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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. I've never seen Grand Island walloped like this.
  2. He is not on the Mt Rushmore. I don't believe he was all that "can't miss" and was drafted more on potential and skill set. It does probably stings for jets fans that they don't have fields I'd say akili Smith, mandarich, Joey Harrington, Ryan leaf, David Carr, boz, Andre ware, tim couch, and maybe same Bradford were all worse busts and would be more memorable candidates for the Mt Rushmore of busts.
  3. I hope you maintain power. Nothing gets my anxiety up like the failed sump and finished (uninsured/un-permitted) basement issue. My sump failed about a month before the construction of the basement during a 4 day rain event. It wasn't pretty. With the new sump, I got the battery backup hooked up to the water line. Still anxious about it. Might splurge for the full-on backup generator this summer
  4. I can vouch for Hulu live having an awful interface and youtube TV much better
  5. I wasnt comfortable with Apple getting it either. Over time I have had nothing but bad experiences with all their proprietary hardware and software, attempting to force you into their ecosystem. I doubt they would just give the package away out of the goodness of their heart without re-couping the money out of our wallets. Not super pleases about Youtube TV/google, but at least im a PC/android/google user.
  6. This 100%. 2 more. When someone parks their cart and stares at items on the shelf as if they are making a decision their life depends on and are taking up 8 linear feet of shelf space. I can see the 1 specific item I want/need but I have to wait for the Walking Dead to get out of the way. When we are leaving the store to the front of the checkout lanes and the person in front of me's brain starts malfunctioning and they just stop to either check their receipt, or adjust items in their purse.
  7. Its poetic justice, but the Patriots are a perfect reflective image of the drought-era Bills. Now, complete with jarring bone-headed losses that leave fans shaking their heads... but also fools everyone into thinking you are good enough to win games. They are now a behind-the-times nepotistic crusty old football program. Coached and built just well (if it were 1956) enough to win between 40 to 55% of their games, and reactively plugging holes that appear each offseason only to see more pop up. Never bad enough to truly get a good look at a cant-miss QB prospect or collect other high-end talent. Quarterback purgatory.
  8. The bills got lucky on maybe 3 "coin flip" dpi calls when they were on defense on some pivotal plays. I'll give them that.
  9. It would have happened anywhere. There was a copious amount of snow, perfect for packing snowballs waiting inside the stadium for 70,000 people,many of which were drinking alcohol for several hours. If I had to choose and could press a button to control everyone's mind to have no snowballs, I'd choose that. But it was what it was and will go down in the lore of big games in that stadium. There is quite a bit of irony that the Dolphins were the opponent. That game in week 3 could have been a life threatening situation and it's frankly gross they put the opposition through that purposely. Especially in the first half, the Dolphins side was getting blasted with snow. When the players and coaches broke for the half, the contrast between the sides (tons of snow/residual snowball hits on the turf vs a totally clean bills side) was kind of funny.
  10. Im not even sure how anyone could figure out what he is saying there. The audio is so bad. Or even how anyone found that. What the hell is that thing anyway? What a dweeb that one guy is trying so hard to get a "look". Belt over the shoulder, winter hat, sunglasses. ugh.
  11. Goofy podcast and a thought got away from him. I don't think he should be buried for it
  12. I have said it numerous times this season. They miss Beasley big time. If he can contribute, the offense will be much more efficient
  13. Yeah, to me, it isnt a roof vs no roof debate... That Northtowns stadium location idea seems interesting if for no other reason than to get the thing away from the snow belt
  14. I always think that in hockey especially... these guys have perfected the efficiency of movement so much, as well as conditioning and nutrition. I really think you could take a bottom pairing defenseman in 2022, put him in 1980 and he would be a superstar.
  15. If McDavid played in the 70s or 80s he would score comfortably over 100 goals a season.
  16. I would be so uninspired if Fraser were hired as the new coach of my favorite NFL team. He would have been the typical hire of the 2001-2012 Bills
  17. I dont know. I get why it is offputting and offenses are weaponizing it. But I can see how an attempt at a black and white rule will have a million unintended consequences. I dont think it should be a penalty if they outlaw it. Maybe say the ball is/was dead at that spot. I can see a big 3rd and 1 or something and something was kind of a push, but not really, maybe accidental contact results in a 5 yard penalty completely changing a game.
  18. It is pretty bad. I lived there for awhile and kind of adopted the Phillies as my team for a bit. I witnessed some terrible things. I attended some Sabres playoff games there. A lot of it was fun as I had the right attitude about it, but there are lunatics there who take it too far. Id imagine the Eagles are x10. If I were to do it, id do it like I did the Sabres games... splurge and get premium seats. Higher-end clientele, you arent with gen-pop, exclusive bathrooms. If the game doesnt go well for the eagles, consider losing the jersey for the walk to the car. People typically dont fight in the parking lot(s) at the tailgate and the way into the stadium.
  19. If all the games go the Bills' way the next 2 weeks, they can clinch the #1 seed by beating the bears
  20. what a finish
  21. what a great TD
  22. Im sure it has been stated here, but the Patriots' current existence is reminiscent of the drought-era Bills. Running game, stop the run, defense, play it safe with field position and turnovers 1956 football. Mac Jones could have definitely been a drought era Bills QB and would probably play one in the movie about it. That recipe is great for never bottoming out, success against the dregs of the league, some competitive games,, false hope, and always coming up short in big spots and against good teams. It may be good enough to snag a wild card spot once in awhile, but that is the ceiling. It is never bad enough to bottom out, fix the cap, or have a high selection. Constantly trying to find patches when 3 more leaks are sprung.
  23. Very proud of this team getting through these 3 games with wins.
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