Funny to see and the hunters on here, the mighty taco beef eaters, the dog lovers, gerbil lovers, the cow fighters and all the debate raging.
Folks, animals get mistreated all the time because they are animals. There is no way to justify abusing a dog but depending on where you live, the dog is a part of a diet and is killed and or eaten. Cows are sacred in parts of the world, yet we treat them terribly so are we all bad here?? You can come up the better way to kill something debate but dead is dead any way you slice it.
Go back to your childhood and try to think if you ever mistreated an animal and see if your life can move on and you will be forgiven, then get back to me. Until then, get a grip and realize that all animals however dumb or smart end up victims to humans or each other.
P.S. I am in no way defending VIck for doing retarded things and he is a adult that lives in a US inside a fairly obvious culture of not legally abusing dogs. Had he lived in south america, he's a hero that blends with the crowd.