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Everything posted by opfball91

  1. Yup, Bell is definitely not our problem, he could be upgraded yes, but is definitely not our biggest issue. And our interior is very promising; I'm really excited to see Wood at center in some game time.
  2. I've heard that argument, but you could say that about anyone. I agree some of them went right to em, but some were nice plays and the bottom line was he made 9 interceptions. I don't know what happened last year, I'm hoping just a sophomore slump cause it'd be really nice to have a threat out there when teams throw the deep ball.
  3. I agree, I mean I understand to a point that this is a business and whatnot but I guarantee the deal the owners voted on still gives the players millions of dollars.
  4. I personally think Spiller will step his game up this year. Every time I watched him or heard him speak it just felt like he was a rookie, I don't know really how to describe it, you could just feel he wasn't playing with great confidence. If he doesn't pan out this year, then fine hit him with the bust tag, even though its taken McFadden this long to come into his own, I really think he's gonna step it up, but hey, forever optimists us Bills fans are.
  5. Ya and the Phins won our division a couple years ago too.
  6. Based on what? I'm just curious, but he's been in the league long enough now where we should be expecting some big plays from him and he's just not that guy. We look past Stevie's drops cause he made up for it with a breakout 1,000 yard season, Fitz's picks cause it was his first year in this offense, first in a true starting role, and because he threw for over 3,000 yards and kept us in some games against teams we had no business being in competition with. What has Poz done? To me he's just proved he's a middle of the road ILB who can't cover a tight end and makes tackles 10 yards down field. Pro bowl, not in his future...
  7. Man I love this kid, I just hate seeing players with such great character and work ethic not performing, a la CJ Spiller, really hoping like everyone is Dareus pans out and we have a future pro bowler on our hands.
  8. Anyone find any downside to Peterson? Reading over everything about all these guys this is the pick that seems to make the most sense. CB may not be our number 1 need, but its definitely a need and this guy is as close as it gets to a sure thing in my book.
  9. Yeah none of this is of concern to me at all. I'm sure once the flags start flying when (insert 1st round pick here) clocks Brady I'll be pretty upset.
  10. Yeah I don't see this being a negative at all, take Miller or Dareus.
  11. Ponder has impressed me as far as a late round prospect goes. I think there's too much talent at the qb position in this years draft, taking him at 38 would be foolish (assuming we got that pick). I'm still not sold on Gabbert, I just don't feel he could vastly outperform Fitz, athletic as he is. The only qb move I could see being made this year is for Newton, and although I'm not sold on him I have (hopefully rightly) put my confidence in the current administration, and if they're believers then I will be as well.
  12. Fitz is a 7th year vet... This team believes in Fitz, and I think more and more fans are every week. I don't know if he is the future, but right now he's playing a hell of a lot better than anything we've seen since Bledsoe.
  13. The total yardage and points against were my main points, we weren't atrocious by any sense of the word, that's not saying we were any good, but our struggles on offense far outweighed the defensive side of the ball.
  14. 2nd best pass defense, 30th against the run. Overall 19th in total yardage, 16th in points...that's not the worst.
  15. Our defense was not the problem last year, that's for damn sure. You're talking yourself in circles now.
  16. If Fitz can perform close to how he did Sunday for the rest of the year, I have no problem having him stick around and mentor the new guy for a year or two a la Carson Palmer.
  17. George is a far better player as it stands right now, let's not forget that Byrd is only a second year player returning from an injury. Tack on the fact that he's working with an entirely new coaching administration and defensive scheme. Give him time gugny is right, regardless of the quality of the interceptions he still got NINE interceptions so he had to be doing something right. Also, Scott is not a backup. That guy hits harder than LBs twice his size and he can cover, name me one time you've seen Scott blow a coverage to the degree of Whitner.
  18. At least we got some playing time out of Whitner, Maybin's so terrible they won't even let him see the field. McCargo never had a chance to start in the NFL. McKelvin's finally starting to show some playmaking ability which is very nice to see, hopefully he'll be put out there over Drayton soon. Pos is a joke of a Penn State linebacker, sure he makes tackle...fifteen yards down the field, and don't get me started on coverage or his seemingly impossible proneness to injury. Lets face it guys, our drafting since we got Bruce, Kelly and the rest, has been absolutely awful. Can anyone name me one player that has stuck around this team besides Lee Evans, our only decent first round pick in twenty years? We've drafted guys who go on to have success in the NFL, just not in Buffalo. CJ Spiller will make some plays, Troup could go either way, I'm just rambling now, so I'm going to stop.
  19. Oh really? Did you watch Wood play this year? He was the best lineman on the field, a freak. Even Levitre, both show tons of potential as does Nelson. I'd say this is a much better draft than we've had in years.
  20. We have talent in this coaching staff although it may be slim. I agree that the Front Office should be gone, I'm not against Van Pelt just because of what he's working with at quarterback and the offensive line. The Head Coach's attitude trickles all the way down, goes through the coaches and the players. I'm hoping Perry brings in more of a winning attitude and less of a not losing attitude. For now, I'll remain optimistic, this type of news comes across very sparingly in the Bills organization, let us be happy for a day or two. We'll all go back to being miserable on Monday when we find out nothing has changed.
  21. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true Perry Fewell.
  22. Hopefully we can see Jon Gruden tearing through the organzation Ari Gold style.
  23. I rarely post on these forums, much more of a watcher, but I feel the exact same way you do. It's as if Jauron's lack of emotion is rubbing off not only on the players but on the fans as well, the fact that our owner doesn't appear to be making an effort to change this says a lot about our organization as whole. I fell asleep at the start of the third, woke up laughing at the fact it was 31-3. Only unlike you I did cheer this game, Ronnie Brown picked up some serious fantasy points for me today
  24. More McCargos? We drafted arguably the top center in the draft and arguably the top OG in the draft and one of the best DE's so I'm not calling this draft a bunch of McCargo's.
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