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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. Here it is folks- on a thread complaining about NBC not showing the hockey game, out of the clear blue sky, I give you Dwight in Philly... "that is what you get when liberal's run anything!,,.look at what friggin obama is doing to the country, then you can understand why you get a cluterf----- when the olberman's of the world run anything, its not him, but his way of thinking permeates nbc's!"
  2. And really Dwight, you throw around politcial views on here and you don't even know that they really do in fact, call themselves tea-baggers? Do you even read the news or do you just go around spewing what Uncle Jethro in his overalls tells you to say? Try using a google search from time to time before you continue to embarrass yourself on here.
  3. Actually I work in finance. I'll agree with you on one point, community organizers and teachers are huge losers, you got me on that one. Way to go Dwight. One last one- which group of states has a higher people who have read classic works of literature to people who regularly shoot rabbits ratio? No really, answer the question.
  4. I'll leave you two with this: Ten states guaranteed to vote Democrat: NY, MA, VT, CT, RI, CA, WA, OR, MN, IL Ten states guaranteed to vote Republican: OK, AR, WY, UT, MS, AL, KS, KY, NE, ND Now ask yourself this: Which collective group of states has a higher college graduate to high school dropout ratio? Which states have a higher hockey viewing to nascar viewing ratio? Which states have a higher college professor to openly racist ratio? Thank you gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, but I have to get to work! Wil
  5. Dwight go away. You probably have balls and shaft style from PCU. Pencil-nosed Reaganite.
  6. 1. Again, poll numbers can be skewed in any number of ways, I've heard higher approval numbers for the bill but let's agree to disagree on that. 2. The will of the people? Don't accuse leftists of "unconditional support" and then tell me that tea-baggers have any clue what they're talking about. Here's a poll for you: go the next tea-bagger rally and find out how many people there are prone to dropping n-bombs. 3. Global warming. Ahh yes, 99% of scientists have agreed that it's been happening for years. The friggin polar ice caps are melting, I don't know what else to tell ya. Go ask a polar bear if global warming is happening. Hell, ask a Vermonter about their lack of seasons and the changes in foliage in the last 20 years. But alas, Bill from NYC, with his his extensive research says it is not so...
  7. You want to level? I heard this past weekend that he has a 72% approval rating in the northeast and something like a 30% approval rating in the south. Clearly there are myriad polls and numbers can be spun a million ways. I think we could probably both agree that since the passage of the health care bill, aside from the Palin-led lunatic fringe (which unfortunately encompasses far too many people), his general approval has gone up, while most people are viewing the attitudes of Republicans as sour grapes.
  8. Ahh another tea-bagger, very nice. How was the hate rally this past weekend? McCain declares that Republicans won't cooperate with Democrats on any legislation for the rest of the year. Way to put country first! Your party has turned into Ebeneezer Scrooge. Before Christmas, of course.
  9. You started this a long time ago whe you blamed Obama for NBC showing ice dancing instead of USA-Canada (look it up folks, I don't know how to pull old posts). And yes, his approval ratings, though getting higher, are still low due to an unbelievably crude yet effective right-wing fear-mongering, world-is-coming-to-an-end marketing campaign combined with the gullibility of middle Americans who don't think for themselves. In the northeast, his approval ratings are astonishingly high.
  10. Since he's been in office, Obama has done nothing to curb the stereotypes about the Bills being perennial losers. When I voted hor "change," I expected him to change the direction of this franchise as well as its national perception. He has done neither. Sure, the market has done exceptionally well since he took over, he's already captured more badass terrorists than Bush, the Iraqi elections went smoothly, he pushed through a landmark healthcare bill, he's starting to make some nice treaty arrangements with traditional enemies of ours and most importantly, complete sentences are back at the White House, but this is unacceptable. I think you have to blame Obama for this one, right Dwight?
  11. Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.
  12. http://espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=231813 I know, he sucks, look at his numbers from last year!!! What a joke!!! And he did it all with a broken toe. And he's prototypical NFL QB size. God forbid.
  13. They let you curse on the Eagles board? That's pretty cool.
  14. Once again? As in the third time since 1983?
  15. Ralph Wilson may be miserly at times, but him and Russ are not stupid. They know they have to put asses in the seats. I just can't imagine they start the season with the three-headed monster on the roster. I have to believe it's either gonna be Claussen, Tebow or McNabb. Or at the very least they'll trade for a mid-range QB or draft Lefevour (even if he's not starting right away) and sell us on change. Either way, they have to shake up the position. My prediction, though far from bold, is that only two of the current three will be on the opening day roster. If I had to guess, I'm saying TE is the odd man out. Fitzpatrick is fine as a backup QB in the NFL (for that matter so is Edwards) and I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on Brohm. My gut feeling is that they draft Tebow and maybe Fitzpatrick starts the first 3 or 4 games before people start clamoring for you know who. You heard it here...
  16. In all seriousness, when I was a kid, not to get too deep on you, but maybe my Dad had a little trouble communicating with me, so in 1985 (I was six), he took me to 1 game, 1986- 4 and then in 1987, all the home non-strike games and then in 1988, we got seasons, which we kept until 1995 (perfect timing, right?) I can tell you that I wouldn't be as close with my Dad if it wasn't for the Buffalo Bills. I love the Bills somewhere between an immediate family member and a relative.
  17. Whatchyou know about the 90's Bills, Kelly, Bruce, Thurman, crazy skills Bruce Smith up in yo face with another sack, You can't run the ball, your whole game plan's wack (and a verse from 2006 that we've since abandoned) J.P. to Lee Evans, Willis on the run, It's a brand new version of the K-Gun
  18. Ahh... Dwight in Philly, how could we forget? The guy who declared that NBC showing ice dancing over the USA-Canada game was Obama's fault. Classic.
  19. Very interested in seeing Hardy and Johnson get more reps. Nix is exactly right, you HAVE to see what you have there. Makes it all the more frustrating that the old man didn't send down an executive order to play the young guys at the end of last year when the season was already lost. Guys like Hardy, Johnson, Ellis, Nic Harris, Maybin collecting dust so we could eek out wins against the likes of KC and get a lower draft pick this year in the process? Give me a break.
  20. Why does anyone think that Lynch will be traded? No one has ever speculated that he will be traded, Nix says the same thing every time he is asked. And furthermore, who wants Lynch to be traded? The guy runs hard and the only other RB on the roster is what, 29? YOU NEED TWO GOOD RB'S. We have two RB's, why would we want to mess with that?
  21. Chicks? This party doesn't even have any chips!
  22. I thought I knew my Bills as well as anybody, but who the hell is Veek?
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