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Everything posted by hotwing

  1. Las Vegas, NV Having a beer waiting, and waiting, and waiting...
  2. 1. Then send them your scouting reports and see if they, or any team hires you. 2. You are an idiot, 9 teams of scouts, yeah ok.
  3. If they are shooting retarded posters, you get the first bullet.
  4. This has to do with Peters how? Try and stay on topic.
  5. Peters also seemed to admit that maybe he didn’t give 100 percent on every play last year because he wasn’t happy with his contract. “I was thinking about it sometimes,” he said. “If you get beat on a play and you think about your contract. It doesn’t affect me that much. I thought about it some early in the year but later on in the year it wasn’t a big deal.” So, Philly fans, if Peters ends up being not very good at left tackle, remember this as the moment when you first wondered whether it was a good idea to trade for him. Bye bye pig
  6. 38 td's and 3,500 receiving yards in the last 3 years PLS STFU
  7. Me I hope he shows up fat, out of shape, lazy and swimming in his millions. Then I hope Eagles fans scratch their heads while he gives 10+ sacks.
  8. I hope he demands a new contract form the Eagles 2 days after he signs. Glad to see him gone.
  9. Did you watch Peters play last year at all. Apparently not if you think he so great.
  10. I will assume you didnt watch him play last year. If you did, then I will alos assume giving nearly a sack per game makes a great player.
  11. What exactly is the point of having a retractable roof in Buffalo. The weather sucks about 90% of the time, so why bother, would just cost more money.
  12. Unbelievable how this organization continues to spin its wheels. Simply incredible. After years of having a horrid o-line, they finally unearth the premier left tackle in the game, only to give him away in his prime and start from scratch. They are so unbelievably pathetic Psst... Peters sucked last year. Did you even watch a single Bills game, or do you base who is good by who gets elected to the ProBowl. Get rid of the fat@ss now and move on. He is a perpetual distraction, and doesnt want to play here, so see ya Jason.
  13. Ahh the race card. Nice job Donte. Has to be because you are black and rich that they tazed you when you wouldnt listen to the police to stay where you were.
  14. No, but the Jewish people in NYC are the the ones most apt to kick and scream about literally anything, as evidenced here. This will eventually lead to cries of straight out anti-semitism by the NFL. Bottom line, if you are that devote, it shouldnt even matter to you, your relgion should come first. Or just Tivo the game and STFU
  15. yawn the pig is holding out, can we leave it at that please?
  16. You want my workout routine? Anything else, like my eating habits, work schedule. Just let me know, I will file a complete report for you.
  17. "I can do whatever I want dipshit " So can Hansen, he is not obliged to stop by a table of fat losers and act like he gives a sh&t abouyt what you are eating.
  18. Not compared to your football knowledge. You are a head coach in the NFL right? Or do you deliver pizza
  19. Your drunken father in law isnt really a credible source.
  20. Not well written? Christ, that was terrible.
  21. Psst hey idiot, I will assume you have never even seen a picture of the Lombardi trophy
  22. 96% of the time people make up stats, like your moron buddy's 65% stat, to prove a point that doesnt exist. See, making up stats is fun
  23. He now is the Athletic Director and head football coach at Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Dallas, Texas.
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