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May Day 10

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  1. This is what the Jets should have done... My first thought is, this may make that Division a click tougher for the Chiefs for a few years.
  2. I have never been so confident in a Bills team. They look like a championship team.
  3. My first thought is it is another saleh. I think they needed more out of this hire. Need experience and a culture/standards shift. Similar to the Broncos and Payton. Carroll might have been a good option. Teach them how to be conpetitive.
  4. That girl was never pushed down steps. It's funny because all the things important to me rated high. Tailgate, people, and stadium view and atmosphere. I don't believe I have bought anything in the stadium besides water for 2 seasons. Oh, my kid gets French fries when he goes. I also know the bathroom that never has a line. Sound system isnt great but more than adequate for me. Something ultra loud that pounds people back into their seats like sabres games is awful, I'll take this
  5. It is the natural progression of fans in a successful market. Hottest ticket in town when you have a deprived fan base. After 7 straight AFC Championship Games, it loses its luster. I remember thinking 10 years ago that wild horses would have to keep me away from a Bills home playoff game. This year, I was looking for excuses to get out of the Broncos game (I ended up going). A home AFC Championship would be insane... but if the Bills appeared in the next 6.... Im not sure I would be in such a hurry to spend hundreds of dollars on a ticket (honestly probably still would). I remember the Atlanta Braves' fans were on like gangbusters when the franchise pulled out of their funk around 1990. Later, they werent selling out playoff games. The Detroit Red Wings were mocked too as "hockeytown", but had trouble selling out the longer their dynasty rolled on.
  6. This to me is the most amazing thing at that station. Bulldog (and his loud breathing you hear in the mic), brings nothing to the table. It doesn't seem like he preps at all, wings it every show. When he is alone, you can tell its the worst thing in the world, and guys like Hamilton, Sal, etc do him a solid and sit in for hour(s). Schopp at least has the radio talent to carry a show alone. But Bulldog, and Schopp to a degree, have been doing the same show for decade(s). They don't try to find new ideas or angles, or seem to want to watch sports or do homework. One thing I like about the younger guys, is they are hungry and try. They introduce different perspectives and even talk about other stuff like wrestling, baseball, or soccer sometimes (which is refreshing with such Bills/Sabres heavy content that is beat to death). You would think Bulldog and Schopp are the most expensive 'talent' the station has, and they could be replaced pretty easily by younger, better, hungrier people. The radio station company is always struggling, you would think that is an easy move (and I kind of like Schopp). Tasker is another one who just seems to roll up and do a show with no prep.
  7. The second Lamar has a remotely decent argument for mvp it becomes unanimous. Allen had it wrapped up before 3 meaningless games, 1 of which he didn't even play in. He/the bills earned the r&r. Lamar grabbed a bunch of compiler stats. Also, give josh Allen Derrick henry If the game was in reverse, Allen would be getting killed right now for his turnovers. I don't hate Lamar the guy. He has always had his own way. Received criticism early with his low wonderlic, no agent, betting on himself. He is a generational talent too. 3 MVPs is absurd at this point though.
  8. Harbough IMO is a very underrated coach. He has taken that organization through various forms and they are always competitive. A few years ago when they was talk about firing him, I thought they were crazy to even entertain the idea.
  9. I'm more optimistic. No Tyreek Hill. Those teams were scary. Bills are healthy and IMO a better team.
  10. I find it interesting that so many media members are boosting up Lamar's performance, and basically making it look like he did no wrong and the team let him down. If this were Allen, they would be taking a torch to him, talking about how he can't get it done, etc. Wild double-standard with Jackson. 3rd MVP coming too. I can't fathom that guy (while he is very good) having won 3 MVPs and never even making a Conference Championship game. Shouldnt have gotten MVP last season, should not get it this season (Derrick Henry is arguably as valuable, and a lot of his stats are compiler stats with Allen missing like 3 games worth of action because of blowouts).
  11. She is the worst. I don't listen to WGR much but I always seem to catch her calls... or maybe she just calls all the time? It makes me physically uncomfortable to listen to. I feel embarrassed and almost ill hearing it. I have to turn it off. She is probably a nice lady and a great Bills fan and glad to have her... but stop calling or get a new schtick. I also get annoyed when callers think they are calling the Jim Rome show and have these pre-rehearsed "tough guy" monologs. I loathe them in the Jim Rome show, they sound even worse on a conventional talk show. I heard that on my way to work, and actually thought that guy had a good call for my mood this morning. I dug it.
  12. He made some plays. Also seemed to get lost on the Bateman pass. He just does not look good enough physically to play safety to my liking. It seems to burn them at times... but I do think he is very smart and dedicated which is value that always doesn't come across to the viewer.
  13. Good organization. During the drought, I remember seeing them as the prime blueprint of what I would like the Bills to become. The best 2 teams in the league played tonight
  14. I don't think I have seen a shotless period in thousands of games watched.
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