Great question. A "Tyrod Fanboy" is a strawman created by about 5% of the posters on TBD who are irrationally anti-Tyrod. Of those irrationally anti-Tyrod posters, 95% of them are as such because they used to be irrationally pro-EJ themselves and were upset when Tyrod won the job and even stooped so low as to claim that there was a conspiracy involved (much like Trump claiming he didn't win the popular vote because of illegal votes). In any event, in the countless years, days and hours I have spent on this website, I have never encountered one poster who has tried to prop Tyrod Taylor up as more than he is: a below average to potentially average but STARTING NFL QB. You would think by seeing the term "Tyrod Fanboy" flung around so haphazardly, that there would be people on this website somewhere insisting he is already, or will be at some point in the near future, an elite NFL QB. In actuality, no such people exist. So when you see the term "Tyrod Fanboy," it is ex-EJ Fanboys (irrationally optimistic fans, mind you) bitterly lashing out at posters who acknowledge reality: that Tyrod Taylor is a below average- but worthy of starting- NFL QB, as opposed to a complete abomination.