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Everything posted by SKOOBY

  1. Wow, F-in aweful game so far.
  2. I idiot with a conscience is even dumber.
  3. Outside of the AFC East / great lakes region, this game holds about as much value as bird crap on a wire.
  4. Our tricks have been figured out, so it's time for some new tricks.
  5. They're at the game, wouldn't you be if you were there?
  6. True but I am just using their radar here, which shows me there is issues in S. Erie county. WIVB's radar shows the snows setting up there as well: http://www.wivb.com/subindex/weather
  7. I haven't heard that yet but the white one's would not work as well in the snow as the blue, obviously.
  8. Lord I hope so, I want to be dead wrong.
  9. Looks like lake effect snow is on OP right now: http://www.weather.com/outlook/health/fitn...;animation=true
  10. Would the review show a forward pass ?? Enough to change the play called on the field? Music city miracle was another joke.
  11. 2 balls passed behind the players / multiple yards and they called a forward pass?? That's a joke and really shows me that something is wrong with the whole picture, fix is in.
  12. You're going to need that gear for our January games this season.
  13. Keep your chin up, LOL.
  14. Glove for love bowl.
  15. None the less, RW will be spending an enternity in Love Canal if he cannot find his soul on earth.
  16. RW couldn't of said I am sorry, he was just too big a person. With that simple act, we would most likely be holding a few SB trophies right now but no luck there. I'll personally dig him up and Bury him in Love Canal if he doesn't sell the team to Jimbo's group.
  17. You want a impact player when drafting in the first half of the round 1, we found a benchwarmer. If we had drafted DRC or Keller, they could of contributed in a much larger way now than Mc K has. We did need to address the lines but having another position actually filled would of been ok as well. What we have right now is someone that is incapable of helping out past a KR, so base not covered / boo to the management.
  18. Goodnight to all from me as well!!
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