into glory when Tom Brady emerged. Same with Dungy, everyone knew Peyton Manning was gonna be good. Holmgren doesn't have Favre anymore, there will NEVER be another Elway for Shannahan much less Jay Cutler. Dick Jauron flat out needs to find the strengths of this team and use them. I still believe Marshawn Lynch will be an explosive back if given enough opportunities and the O-line actually blocks for him. With agility being an issue for pass-blocking, Buffalo need to use the quick passing game to not only cut down on the shots taken by Trent, but to give the o-line a little confidence back. Just a thought.
  20. Say the Bills win their next 3 games then pull one out vs. Miami up in Toronto, they'll be 9-4. New England still has to play the Jets tomorrow, then Pittsburgh and Miami as their two toughest games. The Jets have to play Denver, us and in the season finally its Buffalo vs. NE and Miami at New York Jets. Maybe the division will be decided in the last week.
  21. Michael Jackson-One person one second, a totally other person the next!
  22. How bout shooting for 6-4 for now?....
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