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Posts posted by SKOOBY

  1. Why include me in your rants, unless you can show were I have done anything more than defend myself on this board.


    I've been a good patron here on TSW so I suggest you find something else to complain about, I have dozens of threads and over six thousands posts and I've had one run in with the Mods. Simon firmly put me in my place and that was the last time I've been a problem and that was a long time ago. I suggest you let the Mods do there job and go about your business because its you that looks like your trying to start problems, not myself, not SKOOBY, you.


    It's odd that guys come on here to attack people and act like they come in peace. Then they have the I am not watching this thread post but somehow still post to show how smart they are by avoiding it.


    Retards humping doorknobs is my best description of the situation.

  2. Having the hardest schedule is one thing. Having the best team in the NFL is another...


    I actually think that the best team doesn't win the superbowl every year just because of different circumstances that go against them, one call / play. You can't tell me that NE had the best team during their SB wins, I'll assure you they didn't. The year they did have the best team, the giants won. Sound familiar?

  3. I used to think that the easier your schedule, the better your chances are at making the post season but after much thought, the odds of winning it all diminish after playing the other playoff teams. Making the playoffs is one thing, having a realisitic chance of winning it all takes experience during the season.


    If we make the playoffs this season, we'll have a chance of bringing glory home.


    Go Bills!!

  4. That what do you call Belichick before Brady when he had a worse record than our "proven loser"? Also, please tell me which groups of QBs would you rather have: Miller, Matthews, McNown, Losman or Kosar, Testaverde, or Bledsoe?


    But I'm sure you will not answer these questions or try and magically seem like Belichick was a genius all along, despite failing more than DJ with much, much better QBs. :lol:


    We fielded 0 offensive threats over the past 3 years, now we are chocked full of love. You'll see a difference early and often this season.

  5. 1. I'll gladly trade most TDs for most dropped passes. Besides take a look at the other leaders in dropped passes. They are usually the studs who get the ball thrown to them the most. Common sense. :pirate: I haven't seen any NFL evaluators come out and say he has hit the wall. Got a link?


    2. I think Owens has proved enough in his career to give him the benefit of doubt. Lee Evans is a weapon and so is our running game when teams can't put 8 in the box.


    3. I will be right there with you if 09 isn't different.


    4. I'm not sure why you are assuming all 5 guys on our o-line will be out of position. Did you see that in your crystal ball? Three of those five guys, you haven't even seen play. Just go with the absolute worst case scenario, right. :devil:


    5. Your final point is personal opinion. I can't tell you what to think. It's impossible to argue with the constant doom and gloom crowd.



  6. 1. He not only had the most TDs - but the most dropped passes as well. Pretty strange that a player with TO's production over the last 3 years was basically unwanted by every team in the NFL except the Bills. Maybe all the teams with professional talent evaluators concluded that at 36 he has hit the wall.


    You mean in the whole 48 hours he was out of a job and filming his reality show?? Wow, we must have gotten damaged goods.


    / Fantasy


    2. TO was paired in Dallas with one of the best pass receiving TEs in the NFL and an excellent running game.


    It's fairly obvious when it's a pass and teams that actually gameplanned (everyone) knew T.O. was going to get the rock a majority of the time, yet he still was the most productive TD producer over the last 3 years.




    3. He also had a QB that was allowed to throw downfield. Unfortunately, he is now in the land of the checkdown - whether that is by coaches design or Trent's fear - either way it does not bode well for Evans or TO.


    Did Romo throw downfield to the TE or T.O., i'm confused??






    4. The no-huddle will likely cause more confusion in the 5 guys playing out of position on the Bills OL than the defensive front 7 they will face. Any success in running or passing the ball will depend on these guys getting on the same page quickly AND being able to play at an NFL quality.


    Well the O-line has to block those guys in front of them right off the start & obviously gelling has alot to do with that.



    5. Turk has not risen to anything more than a crappy coach in 10 years, why is he going to see the light now?


    1 year as a OC with 1 real WR doesn't make a career

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