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May Day 10

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  1. I wish that they scripted the show more. Its just Brown and Tasker, sometimes Glab just flying by the seat of their pants, taking callers, bad radio. The Sabres show does this as well, but its a little better because they need to avoid talking about the Sabres as much as possible. Murphy, in the early days of One Bills Live (late afternoon/evening) had a great production. It was all blocked off like a real show. Had a lot of interviews that were really good, things like that. WGR in general is just a lot of the same shows over and over and over again and I cant listen to it any more. The younger guys are OK because they are still honing their craft, they are hungry, and they try, but overall it is just a bunch of people going through the motions.
  2. I remember him, vaguely. Had long hair and seemed a bit lanky for that position. Looked it up and cant believe it was 1996. Would have pegged him as early drought years
  3. His George foreman grill was a phenomenon like I have never seen.
  4. Im sure they studied the possible events vs the cost and schedule of an indoor venue (both in place and downtown, and likely Amherst as well). It wasnt worth it I dont think Buffalo the market is a big draw for large events that require a football stadium. The downtown arena is adequate for 99% of possible events. The indoor stadium space has become quite crowded and competitive. Especially with Cleveland and Nashville joining the fray.
  5. The Sabres are such garbage
  6. Is Cleveland known as the city of triangles or something? Did the designing firm of the stadium have some sort of bonus structure based on the number of triangles crobarred into the design? In my opinion, the stadium is super ugly. That triagular wall that just has that corporate logo on it is gross. Reminds me of the giant pointless blue wall around the Sabres' arena.
  7. The Bruins are an absolute tire fire right now.
  8. Shenault or shinola?
  9. Cant have this guy starting again. Physically unable to play in the NFL
  10. Lots of norris' points come on the pp. I wish they sabres had someone coaching our special teams. Appert really should be coaching Buff State or SUNY Oswego. I don't expect the pp to be any more productive. The sabres are treating the symptoms and not the problem.
  11. Seems like a bad trade. My friends from Ottawa seem to think that Norris is a hit away from retirement. Cant keep his shoulder healthy
  12. They are actually worse than the year before adams took over 5 years to go backwards
  13. Watched elimination chamber... or much of it. I thought it was very decent. Girls match was excellent, men's was pretty blah until the end... which was awesome. KO vs zayn was good too and the return of randy orton.
  14. The craziest thing were the old smoking areas that would be set aside in the '00s. At halftime it would be absolutely packed and you would see so much/the most drought-era hijinks
  15. Bass rebounded quite well and made some big kicks. Kicking all over the league seemed uneven last year.
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