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I Billieve

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Everything posted by I Billieve

  1. How you going to call Hardy a Bust when you haven't see him play in over a year. Please humor me and fill me in on the facts that led you to this conclusion.
  2. I must disagree with this. Even Dick is smart enough to put him on the field. It takes most WR's 3 years to get a strong hold on playing in the NFL. Hardy already missed time last year. If we don't play in the second half of this season he is going to come back next year like he is entering his 2nd year. I don't believe T.O. is coming back next year so Hardy must be ready to fill in that spot as the #2. They need to put Hardy on the outside and line T.O. up in the slot. But we're buffalo, 3 reciever sets are about as common as 60 degree football weather at the Ralph.
  3. What else do you want him to say. Would you understand him more if he made a popup book with a narrative description of what they are doing in practice. Whether Trent is a good QB or not doesn't take away from the fact the he is really smart. I think Trent handles himself pretty well infront of the media considering all the Sh@tty questions he has had to deal with. He went to Stanford for F-ck sake, where did you go? You did go to college right. If you watched the presser with Dick you would have heard him say that they are changing stuff up on offense. Trent is simply suggesting that the coaches are noticing those changes take effect. Actually... These are changes that they started making before Trent go injured. They implamented them in the game he got injured...which he was 5/5 for 44 yrds(est.) on topic... I think that we will see a different Trent comming out of this concussion. Whether it is him being de-concussed or him realizing that he needs to step up, produce, and get the ball to his playmakers and let them make it happen. Maybe seeing it all from the sidelines and watching Fitzy take some of the chances made him snap out of Dick's play it safe mentality that has been engrained in his skull since he was rookie.
  4. This is one of the dumbest things I have read on this forum. Correlating liking Vick with seriously disliking children just shows me that some people on this forum shouldn't have contact with people outside there fantasy world. My personal statement... I like Vick being back in the NFL. The guy did something terrible but he served his time, he took his punishment. In addition, I have no disdain or negative feelings towards children. I would enjoy seeing Vick in a Buffalo Uni, I think he would do great things with this team (if we had a new coach). Say no to drugs! Stay in School!
  5. You have to hope that our run defense is going to look better then it did last week since last week was better then the week before. The are making strides in improving the run defense. As for our pass defense I think its safe to say that Schaub won't be taking to many chances, not with our INT stats over the past two games. As much as I don't want to be a hopelessly optimistic fan, I think there is a definate chance for us to win this game. One can only hope that Fitzy can get this game moving in the first half and put up some points early. Our defense has only allowed 28 points total in the past three games. Whatever fewell is doing, is obviously working.\ Go bills Stay optimistic and true to your team, but remember it's the Bills; They can screw any game up all on their own.
  6. Jeff Garcia is a west coast style offense QB. Ya he might still have some game left in him but I don't see him fitting in with the bills and our dump of an offensive scheme.
  7. This is proof that both are terrible... Trent Edwards career stats. QB rating 78.0 TD's 23 INT's 24 Completion rate 61% 30 starts with 54 sacks and 14 fumbles Ryan fitzpatrick career stats. QB rating 66.8 TD's 14 INT's 18 Completion rate 57.4% 16 starts with 49 sacks (38 in the 13 games he played w/ 2008 begals) with 14 fumbles. I would prefer another option but given the 2, I would rather give Fitzy a chance (meaning a few games) to see if he can prove himself to be better than his stats suggest...a task trent has been unable to do in 3 years.
  8. Big Ben has had one of the worst O-lines throughout his whole NFL Career and he stays healthy. Oh and he has 2 superbowl rings. Oh and he has been sacked at least 45 times for the past 3 years. Obviously the o-line can't take all the blame. Trent just can't cut it and hasn't been able to consistently for his whole NFL career.
  9. Forget stats and whose are better and who looks better. If you can't stay healthy and stay on the field, your not cut out to be a NFL caliber starting QB. Trent hasn't played a whole season since freshmen year in highschool. He simply can't stay on the field. 2 concussions in 12 months, he's a disease the we will be fighting off if we don't get rid of him or replace him as the starter. Not saying that fitzy is the answer by all means, but I just don't trust Trent anymore.
  10. you would think so but I wouldn't put it past Juron
  11. Have you been too a single game this year. If you have you would see that the play calling by AVP is not the problem. T.O. and Evans get open but Trent doesn't let them make a play. Trent is not comfortable in the pocket and doesn't allow time to for anything to develop. He goes through his progessions in just a couple seconds and checks down instead of having the confidence in himself and his recievers and let them make a play on the ball. Fitzy' may not have the best record or a great completion rate but he steps up in the pocket and looks for a play to develop. Fitz takes the chances that trent is afaid, I don't care if he incompletes %50 of his passes as long as every pass isn't a check down. EX. on the slant touchdown pass to Evans last week Marshawn was open for the check down. No way in H*LL Trent takes that shot to Evans. He would have checked down and knowing our track record we would have settled for a field goal.
  12. Interesting discussion on WGR the other day. they were talking about a QB's success and how it correlates to the coaching staff. You look at Orton this year and the complete turnaround he's had and you have to give some credit to the new young coach McDaniels. McDaniels is a pationate coach that isn't afraid to lay in to his players or celebrate on the sideline. I look at Trent and his lack of confidence and his attitude on sideline as a reflection of Juron. I'm not saying that I think Trent is a great QB but I would like to see what he can do when he has a coach with some fire in him. A coach that has the confidence in his QB to go for a shot downfield on 3rd & 5 instead of the typical draw up the middle into a wall of OL.
  13. why do you people think your a coach, a coordinator, a QB, or that you have ever been in the NFL. Your comparing arm strength to completion rates. Calling out AVP is an arbitrary arguement. There isn't a single coordinator that could look good behind the play-not-to-lose coaching strategy of Juron. As far as Trent and Fitzy', we have watched Trent for 6 weeks and its obvious what he is currently capable of. Have any of you seen what Fitzy' can do for buffalo when he's had a week to practice with the first team offense. NO... At least give the guy a chance before calling him out. And Fitzy' does have a strong arm. (that doesn't mean he is accurate all of the time, but he can chuck it)
  14. I just wrote a post on another thread about complaining fans that know nothing about what goes on in the FO. Its just nice to read a post from someone who hasn't given up before the season has even started.
  15. Why do you people even bother coming on these boards to whine about the Bills. You all act like you know everything that the FO should be doing and criticize every decision the make. Trent is a talented smart QB that has been the brunt of all you love-em/hate-em so called wanna be loyal fans. Of course he looked like crap this off season, Schonert didn't game plan for any pre-season game. Schonert didn't see eye to eye with anyone on the offense, much less Trent. And for all the responses that will quote his performance last year, we had a bad receiving corp. It wasn't to hard for a defense to double cover Evans leaving Trent with no-hands Reed and 5'8" $1.60 Roscoe Parrish. Defensives haven't seen our offense this year and neither have any of you. T.O. played one series!! Schonert was the most predictable play caller and did I already mention that no one on the offensive liked him or his offensive scheme. I can't stand fans that do nothing but complain, I wouldn't even call yourself a fan. the season hasn't even started and you've already quit on your team. If we are 1-7 come the bye week then feel free to load the boards with all your pessimistic bull. Lets go Buffalo! There are still true, loyal fans that haven't given up
  16. The change is that the O-line went through training camp and preseason without Jason Hold-out Peters and had to switch things up. Then the tub of lard realized he needed to play to earn money, came back and they had to switch everything back around. Throw a couple injuries in the mix and you have a crap o-line that hasn't helped a top 5 RB get a 100 yard game through week 10. Its pathetic and I would love to see Marshawn or even Trent step up and tell them to start doing their Jobs!
  17. Clevland-W KC-W Niners-W Fins-W Jets-W Broncos-L Pats-W Maybe add a Loss to the Jets but I think we can change it up for the long stretch
  18. I agree with the coaching and play calling. Was it just me or did anyone else see alittle bit of Farechild on sunday?
  19. I hear and read alot of trashing on both Trent and the O-line so I wanted to get everyones opinion on one thread. Is Trent's status as a rookie (starting roughly 20 NFL games) finally catching up to him? Was his flawless play in the first 4 weeks a fluke? Does anyone billieve that he will come around this week so we can make a toe to toe push for the playoffs? OR Is the o-line just crap? Jason Hold-out Peters isn't playing like the pro bowler he wants to be paid as. I don't know whats worse, Fowler or Preston? How can the O-line push the Chargers D-line 5 yards deep into the endzone allowing Marshawn to practically walk across the goaline but now we have to throw on a 3rd-1 b/c our line can't do their job. In the last 3 games trent has been sacked more times then the first 6 combined. And it isn't b/c Trent is holding on to the ball to long. For F$%k sake he can barely get the ball off in time. I will always be a Bills loyalist but this team sure doesn't make it easy for us!
  20. If your going to give up on Trent this fast then you should be calling Marshawn's number too. He hasn't done that much this season
  21. The whole team has the same mentality of Juron...learn from from it, let it go, and move on. I would love to see this team set a fire on monday night and carry it into the playoffs. There was one moment when trent showed this type of fire. the fourth quarter comeback against the raiders, he was running down the sidelines getting the offense pumped to take the field again. We need them to get pissed at the way they have been playing and take the field with some fire leaving nothing but Carnage when they step off. We need our captains to step up and start telling people to do their jobs and not let everyone down
  22. A win yesterday would have been huge, I can't deny that. But loss doesn't take us out of the race. Our quarterback had a bad game on his 16th NFL start against a team that has shown itself to be just as much of a contender as we are. Trent is a good quarterback but he can't make great plays on ever down when we can't run the ball. And this isn't marshawns fault either. And I billieve that the o-line is fully capable of producing holes. How is it that Trent can have a bunch of time in the back field (with a few exceptions) and the o-line can push the chargers 5 yards deep into the endzone but can't make a hole for lynch and freddy to run through. We simply have consistency problems. Things lime this and fundamentals are fixable. I say be happy that we aren't plagued with injuries like we were last year. Show some pride and billieve! Because we are still going to the playoffs!
  23. I am sick of fair weather fans. Everyone comes. On here after the games and either proclaims superbowl or lays out a bunch of trash talk. Get over it. Teams have bad games. We have a second year quarterback that has played like one the past two games. Are you really surprised? Before that he played like a pro and everyone wanted to get on their knees for him. Stop blamng the game on Trent. Yea he made mistakes but if the defense hadn't let favre take the jets down the field for 10 min in the 4th quarter and give up a fg we would have been down 6 with some time to rally like we did in the first 4 games. Enough with JP. He has some positives about him but his pocket presence is terrible. Everytime he takes 8-9 steps back and let's the pocket close on him. Not around him. Trent is the guy we want in there. Jp is still a great backup though. We have a tough push a head of us but show some buffalo pride and do it like they do, one game at a time
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