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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. We have finally found the first guy that's reported on the Bills who's not a hack!
  2. Let me ask you this- what's the most irrational thing you've ever heard me say on this website? Seriously, I mean it. I mean, cute movie quote and all but am I really some crazy fringe poster that has all these wild and crazy out of leftfield ideas like 'EJ Manuel is less than likely to develop into a franchise QB?'
  3. Thanks for sharing. So there is one. I'm just not buying he's looked the best in preseason. I think Taylor looked better in both games. And you couldn't really have done much better than what Cassel did in his two drives (OK not literally but he looked fine). I think all three have been good and that's a good thing for the Bills.
  4. I could go with that. What are we putting the odds at one guy starting all 16 games? 10%? Maybe 15?
  5. I also want them to keep all three. Does anyone not want them to? A poster said a few weeks back that we can't afford to let this team become the 2014 Arizona Cardinals. I think we can win with any of these three guys- to varying extents, of course.
  6. Do you know of a beat reporter or an analyst or anyone who is familiar with the Bills situation who didn't/doesn't have EJ third- both with respect to how he's played throughout camp as well as the perception of where the coaches have/had him based on reps, etc.? There is not one that I have heard.
  7. Dude, he's probably still #3. Everyone had/has him 3. Just watch the game on Saturday and form your own opinions. If it's so telling that EJ goes 1, are you guys gonna put a lot of stock into who goes 2? I'm not. I don't think it makes any difference at all.
  8. I've already stated that was not a victory lap. That was merely my sarcastic reaction to everyone's overreaction to the first preseason in game in which he was OK. But yeah, I don't think it's happening for the guy. I'm on record as saying it's not happening so I'll own that. He's not starting week 1 unless he plays the game of his life and both Taylor and Cassel implode. You can take that to the bank. You really think that if they're all "meh" on Saturday that EJ will start week 1? Well that's what the dude implied by saying he's in the lead. That is not the case, I can assure you. He needs to step up. I hope he does, contrary to the opinion expressed in many posts in this thread that I am rooting against him or I will be upset if he does well, etc. I'm a Bills fan man. Just like you. I've been to at least one home Bills game every year since 1985 and I've lived in Denver for the last 13 years. My family had seasons from 86-95 and I went to every playoff game in that span. I haven't not watched a Bills game since- I have no idea, the mid 80's? I've been to over ten Bills road games. I've never rooted against one Bills player ever. I just want to win man. I promise.
  9. I came back to check in and I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought you weren't doing victory laps. There is no need for anyone, including FireChan, to come on here and concede anything. For all we know, every QB is gonna play 2-3 series- all with the ones- and the order doesn't mean anything. Believe me, if somehow EJ Manuel starts against the Colts, you will have your day. This is not it.
  10. You think if they named Matt Cassel the starter for the preseason game that they'd still be talking about it two hours later? I don't. I think Manuel being named the starter makes for the most interesting news story but it's still not that big of a deal. Believe me, when they name the actual starter, they'll talk about it for the duration of the program.
  11. The WGR hate on this website has officially spiraled out of control. They've been on the air for almost two hours and now you're slamming them for talking about college football? You do realize it's almost college football season, right? So they named a guy a starter for a f*****g preseason game. How long do you want them to talk about it? You have now put these guys in a position where everything that comes out of their mouths you're going to nitpick at. I haven't listened yet today but I think they're good at what they do. And pretty much everyone I know in Buffalo is cool with them too. Hell of a lot better than the drive time guys out here in Denver.
  12. Look at the post I was responding to. I am very rational and very much a realist. If and when EJ Manuel is not named the starter, you will not see me leading an "I told you so!" campaign. I haven't even made a prediction as to who's gonna start. I just got a little irritated after a couple EJ victory lap posts in this thread, that's all. No one knows what this means exactly but my suspicion is not much.
  14. Dude I've praised you twice already. Read on. This guy said that this news means EJ is now ahead. That is an insane point of view. He is in it, I agree with you. But he is not ahead.
  15. Thank you. Told you, I think most people are on the same page right now. There are a few fringe butt hurt anti-EJ guys (I could give you one) and a handful of fringe "Ha ha I told you so, we win!" guys (we both know who's number one on that list- surprisingly not my friend BFFE who's being surprisingly level-headed about this news).
  16. I went on that not based on any implication but after people were over gushing about his performance in the first preseason game. In fact, I think people have over gushed about his performance in both preseason games. He's looked OK. Taylor has looked better in my opinion. I think most would agree with me.
  17. Agreed 1000%. We're good. Everybody's good. My issue is with the Mission Accomplished I told you so flag planters. And there are plenty of them. Just read.
  18. Yeah there are some. That's why I said 85% of the people, like me, who still think he is unlikely to start, are not rooting against him to start. There appear to be a handful who are. But the "Meh" guys annoy me most of all.
  19. Oh you are being reasonable about this. Never mind, my bad. Did not see that coming.
  20. Oh you must be having a field day. You did it! It's over! Congratulations!
  21. Again, there is this narrative on here that people have an anti-EJ agenda. Why? Why would anyone root against a first round draft picky by the team they love more than anything with a ton of physical tools? For Christ's sake, if he appeared to be developing into a good QB, everyone would be cool with it, I can assure you. Some just don't see it.
  22. Yeah that's not happening.
  23. See there ya have it. You really believe that EJ appears to be pulling ahead? That's insane if you really think that.
  24. See you actually bother me a little bit. Half this board accuses the other half of the board of being anti-EJ when 85% of those accused of being anti-EJ (myself included) are just realists. Conversely, at least 40% of this board is adamantly anti-Cassel. I suspect that you are rooting against Cassel more than anyone is rooting against EJ. Can't we just all be Bills fans?
  25. Read my first post. I don't care at all who starts the third preseason game. I just wanna see how they all play. I will very much take seriously who is named the starter against Indianapolis.
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