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Posts posted by SKOOBY

  1. Maybe, but if the guys can hold off the blitz for a couple of seconds TE has too many weapons to make that a steady tactic by defenses. With TO and Evans as well as the slot receivers the Bills have it'll be a dangerous tactic. JMO


    I believe a lot of people think the OL is going to be a lot worse to start than they actually will be. These guys were moved around and signed in FA and drafted because they have talent. Hangartner is a HUGE upgrade over Preston and Fowler. Butler is being moved to his college position at RT and has almost all of the tools to excel there and could even without all of the tools necessary. He will at least be solid. This is not a brand new position for him. Walker is an upgrade, IMO, over last years model of JP. The two rookies are going to be good. I think Wood will have a couple of pancakes a game.


    From the way some people talk here you'd think that none of the OL have ever played OL before. :lol:


    I think Trent's experience of sensing pressure will help alot as well, he'll know how much time he has left to find that open player.

  2. One thing is for certain, opposing defenses will blitz the Bills O-line heavily this upcoming season. If the Bills O-line holds up well than the sky is the limit for this offense as long as Jauron and Schonert don't screw it up.


    The Blitzes can be countered with screens as well. We have so many good screen candidates to throw the rock at, which is sweet.

  3. Wow. I think you underestimate the horridness of our offensive coaching.




    It will work why? Because you do that on Madden?


    Nothing works all the time but changing up what you normally do forces your opponents to wonder what's next. We're going to have someone open on every play, how we get the rock forward has to be a blend.

  4. I remember Marty Schottenheimer started a game with three straight play action passes one time. He was known as such a conservative coach that the defense bit on every single one and they ended up scoring a TD. I'm sure the defense was a little slower to make reads for the rest of the game too.


    :lol: , you're the first person to pick that up. Very smart / impressed.

  5. Not only that, but McNair apparently had a woman (stripper in Minnesota) whose rent and car payments he was making. He would pay to have her meet him in his travels, when his wife wasn't with him. As unseemly and as unpleasant as it might be, wouldn't it have been better to just seek a divorce? It is kind of sad. Living three seperate lives is going to catch up with anyone, at some point, no matter how wealthy. I am sure McNair could have never anticipated dying like he did, but even if it hadn't happened, eventually his wife and kids would find out about his choices. As bad as it might sound, I think McNair must have been just as unstable as the girl who killed him.


    I think Lewis was referring to McNairs' playing injured for his teammates, his "scacrifice"...although you can't be sure. Lewis is kind of a nut-case too... I always admired McNairs' grittiness on the field, but, as if it needed to be proven again, whatever noble traits an athlete exhibits in their athletic career, doesn't always translate to their personal life.


  6. He has trouble with it, everyone knows that. Just don't throw him a fast ball over the plate, he hits it deep everytime


    As for McNair, its tragic what happened, and I don't think he deserved to be killed, but to treat him as if he was a god is a bit much. He didn't live a righteous and holy life. It was a misstress who killed him (although was he seperated from his wife at the time??)


    Its similar to the entire Michael Jackson death. Everyone forgets the bad things the person might be known for because they were talented elsewhere. Will OJ get this type of treatment when he dies?


    Wife had no clue.

  7. ok. He's not responsible for millions of deaths?


    Who then?


    Sounds like you have some major issues here, it's pretty odd to compare a cheating husband to jesus or to try to sugar coat it for his kids. Their dad is a POS that obviously looked for vunerable women and bought himself some in's / had them kept. I would suspect other women will pop up as monies get traced to other outlets. Saying Jesus and McNair walked in a similiar way is out of bounds / out of reality.


    Wait until the wife finds out about all the places McNair crapped in and all the hair on his life, typical low-life athlete handed easy money with no guidance. Goodluck to her explaining her ignorance about all of it as well, blind eye turned to the sky.

  8. NFC East is likely to be the toughest division in the NFL.


    Compare the QBs of the NFC East to the QB's in our division

    Eli Manning - Tom Brady

    Tony Romo - Chad Pennington

    Donavon Mcnabb - Trent Edwards

    Jason Campbell - Mark Sanchez


    Even though Brady is the Best of the bunch the overall QB play is better in the NFC East. The defenses in the AFC East are better but by not by much of a margin. The Offensive play in the NFC East are much better up and down. The NFC East is the toughest division in football 4 tough defenses with 4 good running backs with 3 really good QB's and each offense having solid weapons all around.


    Our division is one of the Better divisions in football no doubt about it. However I would rank the NFC East as a little bit tougher all around. The Jets lack a really solid passing attack. The Dolphins lack an explosive offense (Not to mention Wide Receivers). Our team lacks a confidence inspiring O-line and the defense isn't great (I would rank it as above average on paper). The Pats are good but have a weak secondary and an aging line backing core.


    You could point out the weaknesses of the NFC East but they aren't as glaring as some of the teams in our division.


  9. McNair's child whore whacked him and this relates to Jesus?? WTF is wrong with Lewis?


    Lewis has reportedly had a difficult time with McNair's passing, and has not been heard from publicly before speaking at the service Saturday. At one juncture, he encouraged McNair's sons to be proud of their father.


    "He left a legacy. The same way when Jesus left, because he had to sacrifice for all of us. Y'all father put out one heck of a sacrifice, young men. Everytime y'all walk out the door, hold your head up high. Because he left something that a lot of men can't father."



  10. Who have we fielded on the Bills over te past 9 years that left to become a superstar or Pro-Bowler, Pat Williams was great when he left but how many others were really that great?? We have fielded retreads and had very few really gifted players that gave us so much more than anyone else at one position compared to the rest of the league. I'd say we've been average because that's all we had, never expecting much more.


    Ralph sided with DJ because he told him the truth, he worked with nearly nothing and made them better. This year, we are fielding additional talent on both sides of the ball unlike we have seen in Buffalo for a long time. Get your popcorn ready.


    I think all fans should be critical of the coaching staff and performances on the field if its lacking (and it has been), but I think the point of the original post is that its the off season so there isn't anything to be critical about right now and yet so many posts no matter what the topic is turns into "Who cares, our coach is a proven loser, 6-10 next year"


    If people want to start a thread about Jauron's inadequacies as a coach, go for it, but to just jump into every thread (not saying you personally LGB) to say Jauron is a loser we're doomed gets old. He's our coach to start next season whether anyone likes it or not and calling him a loser won't change it...so lets talk about other things and when they start playing games again if the team tanks, everyone can start ranting again about Jauron.





    A lot of us, who are trying to stay positive for next season, aren't saying Jauron is a world beater, but

    considering he will be our coach next year and we can't change it, we're willing to stand behind him and

    give him another chance...what other choice is there?


    And, of course, talent matters when assessing a coaches record, how could it not?





    See my post on page 3 of this thread, the comparison isn't saying Jauron is as good of a coach

    as Bellicheck, but saying Bellicheck wasn't successful until his 7th year as a head coach, so its not

    unheard of for a coach to seem like a perennial loser and then start winning.





    People continue to learn and grow until the day they die, people get better at their jobs the longer

    they do them..."experience is the best teacher"...at what age do you think people can't get better

    at something? 40, 50, 60?

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