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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. You would also think that being forced to leave because they were being targeted by snowballs would have been the mom's social media headline. Not that she was "pushed down stairs section 312" so they had to leave early (when in fact it was some sort of nudge into seats). As mentioned, in other online venues, people who sat in 312 did not notice any of this stuff, and remember seeing this family.
  2. Its on the owner. The team was in turmoil, on the verge of needing to deal with Reinhart, Eichel, Ullmark, etc, so he "hired" his Junior Sabres youth hockey manager with no experience to be the General Manager. They have not conducted a coaching search since then either. Just fast-track their agreeable bobbleheads. There is such rot in the organization, it is going to need a major seismic fix. I truly believe Terry is happy and comfortable with the people working around him. This is going to continue until someone Inceptions him with the right ideas, or his daughter(s) take over and hopefully they arent morons.
  3. Nobody is excusing the behavior. Questioning whether the behavior happened. There are various holes in the story and zero people (including some from that section) have claimed to have notice anything. In our section, there is an unwritten code to look out for kids. I'm sure it's that way everywhere. Especially if said kid has a cancer sign. I think it's pretty unanimous that in the unlikely event someone purposely shoved this girl, they should be tossed off the upper deck
  4. I gave up on them years ago, so I don't really care. Wake me up when they get serious about turning this around. Hire someone qualified and experienced to right the ship. Conduct a coaching search again. Set a standard of winning and excellence. At this point, the whole thing is just a stall tactic to but Terry and kevyn enough time to reach their inevitable success
  5. Probably a skull with a knife going through the eye socket, with an eagle behind it and flames on top. Maybe throw some stars and stripes in there too
  6. I remember when I was 8, I was at a buffalo/Montreal playoff game in the aud. The French guy behind me pissed his sweat pants. I thought it was awesome
  7. So now theyve added the details that bills fans were throwing snowballs at their heads? Probably will work to extend the story another day for $15k
  8. There are a number of different venues this is being discussed and commented on. Not one person (including people who were sitting in that section) noticed anything out of the ordinary.
  9. IF anything happened like an assault on an 8 year old, the family didn't ask for or deserve it, no. Not sure where that was implied. However, better judgement should be used. If I were to bring my 8 year old to a Metallica concert, I would probably get him ear protection and sit rather far back in a 200 rather-comfortable seated level with quick access to bathrooms and refreshments. I would not toss him into the pit, nor should I be surprised if something went poorly if I foisted all that on him. I brought my son to his first game when he was about 8 years old. It was a mild-weather day and I made sure we got club seats for the game and we paced ourselves. There were many calculated choices made to keep him from getting overwhelmed in a tense atmosphere. It was great, and he is 11 now and loves going to games and can handle most situations we encounter, but I am still pretty careful. It probably wasn't a good time as a family, wearing opposing gear, rooting for the team getting blown out, in a winter storm, in the thick of things in the upper deck. Even without any of these events that allegedly happened, it was probably not a good time for this family. There isn't a lot of room in those seats with all the snow, layers, and little personal space to begin with. Couple all that up with a really boisterous, rowdy crowd, and I am sure these people had enough in the 1st quarter. Enough where an accidental bump would set them off into a social media rage. They were likely leaving anyways in a 35-10 game
  10. Hopefully not. Yes, there are many Neanderthals there. I've been there. But there is a large gulf between rushing out for a piss in a cramped, icy, snowy, row/aisle... and assaulting an 8 year old girl (pushing her down the stairs) for wearing the wrong colors. I do not believe any of us Neanderthals were capable of that, especially in a bills blowout where everyone is happy. These parents really signed themselves up for the "intense" package here. Packing their 8 year old cancer survivor in opposing gear, at a night game in a winter storm... sitting right in the thick of things. While I resist the idea that anyone purposely assaulted this girl, I could have told these people ahead of time that they were probably not going to enjoy this experience and have a good time. I'm sure their nerves were shot and they were highly irritated with everyone around them by the end of the 1st quarter.
  11. Even locally. Like WIVB on facebook. The headline still reads that the girl was pushed down the section/stairs, you have to read the article about mostly her back-story, then you get to a quick blurb where the father kind of vaguely explained the shoddy story of what transpired (which objectively seems like no big deal)... then the rollout of their gofundme "family fund" All confirmation bias is rampant. "All Bills fans are scumbags". "Nothing but blackout drunks there haven't been to a game in 30 years" etc. Not to mention people are rushing to give these people money. I really take pride in our fan base and atmosphere. That is why this hits deep.
  12. It seems like something similar. The mom ran her mouth on social media and it got traction. It was clear the story as she provided wasn't going to fly, and they walked it back. I am sure there were people moving around and the girl may have gotten knocked into her seat. It was happening to everyone. Trying to stand and let someone through was a tight squeeze with all the layers and one time, my legs slipped out from under me and I went down to the bench hard, and accidentally kicked the person trying to get through. They probably were annoyed with all the activity, standing, and rowdiness and one time maybe someone slipped or went through too quickly and Mia took a seat. That was her "being pushed down stairs in section 312". Mama exaggerated on social media. Now they had to reel it back something closer to the real story to save face (and donations!). The father added the comment the "assailant" made that "Im going to go through these 49er fans" because without that, its a comically nothing story/plight now. Worst-case, this was planned for publicity and donations... but the evolution of the story makes me think it was just over-sharing for likes, emojis, and reactions on social media gone wrong. If the family comes out and admits this was nothing, I will provide $100 to their preferred Cancer foundation.
  13. Our section too. It is always friendly ribbing. People are always super cool with kids, especially when they are wearing opposing teams' gear. Maybe it is because everything typically goes the Bills' way (I don't recall any nastiness in the past 2 home playoff losses). Behavior in that stadium is in a different universe than it was 15-20 years ago. There is a huge Erie County Sheriff presence, and I am sure technology is helping. You see a swam of sheriffs before anything even happens. I saw my a fight last week (Bills fan vs Bills fan), and we remarked it was the first fight we have seen in several years. We are in the rockpile too.
  14. Well, according to the father, the guy proclaimed that he was going to shove 49er fans right before he shoved his daughter (who apparently stood her ground in the face of this "6-foot" man and only slightly went into the seats and only has "emotional damage"). So the guy definitely did it with malice. Please contribute to the go fund me. This story has evolved (backtracked), from the parents mouths (or keyboards). Its clear they probably bit off more than they wanted to chew. It was crowded, rowdy, snowy, uncomfortable. They were wearing opposing teams' gear and people at the very least ribbed on the parents a little. It was extremely slippery and people had several layers on. They probably were standing (or had the girl standing) in the aisle for a better view. It is likely she was knocked into at some point. They were annoyed by it and expected everyone to have a seat number and plenty of space to sit and enjoy the game. Having experienced too much, this not being a fun or overly appropriate place for a physically compromised 8-year old child, and the 49ers getting blown out, they decided to leave. Dredging for online sympathy and likes, Mom posts that they left because the 8 year old girl was "pushed down the stairs section 312" and this thing has taken a life of its own, kicking dirt in the faces of our entire fanbase.
  15. Were they standing in the aisle? We went from the mom claiming that the 8 year old girl was "pushed down the stairs section 312" to a different story her dad tells on the news where she was seemingly nudged into her seat (but the guy announced he was going to push 49er fans just before he beelined it for the little girl) *details are still very sketchy. Sounds like a grift at worst. At best, it was uncomfortable, snowy, crowded, everyone had extra layers, mom overposted on social media looking for common sympathy and it got out of control, but has turned into a grift
  16. From the channel 4 story: “He said, ‘I’m going to push through all these Niner fans,” said Mia’s father Mike DeCamilla. “So, he actually bumped me and my son a little bit and then got past me and pushed her, almost slid off the stairs and hit her like side on the chairs.” Doesn't sound like pushing girls down the stairs. I'm not even sure what this is
  17. Looks like it worked. Multiple donations every minute now to their "family fund"
  18. I believe the moms social media post is what sets off skepticism. It seems to gloss over this major heinous, bizarre, and criminal act, and what would have had to be significant biblical immediate aftermath... and focuses on the fact they had to leave, along with several pictures that depict the girl with her cancer sign. It seems very deliberate. So many questions. And there is a gofundme which will surely take off from the publicity, along with people just accepting the first thing they hear as fact
  19. I've been to 1-2 hundred games probably, feel like ive seen it all, and this would be horrifically shocking to me. I have no doubt, if someone pushed a little kid (even without a cancer sign) down stairs, they would be assaulted by dozens of people. In our section (cheap seats), people always look out for and are friendly to kids.
  20. There is a lot of space between a "saint", and purposely pushing a little girl with a cancer sign down concrete stairs in a snow storm.
  21. I think they have little passport books and keychain charms for each stadium for you to document your exploits.
  22. I believe these people are real, attended a/the Bills game last night, and also, thank god, Mia D is a cancer survivor. But the idea that someone purposely threw Mia down the stairs in the upper deck does not make sense.
  23. What the girl's mom says though could be/seems to be embellished. "Kate Glaser" has no way of knowing
  24. She does say "push" a few times, and someone pushed her daughter down the stairs. Purposely pushing and slipping into are much different, as is bumping into (we always should be mindful of children in our areas). Those stairs were really bad last night, almost as bad as that Pittsburgh game. I was pretty sober, and I slipped down, but caught myself (partially using a big fella standing at the end of a row to save me).
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