In the very first sentence of Tuesday's press release announcing that he was keeping Dick Jauron as head coach, the owner actually said that he "shares many of the fans' dissatisfaction with our offensive game management."
Wow. The man really has no clue. Wilson brings back a coach who might be the most unpopular in franchise history, and has the gall to say he understands your concerns. Yeah, Ralph is practically one of you. Maybe he paints his chest on game days, too!
I feel sorry for Bills fans. They deserve better. The community deserves better. They deserve better than Wilson, an owner who shoots for a low standard and finds inferior head coaches who live down to it.
Jauron was a cheap, uninspired choice from the start. But he gets to stay, because Wilson couldn't stomach the alternative. Content with three straight 7-9s, the owner wasn't ready for drastic change. And presumably, Wilson didn't want to pay the price of buying him out.