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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. We will have seen Taylor's "ceiling" after he gets a handful of games with legitimate options at wide receiver. I.E. a healthy Sammy Watkins and a first round draft pick/Alshon Jeffery.
  2. Some random lady on a random fantasy football podcast: I heard Taylor is dealing with a groin injury. Taylor: I'm not dealing with a groin injury. Gugny: People making excuses for Taylor. Again, HE JUST HAD HIS BEST GAME AS A PRO. Jesus, can we give the guy a few weeks and see if he can build on it? Gugny was still insistent after two poor seasons that Manuel was good but is certain Taylor sucks after a pretty decent season and a half. And I'm supposed to believe Gugny is an objective poster. Ha great post! Could be.
  3. Ha he's not making $15 million. More like 2 years, $15 million. I wouldn't mind that at all. I vote that we draft a first round wide receiver. Lot easier to find reasonably priced, more than competent safeties on the open market.
  4. What is wrong with you? Who's to say the dude doesn't have a groin issue? It's not like he put it out there as an excuse. You really don't like this Tyrod Taylor guy, huh?
  5. Joe Flacco, Russell Wilson... The Seahawks running backs had 8 carries for 10 yards and the Bills had 4 sacks. To be honest, the Bills held Forte pretty much in check in week 2 as well. The Jets and Seahawks losses are squarely on the shoulders of Gilmore and Darby. Period. The Bills lead the NFL in sacks. They're 14th overall and 13th in points allowed. Guys, if you're gonna pile on Rex Ryan, at least try and be objective and acknowledge that the defense has not been a disaster this season. If coaches are measured by their teams' (in the case units') performance relative to their perceived talent, Rex Ryan has had a decent season coaching the Bills defense. If Gilmore and Darby don't randomly implode after both turning in top 15 seasons last year, we're having a very different conversation right now. Great post dude.
  6. Schwartz is a great defensive coach. Schwartz and Wade Phillips are 1-2 in the league. Schwartz appears to be a better defensive coach than Rex Ryan. Rex Ryan might not necessarily be a bad defensive coach. He took a team whose front seven looked as bad as any in football going into the season without Dareus and they've held up pretty damn well. If Gilmore and Darby didn't s**t the bed this season and we had a player at Safety, we'd have a top 5-10 defense for sure. Because Schwartz has turned into an elite defensive coordinator, really has nothing to do with Rex Ryan whatsoever.
  7. ?? Where the hell were you sitting? You are simply wrong on this one. As weak as the tailgate scene was (non-existent) and as much as I hate the "12" thing, that place was f*****g loud. I didn't want to admit it but it was. I mean if that place wasn't loud, tell me what NFL stadium is louder.
  8. TYROD TAYLOR'S LAST GAME WAS HIS BEST GAME AS A PRO. Jesus, can we give the guy a week and see if he's able to build on that performance? What kind of person- let alone Bills fan- would take the bye week following Taylor's best game as a pro as an opportunity to start an anti-Taylor thread? Just give it a rest you three.
  9. Obviously, so would everyone. But all 32 teams in the league would rather have Mariota than Dalton, which was my original point that you contested. Dude, you ARE biased. You acknowledged he played well last week but said that he has less than three good games in his career. So you basically just said that last year, a year in which he went 8-6, threw 20 TD's to 6 INT's, that he had at maximum one good game? What is wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed with hating Tyrod Taylor. It's so weird.
  10. Uhh I'm talking about long term. I'm not hyperbolizibg at all. Would you rather have one-two more seasons of Drew Bree's or Mariota's entire career ahead of him? Now that Wilson is himself again, that might be the only other situation I would consider. And dude, Cincinnati?
  11. There might not be a team in the NFL I would trade QB situations with over Tennessee right now.
  12. 12-11 doesn't "suck." And let's see what happens next year when he has a healthy Watkins and a top 2 round receiver/Alshon Jeffery to work with. If you're asking if I think Taylor is good enough to excel with (prior to last week) a hobbled Robert Woods, Walt Powell and Justin Hunter as his 1-2-3, my answer would be no. But very, very few QB's in the league would. God you sound like Rush Limbaugh and Tyrod Taylor is Obama! Do you realize this? I have argued time and time again that the Bills' line is good. I've never used that as an excuse once. Nor would I ever say anything about "different systems." But yes, having the receiving corps the Bills are rolling out since Watkins went down is an exceptional circumstance when evaluating a QB. And if you think otherwise, I can't really take your opinion very seriously. And if you think EJ Manuel is physically capable of having the game Taylor had last week at Seattle, you need meds.
  13. I live in Denver. This Saturday I was on a party bus for an event. Everyone that knew me, knew I was an ardent Bills fan and at least five people started a conversation with me by saying something to the effect of, "dude I watched that game on Monday, Taylor is sick!" I was actually at the game. I told people that while he is good for a guy halfway through his second season as a starter that that was in fact, his best game as a pro. Regardless, why a Taylor-bashing thread this week? Don't you people realize that you watch every snap of one guy and only see the highlights for everyone else? If you lived in Oregon, rarely saw a Bills game but knew that Taylor was 12-11 with 30 TD's and 9 INT's and was the most elusive, best running QB in the league, you would probably think he was pretty good. Have some goddamn perspective, would ya? And I don't wanna hear Gugny chiming in on this one- he's the one who spent two years crusading on here about how EJ Manuel was still better than Tannehill. So according to him, it goes Manuel > Tannehill > Taylor. Not to mention, Taylor's record against Tannehill is still 2-1. But yes, agreed, they are both, at worst, top 25 QB's in the league so they both figure to be starting somewhere for years to come.
  14. Tyrod Taylor has a winning record as starting QB of the Bills. And this "garbage time" myth is a garbage argument. Taylor hasn't compiled any more or less garbage time stats than any other QB in the league.
  15. Actually I feel like there's way more people like you around here these days.
  16. Denver since '02 and literally hate the Broncos more than the Patriots. Although the whole Brady/Belichick supporting Trump thing makes it closer.
  17. Not Rex's fault that Gilmore went from a top 10-15 CB to one of the worst CB's in the entire league. As others have stated, his defense is dependent on lock down CB's and right now, he has none. He has pretty much worked wonders with the front seven this season. He deserves another year and he'll get one. Good post. Pretty much where I stand.
  18. Certainly not 2016 Aaron Rodgers. Taylor played better last night than "Rogers" has all season. I never realized how unobjective some of you had become with respect to Taylor until this game. Wow.
  19. An ant? I flew all the way to Seattle for this game tonight. The place was f'ing crazy. He played amazing. Out of 53 guys, he was reason #53 why they lost. Get outta here with that. Seriously man. Find something else to do with your time rather than run to your computer after a Bills loss and give everyone your na-na-na-poo-poo Tyrod take.
  20. We're on the same page. I thought you were criticizing him for wanting that job.
  21. I don't get it. Who wouldn't want that job. Of course he wanted that job. I could live with or without John Murphy. Van Miller is my favorite play by play guy of all time. Right there with Bob Cole and Dick Enberg for me. Maybe throw Jack Buck in there as well.
  22. Believe me when I tell you that the Vikings have the worst offensive line in the game. They have the worst offensive line of any team in recent memory.
  23. 28 teams don't have the Patriots in their division. 28 teams have not gone 36-19 since 2013, which was the topic of this thread.
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