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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Niagara Cafe. Awhile back I worked at a hotel downtown where the visiting teams stayed who were playing the bisons. Without fail all the Latin American players would bee-line to that place the minute they arrived. Imo that is the best endorsement you can possibly see. Italian, I would do either Fortunas in Niagara Falls or Ilio D'Paolos
  2. Was going to post this. Im sure the NFL owners agreed to make Spygate go away to benefit the league as a whole and the Patriots agreed that the nonsense was over. This football thing happened and behind closed doors the other owners were irate. Deflategate was in some ways a correction on spygate leniency.
  3. Botterill too. And you can argue Kruger and Adyms until this past Summer. There isnt/wasnt much choice to do what they have done. The tear-down is also the easy part. The challenge is actually improving on the NHL stage. I really do hope we see it next season. The prospect of having a team of Dahlin, Thompson, Cozens, Krebs, Quinn, Paterka, Power, Samuelsson, Mittelstadt, Tuch, Skinner and UPK may be exciting. You would also hope that the analytics team there can find the best buys of Free-Agency. The team does need a little bit of sandpaper in their organization. Botterill was completely averse to that and Adams hasnt done much to fix that yet.
  4. Luck is an interesting case. His career was very short and had injury issues. They really never got rolling/realized his potential. Had some good seasons and a decent playoff run to lose to the Pats in the AFCC What if they chose to clear cap that tank season and give manning the tools to win? Manning and the broncos got more done the next 4 seasons than luck and the Colts did his entire career.
  5. My first reaction the the Miami and Cleveland allegations were that a lottery is necessary Thinking about it though. No. I'm not sure tanking has ever worked. There is still a lot of luck involved, and more often than not, the 1OA player is not the best nfl player chosen. Even if it works there is a lot of luck involved. Look at Andrew luck and the Colts. If you go "full tank", you are digging a deeper hole to build out of. I like the bills for the last Tyrod and allens rookie year and flores' dolphins. Lose some position in the draft, but building a competitive culture and learning how to win seems to be more valuable
  6. Feliciano is from the NYC area. I get why he would be/could be turned off by Buffalo pizza..... or at least be one of those people who have so much pride in their local fare, they put down others' attempts. The older I get, the more I think I prefer the NY style to be honest over the sloppy Buffalo style, although its tough to really poop on the quality and variety of Buffalo pizza. Ive lived in a number of places and pizza can really be awful.
  7. At what point do we question Mittelstadt's ability to physically hold up to the NHL? I do agree that on paper, things seem to be looking promising for pulling out of the rut... but they have been here before. They need to actually pull out of the rut before congratulations are in order. That's the hard part. Prospects/young players always appear to be awesome until you drive off the lot with them. With that said, it isn't hard to imagine a youth influx next year along with some savvy FA buys based on data translating to actual wins and competing This season is a joke though with all the postponements, covid 'injuries', etc.
  8. Just saw that they apparently mashed their recruiting class. Thats great news.
  9. Definitely not. They might have pretended at first in order to keep people engaged and happy... but I'm sure the stadium demands would come quickly and would be unreasonable. This would give them their pretense and buy them enough time to relocate. It also helped our case that the paint was barely dry on the renovations and the lease extension when the team went up for sale.
  10. Ha agreed Part of the awesomeness of the show is how leveraged the Byrds were on all fronts, and were relatively helpless... but managed to keep all the plates spinning in the air. But now we are at the point where leaders of the FBI bend to Wendy Byrd's will because she makes a mean face at them.
  11. Its tough. Who is out there right now? Tough time to find a replacement. Les Miles? Orgeron?
  12. This is (another) lost season. Throw away season I guess. They really need to take some sort of step next season. Id say >80 points is reasonable in a parity driven league like this that has shootouts and points for losses. The last full season NHL only had 7 teams come in below 80 points. More than a reasonable expectation. The season after that, they really need to be in the 90s. Be in the conversation for the Wild Card spot(s) until at least the last weeks of the season. Show they are able to compete and are an average NHL team in year (4?) of this rebuild and of Adyms. If next year begins and they flounder. Whatever the reasons/excuses. Losing streaks mount up, etc. I think they really need to make changes. I cant tolerate 'they are supposed to be bad', 'what did you expect' much longer, and sick of being in year 1 of a perpetual 4 year rebuild.
  13. I hate this story and it is revisionist. All of us here were onto Bon Jovi and his connections to MLSE and toronto and rejected him long before Trump. The intention by all parties, likely even preference of the NFL itself was for Rogers and/or MLSE group with Bon Jovi as the friendly face to buy the Bills and move them to Toronto. It was in the works/hopes since the mid-2000s and even Ralph himself was culpable. Being in tune and obsessed with our team's future here, we were onto Bon Jovi and called it for what it was. Trump had nothing to do with it, despite him claiming so. I could see him jumping on board after the fact and maybe printing some flyers or helping that group out. Also, the biggest factor was the existence of the Pegula family and them having a ton of liquid cash available to them that could not be reasonably outbid. Anything Bon Jovi said at any point about keeping the Bills in Buffalo is lies to save face and to keep his own PR in case of another opportunity.
  14. Finished the Ozark episodes last night. I have to say, the show has completely jumped the shark for me. The actions of people and authorities is way off the reservation, ludicrous, and any sort of immersion is lost. Ill watch the last 7 episodes to see how it wraps up, but this first 7 episodes were absurd.
  15. I don't believe mahomes enjoys the same career arc here. He would have gotten forced in on year 1, and wouldn't enjoy kelce, hill, and hunt, and all that came with becoming the chiefs qb when he took over
  16. I think its possible Daboll was just feeling a bit stagnant here. There was a time where his star seemed to have set and the offense was struggling. I could absolutely see Daboll desiring a possible change of scenery at that point. But then the end of the season happened and he became the hot commodity again.
  17. this is cringey. Makes you feel bad
  18. To me, the biggest bombshell is the payments offered by the owner for losses. If there is hard proof of that, mushroom cloud in Miami
  19. They got a 30 year lease I believe. Purchase price, plus breaking the lease, plus relocation, plus building a new stadium isnt worth it. Especially when you have a great/legendary brand and a dedicated fanbase, and a decent enough facility.
  20. I get that, but Admirals is a softer word that is easier on the tongue, and often condensed to like 1.5 syllables. Commanders sounds awful for a sports name IMO and reminds me of an Atari game title.
  21. I noticed that. Might speak a ton... or maybe he does a PC from New England or something and does his whole pomp and circumstance there. Anyways... good on Brady for not doing a dragged out thing. You have to respect the guy, as much as we hate him. We see now first hand how good AND lucky you need to be to make a Superbowl, and even more to win it. Its crazy he was able to maintain that level of consistency. Asterisks aside.
  22. Its a terrible name. Has no flow to it whatsoever. Cant even be shortened to anything and everyone is stuck annunciating a stupid 6 syllable football team name. Admirals sounds a lot better
  23. If I were him and looking for a good landing spot in the NFL... I would absolutely have desired the Vikings' job. That division is ripe for the taking, and by extension, the NFC's balance of power is up for grabs in the near and mid-term. The AFC is an absolute gauntlet. AFC East, you need to find a formula to top a 25 year old Josh Allen, and the turd that wont flush Bill belichick. After that, there are like 8 up and coming teams, Broncos could get Rodgers, and even the stinky teams still have potential at QB.
  24. Lets take it one century at a time guys. Focus on the next 100 years before we worry about 2922
  25. Bills vs the Zorgs from Galaxy Z678 if they can top the Clones from the XQ28 System
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