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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. I believe this a lot more than Florio shooting from the hip. I think this team would have to endure a colossal melt-down in the locker room and on the field the final 5 games in order for any coaching change to be considered
  2. So what I get out of it is.... if he gets suspended by the NFL, the Bills dont have to pay him for 2024 and can release him and be off the hook? Sounds too 'good' to be true
  3. That sounds like it would save money for this year (next?) but isnt clear about the rest
  4. They need to have a terrific draft
  5. This was probably the worst contract in the nfl. Much worse now.
  6. It was really bad. The opportunity cost in getting a player(s) to really put this team over the hump (like a 1B receiver) has been crippling You wonder though if they had that money, whether or not Edmunds would currently be our ILB
  7. Hopefully there is some kind of conduct relief in his contract if it turns out he committed this act. Miller seems like a well put together guy. Id be surprised if he stooped to something like this, but passion and broads will get ya. This Miller signing has been a huge albatross for this team and has been a huge factor in holding them back from the next step.
  8. The LaFontaine move was actually his one really good decision with the Sabres. LaFontaine had Craig Patrick behind the scenes advising him, and ownership was to be completely cut off from hockey. What I hear is that Kim Pegula was constantly crossing beams with LaFontaine's duties and it resulted in a blow up after only a few months. With all his difficulty with the Sabres, I thought for sure Pegula would have someone on staff during the Bills purchase process who would be planning and coordinating. Once the purchase was complete, the Bills would be restructured to finally join the 21st century. Instead he was 'impressed' Russ Brandon knew his way around the building and he gave him even more authority. What a rube.
  9. It happened a bit last year too. Jets and Minnesota come to mind. Detroit's offense was an unstoppable force at the end too. If allen didn't hit that miracle pass to diggs, the lions were winning
  10. If I am Pegula, I might do some of the things in the OP. I would already be conducting an extensive search for an innovative offensive-minded up-and-coming coach, enlisting the help of industry experts. I would be monitoring the current team and McDermott though. They way they are playing lately is a definite plus for McDermott staying. I would also probably have very confidential talks with Beane and Allen about coaching and the path forward. However, Pegula has never done anything the way I would have done it. After his horrific struggles with Sabres ownership, I had figured he would have a team of people advising him through the Bills purchase and there would be a major overhaul. Instead Russ Brandon "impressed" him and he was elevated to continue running the franchise. He has resisted getting experienced help on the hockey side since day 1. My guess is that McDermott is very safe, as long as the team doesn't quit over the next 5 games, the franchise gets embarrassed, and Pegula's hand is forced. To be honest, with Pegula's overall track record, I don't trust him to do any better than McDermott.
  11. I think this is a great class if you are a team with a lower/middle pick. It is a deep class, but I don't see any blue chip top, cant miss QBs now that the luster has fallen off of Williams. . Actually reminds me a bit of the Darnold/Mayfield/Allen/Jackson/Rudolph/Rosen class. I think it will come down to who gets selected into good situations, and they get insulated with good coaching and an offense that puts him in a position to succeed.
  12. 13 Seconds Minnesota game Houston playoff The Rodgers game
  13. Yeah, I think it's better for the kicker to call a time out in that situation. They did him a favor
  14. But with maybe double or triple the resources they can compete a bit more? Not really clear on the economics and landscape of ncaa basketball. Football seems like a hapless landscape for Mac teams now. The Mac has essentially been turned into 1-aa now for football. If they can churn out a basketball team who is consistently around the top 30, and maybe making a good run every now and then, and have no football, I'd take that. Could probably build a local, non-student fan base too as we don't have a pro team
  15. I just read the article. Makes me like and want to root for Hines. Sounds like a real hard worker and a guy who can be an asset as long as that knee allows it. Its strange to me though that he experienced so much pain after an ACL reconstruction. Its usually not so bad unless there was a bunch of other trauma and work done not mentioned in the article. I had my ACL reconstructed, and while it sucked and it was uncomfortable, I never experienced anything close to the intense pain that he describes (and I am a wimp). I actually purposely tossed my painkillers after a few days because they were so enjoyable and I felt like I wanted them more than I needed them
  16. we are in agreement that RB was chronic shortcoming of the Marino teams through to when they went all in on Ricky Williams. Did I imagine it or did they have a guy named Karim Abdul Jabbar?
  17. Its a shame. I dont want to see anyone lose their pro sports team. These leagues are negligent for breaking hearts of people who have invested time, money, and emotion. I'm sure some pretty big A's fans are kids too and it would be tough to process. Baseball will be right up there with horse racing and boxing in 50 years anyway.
  18. He is one of my all time favorites. He played when I was about 10-20 years old so right in my wheelhouse of hero worship. I was always bitter that Emmitt Smith compiled his way to the rushing record that was clearly Barry's to claim. I get the argument that he may not be the best all around rb. He is certainly the most elusive RB. I wonder what he could have done for a team like Houston at the time... or maybe even chronically RB starved teams like Miami and Denver. Teams' defensive game plans were literally just to stop Sanders from getting 150 yards
  19. This is a low point not seen since before turner gill. I know there were some bad times under that scam artist Quinn, and maybe liepolds first season... but it feels like the bulls are back in the dark ages. Maybe the landscape of ncaa football has something to do with it. There was a column years back by Bucky Gleason. I know it was met with a lot of hate, but I thought it was thought provoking. He said ub should close up the football program and triple down on basketball. It makes more sense today. I think wny could also get behind a nationally relevant college basketball program vs Mac football team playing at an abhorrent facility.
  20. Maybe it's because both teams wore dark jerseys
  21. Nice response. Very slick
  22. I saw he was home. Imo it is a broken collarbone and they needed to keep him stabilized
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