Alright, this is the stuff I like. Thanks for responding. Notice nowhere in my brief post did I say that every registered Republican in the United States is unable to feel compassion for the less fortunate. Tim Tebow, for instance, I'm guessing is a Republican because he is all about JC. That guys embodies what JC was intended to be all about. Sadly, he is in the vast, vast minority. The connection between JC and Republicans? I have no idea, but the vastly superior Republican marketing machine has been able to convince simple-minded Americans who do not think for themselves that JC would've walked into a voting booth last November, sandals, robe and all, and cast a vote for a ticket that had Sarah Palin on it. At any rate, you may be a conservative for fiscal reasons or whatever and that's fine, but just remember, you're voting for the same leaders as Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Mel Gibson, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Larry the Cable Guy. And if you really don't think that as a GENERAL RULE in 2010, a so-called "liberal" in the United States doesn't tend to be more compassionate, friendly, giving, caring, open-minded than a "conservative" then you are not worth arguing with. Please take me up on that bet by the way! 10 to 1 odds, I'm sure we could find out rather easily. Email me personally.