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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. I agree. Holy crap. That berrios fight was a classic... But that women's fight was absurd. They weren't even defending anymore. Just punching each other and bleeding everywhere like a video game
  2. Similar to the Doge thing, I like a good number of stances RFK has when it comes to health. However, like doge, he goes a bit too far off the reservation. Can't get behind the vaccine denial
  3. Dang. Was kind of hoping we would get some in Buffalo again.
  4. Ball state had a 98% win probability with 7 minutes left
  5. Great game, great win. I think
  6. Defense is poo
  7. I'm no Trump fan, but I agree. Post that publicly and you should get a knock at your door. Words like that are not what anybody needs. Actions, even less so. People claim that Trump sets us back XX amount of years, how many years do assassinating our elected leaders set us back?
  8. Its strange that this is the team that has achieved 8-2 and not any of the previous 4-5 seasons. Those teams felt stronger. They are still 2nd in point differential, which is terrific as well. The name of the game is hanging onto the Division, and going into the playoffs as healthy as possible. Would be great to have the #2 or #3 seed locked-up before week 18 so we can have a mini bye-week. I feel like the #1 seed is still attainable as well, but would be a grind. Who knows? If they beat KC, everything is on the table.
  9. 2022 Outback. Its great (had a '12 before that). Nice room, comfortable ride/drive, affordable, decent on gas, good infotainment setup.
  10. McDaniel does not look well.
  11. The pats may have the best shot. Drake maye looks pretty decent and they are looking like a great draft position as of now, and I'd assume cap bux coming available. I just don't know if mayo is the guy to lead a team and develop a qb. Imo the jets and dolphins are both in really bad shape for the foreseeable future. They both have systemic issues with bad clown car owners. The bills are fine. Eating some cap penalty now, lots of draft picks, Josh Allen, and a stable and good coach who has a high floor each season. If anything, the pats and dolphins could be a nuisance next season, and the pats maybe a full contender the season after (but the jury is out on the qb and coach)
  12. I don't post in here much. Not my choice, but a decisive majority win. Who am I to say it's wrong? Congrats to all those who have been waiting for this. Hopefully this term is better than the first term. Favorable congress for him and he doesn't need to run a re-election campaign (and hopefully no pandemic). I should be expecting lower gas and grocery prices, relative peace, lower taxes, and my 401k to continue to go up.
  13. no. i really thought 2022 was it and that team was poised to be an all time great squad. The came out and popped the Rams, then crushed the Titans. Lost the flukey sun-stroke game at Miami, and then beat Baltimore, KC, the Steelers, and GB and were 6-1. They ran into some crazy luck with injuries, weather, and the damar thing. That Jets game where Allen was allegedly hurt, and that really flukey Vikings loss also were tough. They were 13-3 and lost the 3 games by a combined 8 points. They really *should have won 2 of them, and were a Gabe Davis catch/drop from winning the other one vs the Jets.
  14. That was a weird looking one. Not sure. My guess is maybe a weird hyperextension situation on the plant and he's got a meniscus issue
  15. Good. I've seen enough of that outfit. Not even interesting anymore
  16. Kudos to the dolphins. They came to play, had a great gameplay and the bills needed to scratch and claw for that one
  17. Gotta be the longest fg in stadium history, right.?
  18. The nhl is a random league and you get random results every night The nhl season is a marathon in consistency. The sabres don't have that, and haven't had it in a few decades. The are 4-8, ties for the worst in the conference and a point out from the worst in the nhl. There seems to be no drive to win. Goes from the owner on down to the players. Pegula thinks winning is inevitable if he just sticks with his twisted philosophies and principles of running an nhl team. The standard is not winning every day. The standard is a stall tactic until this "winning" eventually comes. They haven't conducted a coaching search in several years. Mainly because pegula and adams are clowns, want to be comfortable, and real candidates wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole. Our next head coach is being groomed behind the bench, with limited credentials, and coaching "up" the nhl's worst special teams.
  19. Id say health is a major factor, and while home field is nice, that bye is just as good. The AFC East being wrapped up early (if that is what happens) could possibly give Buffalo a bye in week 18. Along with other injury luck, that could go a long way. They have won in Arrowhead before (and for all intents and purposes did so in the 13 seconds game).
  20. It stinks to see the jets get a little happiness... But the headline is, the result is good for the bills, and Houston has major problems.
  21. Welp. Disaster game continues. Nobody is safe
  22. It's really time to consider putting tyrod in. They need some sort of spark. It's clear this isn't going anywhere
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