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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. We had an electrician install a secondary panel and there is an outlet for it outside the house. The generator plugs right into it. Switch main breakers off, generator panel on, and most of my downstairs, hvac, and sump have power
  2. 2 Wall of famers
  3. I have nothing else to add. Perfect
  4. I wonder if he realized he was in over his head and would never progress past UB as a head coach
  5. *current injuries taken into account Ravens 49ers Lions Chiefs Bills Texans Bucs Packers
  6. Tua needs all conditions perfect. 1st read gets taken away he can't improvise. He is also extremely visibly frightened of contact.
  7. We definitely had some empty seats by us. We were still really packed in though. I wonder if some people found better places to habitate as we had a pretty major snow issue in our area. Also, my friend went to the bathroom with 7 minutes left in the second quarter. He said there was still a line at security to get in. I think a lot of people had parking issues and got in late. As far as STeelers fans, there was an OK amount. Probably not as much as there would normally be (weather, Monday at 4:30, heavy underdog). There was one fat troll in our area who was going nuts and 'talking trash' to the Bills players after every positive Steelers' play. Like he was on the field playing or something. It was super obnoxious, and I have a high tolerance and welcoming attitude toward visiting fans. If that game went south, I really think someone would have gone on the offensive.
  8. Im seeing this 'fake slide' thing coming from spiteful Miami and Kansas City, but it didnt even cross my mind. Watching the replay it doesnt look like the beginning of a slide at all. It looks like a sudden change in direction on a somewhat slippery field to hit a hole.
  9. Wow. We had shovels to use. We didnt use them. We did a lot of stomping and marsh lynching through.. My buddy ended up falling, then rolling in the snow to 3 rows below and it was funny. Leaving, I slipped on the steps and somehow caught myself . That would have been a rough one.
  10. It was crazy. We made sure we got in early to clear out and we were waist high of snow in our seats. Had to create tunnels to clear out our area. Looking around we thought no way they could fit in all the people. There was a void underneath the bleacher seats. We were able to pack a lot of snow below the row/bench in front of us. It was also a pretty fluffy snow (which is why we didnt see 1,000,000 snow balls) so the snow packed down once everyone walked and stomped on it. There were shovels everywhere too for people to dig if they needed. I was pretty much standing on/in snow the entire game.
  11. Shameful performance by Dallas
  12. Dak Prescott. Another phony exposed
  13. Tyreek hill is the entire team
  14. Miami is already looking for the bus
  15. Joe Flacco looks like Joe Flacco again
  16. Espn does live content very well
  17. I would 100% still go Monday. Actually, probably do more of the tailgate scene
  18. Moving it to Monday seems like a pretty good solution.
  19. I was once an 'its all Belichick and the Patriots' 'system' they have. These days, I think it is almost equal Belichick/Brady. Neither would have amounted to anywhere near their historical status without the other (and I am convinced nobody would remember Tom Brady). It was a perfect storm of a coach/staff who was ahead of the curve and would find every single margin to take advantage of for winning. You had a QB who wasnt all that gifted, but was willing to give his entire being to being the greatest and winning.
  20. Interesting pick. Kraft really going all in on Mayo. By all accounts he is a brilliant man, but being CEO of an NFL football program is a unique and difficult gig.
  21. You wonder what the future is, but I don't think it's great for WGR55 as we know it (and probably WBEN as well). It has amazed me for a number of years that they would retain such high salaries (Im sure) of Schopp and the Bulldog and people like that, when you can get closer to entry-level people and pay them a fraction of the amount to talk sports. Honestly, the younger guys on the station have always been fine in my opinion, and always hungrier and put more effort into consuming and researching sports.
  22. Its pretty nice looking. Open-concourses are pretty standard now. My only complaint is that one really big lounge area with the copious number of couches not even facing the field. Go in and watch the game, people. I wish we had such a walkthrough.
  23. Its kind of sad that these careers are ending. Pages are turning. Anyways, things for Alabama are getting and going to get a lot more difficult. Already mentioned NIL and transfer portal. The super-conferences and a lot more competition, even the expanded playoff will make it tough. I think we are going to have much more parity in the top 10-20 teams year to year like never before.
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