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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Rivera is medium to low floor and low ceiling head coach. I think Deion is smart enough to not stake his shot on the Jets (if he wants an NFL shot). Terrible owner, a boiler plate of a media market, and a fan base who will be sick of the next coach by Labor Day
  2. when is the earliest that they can bring the hammer of the 18-game schedule? Id assume that would include 2 byes and maybe starting in August?
  3. I'm glad. Tyrod deserves appreciation from the fanbase.
  4. The Rams game they were losing either way. The Rams were just going to pass it to nakua for a 1st down, whether they declined the holding penalty, accepted the penalty, or accepted 2 penalties. Who knows what would have happened in the Texans game if they ran. Maybe it was a coin flip. There were close games the bills won too
  5. Meaningless games, pressure is off. Way too much ground to make up to even make it interesting.
  6. What i would do for the NBA and nhl would be some drastic steps to increase the gravity of games. I would reel everything in a bit and go to exclusive divisions/conference, much like the old American and national leagues in mlb. Inter-conference games are a meaningless slog. You don't need Cleveland and Phoenix 2x. The sabres play Anaheim, Winnipeg, and Minnesota 1x less than toronto or Montreal. Now the nhl is looking to have 34 teams. Don't need 34 of the 82 games vs the other conference. If I want to see mcdavid every year, I can watch him on TV. Games would mean more and rivalries and familiarity would form. Also, whoever figures out how to not have commercial breaks during quarters or periods will get a boost. It would be much more watchable and game flow would be better, and you would cut a good 15-20 minutes from the game length (at least). I would also like either league to re-seed the final 4 teams. That would make any finals match up possible
  7. I always think of the 2007 Giants game Was windy and raining sideways. We had to stand around our tent and hold it in place. Was miserable. Also very cold... but not freezing. However, in the 3rd quarter, you feel the air mass/bubble from the lake hit all at once and the temperature dropped like 15 degrees instantly. Everyone in the crowd started screaming like it was a disaster movie. Everyone's soaking wet hat, gloves, jacket, pants, etc turned into ice almost instantly. Then it was heavy snow the rest of the game. I went to that game with a good friend of mine, and he passed away (tragically) a couple months later. Good memories and a crazy weather game
  8. This is a problem with the nhl too. Too many meaningless games. Oddly, I'm ok with the 162 game schedule in baseball. It's more of an individual sport and effort doesn't shine through as much.
  9. It doesn't really work like that. Goalies are an odd commodity. You have to draft and develop several ongoing and they are like lottery tickets. You get one who pans out, like ullmark, you hang onto him until you have the next cheaper option at the ready from your crop of lottery tickets
  10. I had to watch that game... Basically, in a decent-money dynasty fantasy league semi final, I was going against the packers dst with just above the threshold amount... It was one of the oddest sports watching experiences I can remember. Holy cow. Basically, because, somehow miraculously rattler avoided taking a sack or throwing an interception in the 4th quarter, I won by a half of a point.
  11. Complete run for the bus by new Orleans. Embarrassing
  12. ...coming to a football team near you
  13. This may be career ruining for Dell, unfortunately. Really bad timing for him where he stands on his rookie deal. I'd be surprised if he plays in 2025. Can't imagine he will get his speed back anytime soon. Stroud looks very unimpressive this year.
  14. The solution is so clearly obvious, and unanimously, all observers have the same conclusion. The fact that Pegula cannot or refuses to see this is infuriating. Like how greedy and selfish can someone be?
  15. Over the top crying for a leg injury and they fold, especially their qb
  16. I'm not so sure they are "nice guys" based on what kevyn adams had to stoop to in order to land a position he had no experience to get
  17. That would be a bad one
  18. They have a philosophy of rushing most prospects into the nhl with no development. Adams, pegula, and the other dummies think they will just figure things out. Not the case. it's bad. Perception of this mess is through the floor. Its not weather trees and taxes because this is coming from a Minnesota player. Just keep trudging though. Magically it'll all come together like a Disney movie
  19. The team won't go on a run They are the way they are because it starts at the top. Ownership is toxic and this is the 3rd 10+ losing streak under adams, and it seems his job is secure. This is who they are. Bottom 3rd of the nhl and ruining young players. It doesn't matter who they draft, who the coach is, or even who the gm is, as long as the top priority is communication.
  20. Quarterbacks today are superhuman compared to Jimbo's day. He would be in the lower half of the league, if that. Elway may be the only guy from his era who would have the skill-set to translate to modern-day.
  21. I just hope that McDemott and Beane's tenure out-lasts Terry Pegula Or we will be subject to whack pack dysfunction of boat ride trades, Marrone quitting, 'dont let him leave the room', the Rex Ryan posse, throwing Anthony Lynn in front of a locomotive, and Doug Whaley's confusing press conference where he said he wasnt 'privy' to who the coach was. We got a nice taste before McDermott came in with his iron will.
  22. Yup. This team/franchise will never get better until he is gone. Guys in their 70s dont change. Nobody should buy a ticket or spend a dime on the Sabres moving forward.
  23. I answered too Hire a credible and experienced team president who would build an actual pro sports front office (and hire a gm). Terry pegula goes away with his communication, collaboration, and daily phone calls. It's a mickey mouse pre sports franchise who made the jr sabres guy general manager and have like an assistant coaches from buff state as the director of scouting The rot is so deep and extensive in this franchise, no moves (coach, player, half measure hire of a gm is going to change anything. Internally and perceptions in the hockey world, the sabres are poison. They need to essentially rebrand with a new credible leader. I actually believe that players would respond on the ice and you would see immediate improvement. Expectations and standards would immediately be raised across the board. The team got worse after adams' presser about how nobody wants to play here and no help is coming. As long as I remember, management speaks and acts like they are perpetually on year 1 or 2 of a 4 year rebuild. It's all a stall tactic and bleeds into the lockerroom
  24. Don't worry. Just a touch more collaboration with Terry and it'll all be fixed!
  25. I used to like the running 538 one, as it used all sorts of measurable criteria and interesting. Now, they normally resemble the standings. Then stupid little biases like you cant drop KC below X because they won the Superbowl.
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