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Everything posted by SKOOBY

  1. Does trying to enjoy myself with a intelligent group of football guys make me subhuman?? I think hunting the boards for repeated posts and calling people out for it places you in the subhuman category more, especially considering you repost as well (just a day ago actually). You're a HID poster deaner- Hippocrit in denial
  2. If the lions are willing give us their 2 latter 1st round picks for Peters and our 3rd, it's on like donkey kong. We could draft 3 guys in the first round and have a better than average chance of 2 of them improving our team almost instantly. Peters is a liability for the team if he isn't going to play ball or get with the program early on. $600 K last year didn't even phase him, plan on more of the same this year if allowed to fester.
  3. Trying to find morsels of enjoyment after being served the same bland crap for 9 years is the only pleasure we can get lately, do you need to minimalize it or dare even think of taking it away?
  4. Underlying problem is Peters is physically gifted beyond belief but mentally retarded, you cannot please a retard. It's embarassing to even try, so you're better off avoiding eye contact and moving on. I think it's the only scenario that is available besides handing a 1 year wonder the keys.
  5. Kelly made himself unexpendable right from the start, so trying to compare these situations is silly at best. Kelly was a franchise QB that lead his team to greatness consistently during the regular season.
  6. The Bills need those picks, they can draft a QB first.
  7. That kinda of money buys cheektowaga.
  8. I still can't remember if those monkey's ever talked but I see they can write.
  9. Peters needs to take $8.5 a year with incentives that can take him to $10M, like if we make the playoffs and he is involved in more than half the games.
  10. Pace is his prime was usually one of the best players on the field. We have seen some great blocking from Peters but cannot run behind him as well, unlike Pace. Please don't try to put Peters / Pace in the same sentence.
  11. He should of been pulled from more games than that, he was atrocious on occasion. Dominant LG's deserve all the money but Jason is not one.
  12. The odds on the first part happening are .000001%.
  13. Right now we have a greedy unmotivated player that wants way too much money. This pattern is never going to stop with him and regardless of what we pay him today, 2 years from now we are right back to the same spot. He'll be complaining and looking at the highest paid player at that time and asking for more. Cut bait and get a motivated, driven player.
  14. T.O got the same speech from Jones at the end of last year, he's a Bill now. I wouldn't look too far into it.
  15. Statistically one of the worst performances at LT last year and we should triple his salary?? I think that Peters did not play anywhere near a probowl level last year and knows it, that's why he is so desperate for a pay raise now before the negative pattern forms.
  16. It's also better to fill the slot with people who don't take plays off and allow their QB to get killed. Bad attitude about showing up for work and always asking for more will not help this team. If someone can post the link from today's buffalo news online, I'd appreciate it. (That's why I posted this thread)
  17. Russ was questioned at the CA GM meeting about Peters and basically said they are still real far apart. Peters wants $11 M + season / wants to be the highest paid guy. I know this isn't breaking news but it seems that there is has been no movement. I now think that Peters real value lies in getting Philly or a other team to give up a stupid amount of draft picks. Peters did nothing to impress last season and his stats were less than flattering. $11 M for a inconsistent run blocking retard that will never be happy with his contract seems like a cruel joke. I hope Peters new team finds him interesting enough to give up alot of premium draft picks, he will be useless to us at this pace.
  18. T.O. will disrespect them all he can.
  19. We couldn't score last season, that is going to change this year.
  20. That soured my stomach the other night, when I first read that. I actually felt lost and without direction as a fan, scary stuff.
  21. So what would stop us from winning with a more talented team this year?? We lost by 10 and 13 respectfully last season, not 30.
  22. That is some scary stuff right dare.
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