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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. If Taylor had the defense last year that San Francisco had those two seasons, he very well could've played in the conference championship this past season.
  2. I don't like Rodak either but do you really think there is a chance that this information could be factually inaccurate?
  3. OK that's what I was thinking. I think that list/rating scale is a bit harsh though. Cutler, like him or not, is not a "tweener." He is firmly established as an NFL starter. Sam Bradford may be more of a tweener and there is nothing next to his name. Also, Rivers is a two-star guy.
  4. This is simply not true. Who's an average QB in the NFL? Like around the 15th best QB? Matt Stafford? You think the 15th best QB in 1986 was better than Matt Stafford? The 15th best QB in 1986 was lucky to throw for 3,000 yards and have more TD's than INT's. I realize the numbers are inflated now but this simply isn't true. In fact, the opposite is probably true. Jim Kelly hovered around the 5th-10th best QB in the league for much of his career. Do you have any idea how many flaws he had in his game? Half of Buffalo wanted Frank Reich to start at any given time. As time passes, we tend to glorify the careers and forget about the flaws of players from bygone eras. The QB play is better than ever- whether or not it is due to rule changes, that is another conversation. But it certainly isn't killing anything. I watched an hour's worth of red zone channel from week 1 of the past season on the NFL Network last night before I even realized I was watching it. The NFL is doing just fine.
  5. Uhh I didn't quite get it at the time, nor did most people. It turned out to be a fine move, like most personnel moves Whaley has made since he got here. That being said, I don't think anybody was ENRAGED or hysterical. I am surprised that I haven't seen any of the resident anti-Taylor posters allude to the fact that Taylor's record was technically 7-6 last season, not 8-6, because of that one snap.
  6. He has clearly gone into hiding from this thread. He said some of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this website.
  7. I half agree but they were pretty damn dominant in a handful of games that year. And they were good in virtually all of the key statistical areas. They were 4th in scoring, 4th overall (yards), 1st in sacks and I believe 1st in turnovers. I hear what you're saying but man, the regression to this past season was startling. This is really just a matter of semantics. If your point is that they weren't the 2015 Broncos, then yes, of course.
  8. So you would have advocated paying Chris Hogan what the Patriots did when we have to pay Glenn, Gilmore and Taylor? What did you want them to do? Yes they have a need at WR. We also have a top 5-10 WR in all of football. Guess how many teams in the NFL have needs at various positions. 32. The Broncos have needs all over the field and they just won the Super Bowl.
  9. Well aware. But again, I don't think they're racist. I just think it's more than a little odd that they have more white guys at the skill positions than any other team by far.
  10. Alright you officially just jumped the shark. I wouldn't say that he didn't work out here. I think for a 3rd WR on a running team he was serviceable at worst.
  11. Why do people keep insisting that Hogan won't work out in NE because Scott Chandler didn't? What the hell does one have to do with the other? Chandler was clearly at the end of his career. Hogan clearly is not. I think it's pretty predictable that Hogan will work out well in NE.
  12. Yeah and I'm crazy for thinking Belichick has a penchant for white wide receivers. If you went out to get a pizza pie with your lady and you sat down at the restaurant and looked around and the majority of people in the restaurant were Chinese despite the fact that it was an all-white neighborhood, you had been there 100 times and it was always mostly white people there and then after dinner you said to your lady, "hmm, did you notice there was as a lot of Chinese people at the restaurant tonight?" would you consider that "race baiting?"
  13. God some of you have such short memories. He caught the pass at the end of the game against Minnesota in 2014 right near the goal line to keep us alive and it was a great catch right over two defenders. And his skill set couldn't be any less similar to that of TJ Graham's. Like they are complete opposites. Ha if there ever was a white CB, I guarantee you he ends up on New England. Actually had this discussion recently- who is the last white CB in the NFL? Jason Sehorn? I can't really think of another one ever. Before Sehorn was it Dick "Night Train" Lane? Never mind, he was black too, I'm an idiot.
  14. Yeah their #'s 1 and 2 and if Hogan signs with them, their #'s 1, 2 and 3.
  15. Yes. The Patriots have also employed black players, which runs counter to my contention that ONLY white players have ever played wide receiver for the Patriots. Do you disagree that they have employed by far the highest percentage of white players at skill positions of any team in the league in the last decade? Because of course they have. I'm not saying it's racist or means anything at all. I just said it's weird, that's all.
  16. Alright Mr. PC, we get your point. Not at all strange that they always have a predominantly white OL, Woodhead, Welker, Edelman, Amendola, interest in Hogan, et al.
  17. Exactly, I already alluded to that. It's bizarre.
  18. Look if I'm an NBA GM, I might really like the idea of a black power forward over a white one. That doesn't mean I'm racist against white people. I honestly don't think they're racist. But against the Bills last year, at one point I remember looking on the field and it was all white guys- they've always had a predominantly white offensive line, Brady, Gronk, Chandler, Edelman, Amendola and whoever their running back for the week was, was their only black guy. You simply do not see that in the NFL. Just saying, it's not a coincidence.
  19. Thank you. It's way beyond a coincidence. I'm not saying they're racists, obviously they have plenty of black players too. But Belichick and Brady definitely get a boner over white skill position players. There's not a doubt in my mind.
  20. In all seriousness, why are the Patriots so obsessed with white wide receivers? There's like ten white wide receivers and most of them have played for the Pats at one time or another. They had double white tight ends last year, they had like the only white running back in football for a while; like seriously, what gives?
  21. I can assure you that the average record of all NFL teams since the dawn of time is 8-8 (or 7-7 when they played a 14 game schedule). Similarly the average record for MLB teams and NBA teams every single year since the inception of both leagues has been 81-81 and 41-41 respectively. Every year. I am often times right when arguing with someone who is wrong but at least it's a subjective position that the other person takes (ie. EJ Manuel could still develop into a franchise QB prior to the 2015 season). This may be the first time that I have ever engaged in an argument on TBD where I can actually prove I'm right using simple arithmetic. Here's a fun exercise you can try at home. Go through the NFL standings from last season. Add up every teams' wins and then add up every teams' losses (those numbers will be the same). Then divide each number by 32. Betcha can't guess what those numbers will be... And furthermore, if 7-9 were in fact average, then 8-8 would be above average! You are arguing that 8-8 is poor. Dude just give it up already.
  22. No it's .500. It is the very definition of average, which is exactly in between good and bad. How do you know we haven't already?
  23. No QB in the NFL was beating the Redskins that day with our defense. Virtually every other QB in the NFL, including backups, beats Jacksonville in London. You insinuated that our backup would've won those games.
  24. And you accuse me of always bringing things back to EJ? This is why. You take a perfectly normal thread about the OL and use it as a forum to bash Taylor by intimating that Manuel would've beaten the Redskins? Are you serious? Do you recall the tackling on Kirk Cousins' TD run that day? You really are Bills Fan 4 ever incarnate. You said 8-8 was bad and then called someone out for saying it was good. Really think about that for a second.
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