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Posts posted by SKOOBY

  1. The OP said that the Bills "have never been on their (ESPN) website in 7 different places". Common sense says no. There was no ESPN NFL page when the Bills were losing four consecutive Super Bowls, or when Bennett was brought to Buffalo. Flutie, although a big story, was not the celebrity that Owens is, and his coming to Buffalo was not as out-of-left-field as Owens. And the Bills certainly did not get as much exposure for choking in a miraculous playoff game as they have for signing the NFL's most recognizable player.




    My point exactly, IQ above 130 on this site is priceless.

  2. I think alot of it has to do with people in the media waiting suspensefully for the first signs of the epic train crash that they assume the T.O./Bills relationship will inevitably become.


    Or maybe it's the countless hours they have spent building him up as a media sensation in a sports venue, they will not waste that. This move maybe the best move T.O. ever made, it feeds his ego and his wallet. He should be just tickled pink, hopefully he plays like it.

  3. zazie:

    i've discussed with Lori already, and because of the nature of my business when it comes to providing "opinion," and also because i'm sometimes stretched all over the place (covering hockey, hoops and whatever else might come up), i'd prefer not to have a dedicated thread.

    it's not that i don't like answering questions, i just feel that i might not be able to keep up with it, and that would be unfair to those seeking answers.


    hope that's ok.




    :unsure: Classy way of saying no thanks.

  4. kinda funny when you think about it, though...someone whose handle is the name of a famous dog can't seem to get off his knees for a dog-killing scumbag


    I think that the punishment of losing everything and being in prison was pretty steep to start with but guys like you still think that hanging him forever is the best idea. I have a dog at the house and would be very angry if anything like this ever happened to him but in all honesty, people need examples of how far even the mightest can fall when they do stupid things. Vick fell pretty down with everything, it's time to let the man work.

  5. T.O. is putting himself in Michael Vicks shoes and myself personally, if we took the fans out of the equation, I think T.O. is right to feel the way he does. I wouldn't want to be sitting across from the man if I was the commissioner and be looking into his face and visibly see what this has done to the man and then hand him down more of a punishment.


    He's been punished enough, let him play.

  6. Owens called the possibility of an additional Vick suspension to start the season, possibly for four games, "ridiculous" while meeting with reporters after Sunday morning's training camp session at St. John Fisher College.



    "A lot of the guys around the league need to speak up. I think the players' union needs to step in because the guy's already suffered so much, and to add a four-game suspension onto a two-year prison sentence, I mean, that's ridiculous. "






  7. Sure. Your excuse seems to be way too little, far too late. If it was a rare thing, I could see it being excused. With you, it is a pattern.


    Odd stalkers look for patterns, so they can track their prey. I made a mistake if one player was on a show, I really am sorry and hope that everyone here can forgive my mistake. Breaking news like people on or not on shows should be tracked closely and a life or death sentence handed down if your wrong.


    Give it up man, seriously.

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