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The Wei 44

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Everything posted by The Wei 44

  1. How are you able to get half off?! Thx!
  2. A hearing is set for April 6th in the antritrust suit filed by the players against the NFL. Players are seeking an injunction to prevent a lockout - A lot of this is posturing and obviously there are many other issues involved, but in an antitrust suit, the testimony of economic experts can have a significant impact on the outcome of a case. For example, an economist is often retained to estimate damages in a complex antitrust case.
  3. I am an antitrust economist (not a lawyer but I work with a lot of lawyers on mergers and antitrust litigation) - Let me know if anyone has any questions about the antritrust economics!
  4. Totally agree and well put!
  5. Agree with others - Excellent move and shows that there is a long term plan (and that the pieces are, albeit slowly, falling into place)!!
  6. First, you need to annualize the sack figures. So Fitz was actually sacked more on a 16-game basis. Second, Brady is less mobile than Fitz. Third, it is porbably fair to say that neither QB was sacked very much, which in Brady's case reflects the quality of his OL, his ability to scan field quickly, and his quick release whereas in Fitz's case, it reflects his mobility, smarts, and probably also the fact that he played less downs because our defense is so bad (particualrly run defense, which eats a lot of clock).
  7. Original poster was very clear that he was not saying Fitz was as good as these guys. There is nothing wrong with making the comparison - It is a good way to benchmark Fitz's performance relativr to the best QBs in the league.
  8. Great summary - The rushing yardage is interesting too (unfortunately, it also reflects the fact that he was running for his life at times) - It would be interesting to see how many first downs were made off of those rushes - I think it will be a decent number of first downs. I completely agree with what many others have said - He is a solid QB with potential to improve and we have many other very pressing needs. It will be very interesting to see how he does next year, assuming there is a season.
  9. Like the painting analogy - Nice to see some actual brainpower and creativity on this board!
  10. I live in DC and nothing makes me happier (or almost nothing) than seeing the Skins continue to have major trouble!! Go Bills!
  11. Thanks!
  12. Quick (dumb?) question - What is Kelly's working relationship with the Bills? I was surprised to hear that he works for the Bills in some sort of capacity. Thanks.
  13. Excellent post and I really hope you're right!
  14. Would be interesting to see how the author's statistical analysis evaluates top QBs over past 5-10 years - I'd be "sold" if those two college stats predict success on a widespread basis.
  15. Some very good points, and there is certainly a lot we don't know. In thinking more about it, perhaps the blame should be shared b/w the two. I can't get away from the notion that "management" shares at least some of the responsibility in this instance. Part of the role of management is to make sure you have the right players that know their roles and can execute - And in a very critical situation, management should say the right things to players. Particularly given how young LM is, why not give him some critical guidance before the kickoff return? Of course, we don't know what was or wasn't said to LM.
  16. The blame should be put squarely on Bobby April, IMO. Our Special Teams coach, at a crucial point in the game, should have made it clear to Leodis that under NO circumstances should he attempt to run it back if any part of his body was in the end zone when he was going to catch the ball. Pretty simple instructions. We are OK with a touchback, Leodis, no need to make a play here (and also say, by the way, Leodis, if you do run it back, protect the ball at all costs . . .). Of course, a game is made up of a bunch of good things and mistakes, and you never know what would have happened if a certain mistake had not been made, but in this case, given how late in the game it was, it seems pretty reasonable that but-for this glaring error, we most likely would have won the game.
  17. Bills lose 31 to 13 - Stays close for first quarter or two. Hope I'm wrong.
  18. Enough of this anticipating the anticipation . . Well, OK, why the f@ck not!
  19. Don't really disagree too much with the Jauron coaching ranking - If we do well this year, it will mostly be in spite of DJ, not because of him.
  20. Prediction of 3rd or 4th place is very reasonable if you take a step back and be objective about it. Three 7-9 seasons and all the obvious other reasons that people have mentioned certainly point to 3rd or 4th being a reasonable prediction. But predictions are the fabric of a lot of the BS that fills columns and web pages in the offseason. They are good conversation pieces but not much more than that. My view is that there is a decent chance (less than 50% but greater than zero) that we will exceed expectations this year. And with TO, Maybin, Freddy, Schoebel, etc., they should at least be fun to watch!
  21. I think the point about cheap shots is that the team needs to have such an aggressive/balls out mindset, that going over the line, figuratively speaking, once in awhile would not necessarily be abad thing!
  22. I too am concerned but am trying to be cautiously optimistic - The realist in me sees either a close game that Bills could pull off or quasi blowout by SD - Let's hope it's the former! Looking forward to watching the game with my dad and brother (a rarity). Go BILLS!
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