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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. He's an excellent writer and he actually pushes the envelope quite a bit. Do you follow him on twitter? He engages in political discussions all the time. He is the furthest thing from a shill for anyone. Ha that's funny. Gruden is one of the few guys who I actually can't stand.
  2. Peter King is awesome. I hung out with him this summer when he was in town for Broncos training camp. Drank with him all night, even went to the Rockies game together (he bought my ticket but I bought the first round of beers). Talked early 90's Bills forever. Yes, I'm kind of bragging. Anyway if someone has something negative to say about Peter King then I kind of give up. Whenever people allude to football analysts around here, they put "experts" in quotes; every sports writer/personality is a hack. Everyone loved Sal on WGR until he opined that EJ Manuel might not be very good and then he became a biased member of the lamestream media too. Now every last person on WGR is terrible (obviously). Joe Buscaglia is a hack because he probably can't even throw a spiral. People even think Cris Collinsworth is a poor color man, which is insane. Like seriously, is there one guy that everybody agrees is good at their job?
  3. No they're not. Everyone keeps saying this but it's not true. The Giants do not suck. They are going to finish 9-7. The Cowboys already have 7 losses and they don't even have that easy of a schedule the rest of the way. They would pretty much have to go 7-0. They weren't even playing that well with Romo. It's over for the 2015 Cowboys. Or better yet, they take a QB top 5 to groom under Romo. Their defense is actually playing well.
  4. If I'm the Cowboys, I don't even dream of playing Romo this season. They are (were) actually in a pretty enviable position. Embrace the tank, draft a QB top 5 and groom him under Romo for the next two years. It would have been an absolutely ideal situation. This whole 'the Cowboys are still in it at 2-7' thing is nonsense. They're not winning that division. They weren't even playing that well before Romo got hurt. Makes zero sense. Not to mention, the dude is like my age and injury prone as it is.
  5. TT has only lost twice. In seven games. Manuel has also lost twice. In two games. There is no bias against EJ Manuel. EJ Manuel is what he is. He is not a starting caliber QB in this league. Everyone knows it. Taylor appears to be. Everyone thinks that. As far as the Jacksonville game is concerned, I think most people would agree with me that all you had to do was not make epic, sinking of the Titanic mistakes to come away with a victory. McCoy was running very well. Jacksonville didn't even play a good game for Jacksonville! Bortles played his worst game of the season. Did Manuel play well in the second half? Yes. Did he play better than Cassel would have if down by 24 points? Yes. Would Cassel have put us in a 24 point hole? No, I don't think so. Either way, I think we'd both agree that the Bills undoubtedly win that game with Taylor. And I stated very clearly that I am over the Jacksonville game, I do not regret getting rid of Cassel (nor did I at the time) and I am fine with Manuel as our backup as opposed to Cassel. Nothing I just said could possibly be deemed unreasonable in any rational football universe.
  6. I'm gonna disagree with you. The Raiders were a fun story for a minute there but they're clearly a year away. The Chiefs are very much going to be involved in this thing.
  7. We could but we won't. I'm agreeing with a previous poster that the KC game is the season. Unless they beat New England, which I do not think is impossible. So in other words, they have to win 1 of their next 2, period.
  8. Simply not true. They have 5 losses. 10-6 is a ticket to the playoffs so they can definitely afford 1 loss. If they beat the Bills, they can probably afford 2 losses because the Bills aint finishing higher than 9-7 if they lose to the Chiefs (unless they beat New England) and they would then own the tiebreaker. No of course not.
  9. Look I agree that the Chiefs game is probably the season. I understand how 538 would have the Chiefs ahead of the Bills- just look at their schedule and then look at ours. That being said, for the life of me, why the f*** to a handful of posters keep insisting that we're probably going to lose to freaking Dallas at home!?!?! P.S. Don't look now but there is a scenario whereby the Broncos go 9-7 and we beat out them instead of the Chiefs. Definitely time to start rooting for their opponents.
  10. Agreed, it's starting to look that way. Although while KC's schedule is pretty easy, Pittsburgh's is pretty difficult and we would most likely have the tiebreaker over them.
  11. Baltimore was -5 at kickoff and Carolina was -4 1/2 so Vegas agreed with them too. I myself did not but it's not that far-fetched.
  12. That's utterly preposterous. No but the law of averages would dictate that they would be less likely to lose against us if they just lost to the Giants. We can agree to disagree on that point.
  13. Agreed 100%. I can't understand how anyone would want them to lose today and have them be extra pissed next Monday. They are so much more primed for a loss being that they won. They weren't losing two in a row.
  14. It's way more ridiculous to think that Fred Jackson would have made a difference against the Giants than it is to think that Cassel wouldn't have lost that game against Jacksonville. Karlos Williams, who is way better than Fred Jackson, played the entire game against the Giants. As bad as Cassel has looked, I don't think he makes three turnovers in succession like that and I think they beat Jacksonville. But I'd rather have Manuel play a game next week if Taylor went down. Either way Whaley was right about both moves and I'm over the Jacksonville game. In fact, Whaley has been a pretty great GM so far. Enough of this, please.
  15. Haven't read through this entire thread but I absolutely 100% agree with the OP. I am rooting for New England to win a long, hard-fought close game. They're not losing two games in a row, folks.
  16. I think you are misremembering Fitz's tenure with the Bills. He had some great games. How about the game at Cincinnati and the game we narrowly lost in Baltimore as huge underdogs? Plus big home wins vs. New England and the Raiders? Those are just the few that pop into my head. You think Fitzpatrick looked better Thursday night than he did in any of those games? That is crazy.
  17. We agree on this one but notice how I'm not saying, "oh sure, it was Fitz who fumbled the kickoff that got returned for a touchdown..."
  18. Why do people keep saying stuff like this? 10 wins is a slam dunk, stone cold lock, golden ticket to the playoffs. 9-7 and we probably make the playoffs this season, especially with the tiebreakers we have right now. Are you looking at the other teams in contention and their remaining schedules at all? Living in Denver, I kinda hope they get the #6 but I hear ya.
  19. He's definitely smarter than most posters on this website, that's for sure. Certainly those who find it amusing to weigh percentages when making decisions vs. "going with your gut."
  20. Human Growth Hormone? What?
  21. What? Who said that? The Jets did doom themselves in that Fitz was wildly inaccurate for most of the game and they turned the ball over four times. The Bills did not suck. McCoy ran the ball extremely well against a stout run defense and our secondary played out of its collective mind. It doesn't always have to be one or the other. My point was that because there was a bad PI call against Robey that doesn't mean that Manuel didn't also suck in that game. The same way that just because Fitz made some poor throws last night that doesn't have anything to do with how well McCoy ran the ball. And incidentally, the Jaguars freaking sucked in that game in London. Plain and simple. But again, I'm over it and very optimistic about the Bills right now.
  22. Again, the concepts of EJ imploding against Jacksonville and there also being a bad PI call against the Bills are not mutually exclusive concepts. This brand of humor of yours is not logically sound. Did anyone blame EJ for the call against Robey? No, he doomed us when he turned the ball over deep in Bills territory on three consecutive possessions, two of which went for touchdowns. Also when he continually overthrew and missed wide open receivers throughout the first half. Are you intimating that because there was a bad call against Robey that that absolves EJ of his play in the first half? Yes it was a terrible call. Yes they probably would have won if not for that call. Yes they DEFINITELY would have won if EJ didn't suck so bad.
  23. Good post. I wish I could follow your advice. I just have a hard time letting it go when people are so wrong. What happened to the "running backs are all the same, I can't believe we traded Alonso for McCoy" guy who was making all that noise two weeks ago?
  24. If you spend enough time on here there are still people who insist EJ got screwed out of the starting QB job even though they didn't watch any practices and only saw a few preseason quarters. You can usually detect these types as they also insist that WGR was biased against EJ and had some sort of agenda by wanting Taylor to win the job. The Taylor "haters" are pretty much the same people as the last EJ holder-onners. Again, some are but it's not many at this point. He is actually 5-2; 4-1 with a healthy Watkins and 4-0 with a healthy Watkins against teams not named the Patriots.
  25. Give you a hint: the same guy that has led numerous campaigns that EJ is/was already a better QB than Ryan Tannehill.
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