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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. There seems to be three schools of thought on this thread: type a) Buffalo is the best place in the world, I love everything about it, I could never/would never want to live anywhere else. Buffalo is nicer than Santa Barbara? These are the brain-washed Buffalonians. type b) I love the Bills, the food, etc., but no way I could ever live there again and type c) Of course I realize that there are much nicer places than Buffalo, but like it or not, it's home. I guess I have to determine whether I'm a type b or c. The type a's need to get out and explore more though... Thanks for the input guys.
  2. I agree, here is a shot of Depew. Absolutely unparalleled... http://www.nadula.info/images/Wallpapers/N...,%20Wyoming.jpg
  3. Yeah, I don't know about 40's in June, but anyway, I do agree with you that the people on here who are saying that Buffalo is a better overall place than places in the US that people actually move TO not from (like Buffalo) are being a little naive. For instance, I can safely say that Denver is "better" than Buffalo in almost every way imaginable. The bottom line though, is Buffalo will always be home regardless of how long I've lived here now. To pretend that the weather isn't that bad in Buffalo is really all relative. It's not like Siberia, but out here it's sunny every day, if you're planning a weekend excursion in the mountains, a) you really don't even have to worry about it raining and b) you don't even need bug spray! I will agree with another guy though, that there's something about the country outside of Buffalo that is very authentic and I miss very much. Whenever I go home in the summer, me and my buddies play golf out in Akron and the green grass, the sounds and smells of the country- you can't find that out here.
  4. Leave. Buffalo. Now. Moved to Denver a year after I graduated from Canisius College, smartest thing I ever did in my entire life. Allow me to recommend the west as opposed to Charlotte like everybody else you went to high school with...
  5. I also live in Denver so we're in the same exact boat (except I'm still single). I think about it every single day- sunny every day (except the last month), no humidity, the Rocky Mountains, healthy economy, Rockies games vs. Bills home games, family, WAY better food... I would agree with you about the community feel in Buffalo but I would have to argue with you about the people though- I think overall people are friendlier out here.
  6. That sucks that your wife wouldn't be willing to move back there with you because Manchester sucks way worse than Buffalo! I go there on business once a year and the only redeeming thing about that city is the chicken fingers and mudslides at the Puritan!
  7. Yeah, I say "someday" every year that goes by too. But when are you gonna actually pull the trigger?
  8. Has anyone on here ever left Buffalo after college and then moved back? Does it work? Do you find yourself wanting to turn around and leave again? I'm thinking of moving back there this fall, but I'm not sure if I can. Are there any single girls in their late 20's/early 30's? Whenever I go home, it seems that the city is mostly college kids and full-blown adults and not so many people in between. Biggest things luring me back are Bills season tickets, family and the food, but is that enough? Any peronal testimonies would be appreciated...
  9. You really think that Wedding Crashers, with Owen Wilson as a complete softy and Vince Vaughn, in the most redundant role of any actor in the past decade is a funnier film than Revenge of the Nerds? A third of the movie is a sappy love story. Vs. John Goodman at his absolute finest: "You just got your asses whipped by a bunch of goddamn nerds." Sadly, too many Americans share your sentiment. Movie producers are saying, "hey can you believe this? no matter how bad these comedies are, as long as they have Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, etc., people will see them! Quick someone throw together a script so we can get it into theaters and make more money." And people like you eat it up. Old School had its moments, don't get me wrong, but better than Revenge of the Nerds? Clearly much of the clever satire of Nerds went way over your head.
  10. EZC I totally got your back. Probably a kid in his early 20's who thinks Wedding Crashers and Old School are the two greatest comedies ever made and has never even seen Nerds. Hey atlbills, it says "Nerds get out."
  11. I do live in Denver. Would recommend that if you have Bills fans friends out here that someone just get the package. There are some serious dorks at LoDo's (some good folks too for sure), but the food absolutely blows. Worst wings ever. They have the poorest excuse for beef on weck, it's a joke. I usually go to maybe one game a year there at this point just for the hell of it.
  12. Fred Polawaski, DE
  13. Do you watch the games at LoDo's? How hot is that red head chick that runs the Bills Backers?
  14. It wouldn't make any sense for Jenkins to make the team and then not dress. If he makes it, it will be due to his special teams ability, in which case, he will dress and play (as he did last year). Otherwise, he will get cut and that roster spot will be used for a younger player with upside who's not quite ready. #2, I think you mean Chambers as opposed to Chandler. #3, Spencer Johnson will dress every week. He can play DE and DT and was fine last year rotating in on DT. I'm kind of surprised that Kelsay didn't get cut already, but I still think he has to prove something in order to make the team.
  15. Rob Van Dam has to be considered. When he was in his absolute prime in ECW, nobody could touch his TV title.
  16. I have a box of Kelly Krunch- never got quite the hype that Flutie Flakes got
  17. How are Willis McGahee and Jason Peters not on this list? Who are you? are you aware that Alexander Mogilny scored 76 goals in one season with the Sabres? Does anybody have anything of substance to post?
  18. I look at everything in terms of does this help/hurt our chancs of staying in Buffalo and I think this certainly cannot hurt. To have a guy of Berman's stature that truly understands and appreciates Bills Nation on our side is always good.
  19. It is true that the Bills don't have a waiting list for season tickets, while some of these other teams do. But you HAVE to take into consideration the state of each region's economy. Denver for instance, is a happy, fluffy, healthy, growing, expanding city and as I stated previously, the tickets go to the hedge fund managers to take their clients. You have to look at the passion of the fans and if you go to games in other stadiums, you will quickly see that Bills fans are like very few fans. And by the way, Giants fans suck.
  20. Come on man, that's Bruce Mathison, it's 1985, and he's passing to Andre Reed as a rookie.
  21. You should've went to Bills-Chiefs in '03 when they were undefeated. Place is insane. Ask Kenny and his crew- top 3 fans are Bills, Packers, Chiefs. End of story. Steelers, Browns round out the Top 5. Although, when I say Bills, I'm talking about Bills Nation, I'm not necessarily talking about the 20-year old dudes, who dropped out after 1 year at ECC, have chin-strap beards, live with their parents while installing systems in cars, wear/wore McGahee jerseys, crank horrendous new school rap music in the parking lot, know nothing about the Bills and look to fight other fans for no reason. WAY too many of those guys at Bills home games. That's why they should raise ticket prices.
  22. I live in Denver, stop me if you've heard me say this before. Last year at the Bills-Broncos game where all they had to do was win and they would win the AFC West, not a cloud in the sky, granted it was 18-19 degrees, there were 10,000 no-shows! Bills fans ran the parking lot all day long. I have been to several Broncos games and any real Broncos fan will even tell you, the fans are weak! Read some of the comments below, a few of them reference the rich execs who are the only ones that can afford the tickets. There is ZERO blue collar element to their fanbase, at least the ones that attend the games. And for those of you who question whether or not the Bills are top-5 worthy have clearly never traveled for a road game, have no idea how special Bills fans are and probably shouldn't even be on here!
  23. Unbelievable- I didn't realize Robb Riddick played on punt coverage either! How about the brief footage of the Bills in St. Louis against Neil Lomax and the Cardinals?
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