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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Im glad I dont have to see the ultra closeup of his stupid dopey face every game in the pressbox anymore
  2. Its about time. I was worried that McDermott was going to save this bullet to sacrifice to the angry gods at the end of the season. Let's go now!!!
  3. Yeah, I get that. The Broncos are much better and '70 points!' is purposely misleading. But the Bills get a Broncos team at home on primetime... and look like.... that. 4 turnovers. They deserved to lose the game. It would have been a 'stolen win', same as against the Giants. This team is what they appear to be. It isnt very good and probably slots in in the 3rd quartile of the league.
  4. I think there are 2 wins on the schedule. Maybe 3. I think 1-6 is much more likely than 5-2 They beat the Patriots and steal one vs one of the hard teams. The Jets game they have a decent chance to win too (like >40%) Thats it.
  5. Miami beat that team by 50. If we are complaining that the Bills lost because the way someone's butt landed, then maybe the Bills failed.
  6. I always wondered (and kind of dreaded) what the back end of 'the process' and 'family, faith, and football" would look like. In this league, to stay good, these franchises need to be ruthless and make hard decisions at certain points. The right players need to be identified and kept, but others need to be allowed to walk to pursue bigger contracts or get traded. Free draft picks for replacements. Everyone there from coaches on down are way too comfortable, and that probably includes the quarterback who has lost his way and my eyeballs say he seems to have lost fire and motivation. Everyone is fat and happy, getting older and brittle. The coach seems to be getting more and more rigid and stubborn, circling his wagons if you will. Our ownership will not make any meaningful changes. McDermott and Beane are teflon. I will say there might be only 1 win remaining on the schedule, and frustration and drama could bubble to the surface, and maybe that would force a coaching change. To be honest, as a Sabres fan, I do not really trust Pegula to make any decent hires.
  7. Head coach is ceo out there. Meltdowns chronically happen here in close games. And that 2nd all out blitz on 3rd and long out of field goal range is indefensible
  8. Can't wait to hear Sal explain this one away And for Tasker to tell us again that the bills are going to "win a ton more games this season"
  9. Add this into his inprobable list of blown close games. It's comical at this point. He should show some honor and resign
  10. That should be davis' last play as a bill. He doesn't want to compete. Get someone in there who does
  11. Can davis be in the doghouse? If I never see him take another snap it's too soon
  12. The start of the Superbowl was/is a pretty serious delineation (I mean the Browns and Lions traded championships for years prior to the Superbowl). The NFL Champions prior to that are recognized. Usually you talk in terms of a teams' Superbowl Championships. If the just say Championships and omit pre-merger days, then they are wrong and should be bopped. Jim Brown, Otto Graham, Bobby Layne, Frank Gifford, etc are all relevant and they all count. AFL Championships should not be viewed on the same plane as NFL Championships.
  13. Harbaugh is interesting. Maybe he can come in with enough vigor to will the Bills to a championship in the first few years. He has a fairly quick shelf life it seems. It is a non-fit though. He is pretty much the opposite of who Terry Pegula wants working underneath him. I would kill for John Harbaugh to come in though. He is highly rated, but I think he is the most under-appreciated NFL coach.
  14. That's why I think/said earlier in the thread, that the only way this happens, is if the lockerroom gets ugly and it percolates to public view. Local media doesn't matter. It would be a huge story in the national NFL media. Pegula has always been reluctant to make coaching/GM changes, but when his team(s) are getting crushed by the media, it gets embarrassing, and he is left with little choice, he pulls the plug.
  15. I have said it before, but IMO the Bills should really consider a 'down year' to reset the cap. Probably rely on a lot of low-priced replacement level plugs. Even with that and Josh Allen (and a schedule that looks not that daunting as of now), they could probably challenge for the playoffs. Then in 2025 on, have money to spend in the right places and pay the right people. Right now we constantly have gobs of money on IR, and lots of old and slow (and aging) guys eating cap.
  16. There is no way they fire Belichick mid season (and coming back from London nonetheless). If they do that, Kraft is a scumbag and deserves nothing but losing for the rest of his life.
  17. yeah. Licata sounds awesome. Experience includes leading Timon to their all time worst records, and playing for UB. Nice.
  18. End of the year presser with beans and McDermott drinking game words/phrases: "Don't want to make excuses but..." "Injuries" "Evaluate" "Disappointed" "Process" "Learn from our mistakes" "Blue collar"
  19. Its tough. With me, we had another dog and her companionship filled the void a bit and was a lifesaver. It also helped to think about the good times and funny stuff.
  20. Yes, but that was contained and snuffed out for the most part. It would take a less vague social media post or comment, and public comment(s) from players and coaches to touch off a mess that can't be stifled. The rumblings of daboll, some comments from beasley, and wawrow's vagueposting, along with diggs' issues shows there are fissures below the surface. Drop one or both of Denver and Beasley, and things could certainly get out of hand
  21. I think things would need to get really ugly in the lockerroom (and on the field) in order for Pegula to consider moving on from McDermott. The best thing to hope for, if hoping for change, is a good-faith effort to hire good coordinators on both sides of the ball (and obviously includes replacing Dorsey). As far as a house cleaning like many want/suggest, and I am open to it. Sure.... But I have less than zero faith in Terry Pegula in hiring a new head coach or GM or anything.
  22. I always think that the Bills should have splurged and traded for AJ Brown as opposed to the Von Miller splash signing. We had #23 and not #18 (which was Elam, no big loss)... but would have needed to sweeten it a bit more to make up for the lower pick
  23. Is that really for the Bills? I wanted to check but its behind a paywall. The AFC record made me wonder how that would look I guess that Chargers game could be really big for a tiebreaker. Especially with a loss against the Bengals already, who may also be a wildcard team.
  24. Assuming the Bills win those games and get to those 10 wins (taking 2 of Cowboys, Chargers, Chiefs, Eagles, Broncos) We need Miami to lose 3 against (Raiders, Jets, Commanders, Titans, Jets, Cowboys, Ravens) Maybe? I can see the Jets bonking them once. Maybe the Ravens and Cowboys?
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