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Everything posted by opfball91

  1. I love it, been confident the entire offseason though I'll admit it was tested during a couple of those preseason games. Let's just hope that maybe just once in my memorable lifetime (I'm nineteen) that the Bills can actually have a winning season, and god willing a playoff game. Go Bills!
  2. My facebook status from this day the 13th of last year showed up and read this... "Easily one of the worst football games I've ever watched. We are absolutely horrible" Night and day, Bills Dolphins, Bills Chiefs, lets hope we're in for a good ride. GO BILLS!!
  3. Yup, Dope and the Dumbass gave the Bills like pretty much zero credit but still could not bash them as much as they would have liked I'm sure, and its true, only thing that WILL shut them up is WHEN the Bills continue to win.
  4. I'm not currently satisfied with how he's progressing however I'm not throwing the towel in on him yet. Freddy Jackson is thirty and the guy improves year by year.
  5. Vincent's Heating and Cooling can !@#$ OFF. Then why take it so seriously? He's not insulting your intelligence if that's how he actually feels, which he probably does.
  6. I'm confused, do you want them to go into the first Pats game thinking "We're !@#$ed?"
  7. Anyone who thinks we're winning 4-6 games next year didn't watch the end of last season. Teams tend to improve year by year, especially when they're going into the second year of a new head coach, Williams, Mularkey, Jauron, they all improved in their second year no reason to think Chan won't.
  8. I think if he has a good season he'll want to stay in Buffalo. He's the leader of that offense, guys look up to him, fans love him and he seems to enjoy it here as well, I see no reason for him not to resign.
  9. Plus we actually watched film on Jacksonville, made a noticeable difference all over the field.
  10. He's on the Jets now, so normally while I would hate him just cause he's a bum now he's a Jet.
  11. At the least get us some depth at o line even if we can't get a starter, Mansfield Wrotto can't play in the NFL. Say what you want about Merriman juicin up, but Maybin could've taken all the steroids in the world and he wouldn't have come close to Merriman's talent, there's gotta be more there. Very excited to see him, healthy hopefully, throughout the regular season.
  12. I see your Maybin sack and raise you this [YOUTUBE]qvb9kUeXrQ8&NR=1[/YOUTUBE]
  13. Oh look he ran straight upfield and managed to beat an awful excuse for an NFL tackle, HOF right there.
  14. You just sound like a really angry person to be honest. And I also love when people think they know more than the coaches do about the players, brings a smile to my face. Go Bills!
  15. Honestly, I just would not be able to be a Bills fan if I just thought we were going to lose all the time and just suck eternally. What's the point? Where's the fun?
  16. Hello all, I've lurked here for a while, posted occasionally and had some decent activity in the shout box. I've noticed one overwhelming trend on this forum, one of extreme pessimism, glass is half empty type of outlook. Now, while I won't sit here and try to defend some horribly pointless reasoning that there shouldn't be a lot of pessimists here, I will say that I feel its time we start to turn it around. I understand, as all of you do, the Bills have been bad for a very long time, waaaaaaay too long. However I feel there needs to come a point where overwhelming pessimism begins to turn into optimism. This isn't going to be a one day thing because like I've said, we've been bad for a very long time. I personally feel, as I know others do, that this administration and front office is going to take this team places. They seem to have a view of what they want this team to look like and they are slowly and methodically moving towards that. We knew, at least I knew, when Gailey and Nix came into the Bills that this process was going to take a few years till we started to finally see some solid results. At the end of last year you could begin to see what this team could look like a few years down the road and its very exciting. I have a positive outlook for this season (as I always do) and think this is the time we're gonna see some turn around because I just truly don't believe we will be bad forever, I can't. So here's to this season, may we see substantial progress in the year to come, and have some faith in the guys!! GO BILLS!!!
  17. :applause: Let them coach, I think they know more about football than anyone on this forum. Plus Fitz looked good passing and if Spiller wasn't playing on Slipdier Field he woulda made some nice plays I think. There's no reason to complain about much last night, cept for the right side of the o-line but we all sadly expected that...
  18. Wow, unless we got really good value I think this is a horrible lapse in judgement by the front office, and I'm usually the one supporting them.
  19. Sometimes if the Bills have a good drive or are close to winning a tight game, my entire family will stand or sit exactly where they were when we scored.
  20. A huge part of o-line play is a consistent lineup, guys getting used to who they're playing next to, how they react to what, etc. So its not so much the need to buy a ton of talent, sometimes it just takes time. Not to say the Bills couldn't use an upgrade on the right side, just saying that another year together will only improve this o-line. Oh and anyone who thinks Bell is trash either a) Didn't watch him play or b) doesn't understand football cause he showed great pass protecting ability even against some of the leagues top rushers and defenses, with the line allowing one sack against the Ravens and two against the Steelers. With Wood at center making the calls I think you'll see a greatly improved Bills offensive line from a year ago.
  21. 1.) Fitz threw for 3,000 yards last year and 23 TDs in only 13 games, make it sixteen and maybe he gets 3,600 and 27TDs, those are solid numbers from your QB. 2.) This is an area we struggle in, I'll agree, however I feel the upgrades made at the D-line positions will take some of the heat off the linebackers, especially in the run game. Plus we haven't even seen Merriman on the field yet, for all we know he could be back to form from 3 years ago. 3.) Bell is solid in pass protection, which is huge for LT, plus he's only been improving year after year and if that trend continues this year I think we'll be set. RT we need an upgrade, totally agree. 4.) Byrd may have hit a bit of a sophomore slump when it comes to INT production but I feel he showed much more capability in the run game, plus its not like he was getting burned in coverage. George Wilson is a good leader and a person who has shown the ability to maybe make some plays, we'll see if he shows up or not, also we can consider Aaron Williams at this position who's having a very strong camp as well as Bryant Scott. 5.) Average yes, but better than last year. I don't need to point out the specifics on why Barnett is a huge upgrade over Poz I don't think, plus our young guys are another year older and another year into the scheme. 6.) As I said, Williams is having a strong camp, and to be honest McKelvin hasn't been looking to bad at all. I think this is the only position we have any real depth besides WR. Glass is half full for me, I knew this was gonna be a long process from the day Chan and Buddy came on board, they even said it would be so to expect anything really in the first year was ridiculous. We improved as the season went on and seemed to be a very level headed football team who believesin our coach and his philosophies. GO BILLS!
  22. Some optimism I like to see that! Good post, make all the naysayers shut up.
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