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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. I don't know what sucks more- the show Entourage or this thread. Or the Dave Matthews Band.
  2. If there was ever not a team in Buffalo and simultaneously a team in Los Angeles named 'The Gold,' you could consider my relationship with the NFL over.
  3. Oh my God. Can we talk about the Bills? You're right, if I was in an NFL game, all of a sudden I wouldn't be able to throw a football even though I've played QB my whole life.
  4. Great analogy you turkey. Yeah because I said I can throw a football 50 yards to guy who has his man beat by 10 yards, I necessarily insinuated that I could play QB in the NFL.
  5. Agreed he's probably worth a 3rd rounder in real market value. My point is that we can't afford to have a guy on the team that's worth a 3rd/4th rounder and play sparingly on our roster. We have too many other holes. Yes, despite the fact that he's playing against 3rd-stringers, I am comfortable with Joique Bell as my 3rd-string RB.
  6. I didn't mean to turn this into an Al Bundy high school glory days thread, but it's hard to speculate how many people on here are athletes. Granted, I've never thrown to a receiver with Lee Evans' speed, but yes, I can still air a perfectly crisp spiral and hit a receiver in stride from 50 yards at age 31. Not to mention, he had the guy beat by 10 yards. I'm willing to bet there are a few other people on here that could do the same. To re-iterate my original point, I could not have made the throw that Brohm made to Jackson down the sideline!
  7. I did not say I'd take Bell over Lynch, I'm saying we have too much depth relative to other positions and I would take a 4th rounder for Lynch at this point. I happen to think Lynch is a very good NFL RB. Did Edwards really put it 60 yards in the air? If so, no I couldn't have made that throw. I could put it 50 right on the money though. I've played some QB in my day. Agree that they won't have a traditional "starter," but I'll bet you Spiller gets more touches this year than Jackson.
  8. The Bills might still suck this year, but if anyone wants to bet you that they'll be as bad as the Rams or the Bucs, then take that bet. They re-inforced my opinion that they'll figure out a way to win 6 games last night. CB's: Leodis McKelvin may very well have won his job back last night. Youboty played awesome. Ellis Lankster will need to rebound next week to make the team. By all means, if you can get a 4th rounder for Marshawn Lynch, trade him and keep Joique Bell! Wow, Aaron Maybin really isn't going to start again this year, huh? I have every bit of confidence in the world that Kyle Williams will figure out a way to make it work at NT. That guy is a gamer. Brian Brohm looks more like an NFL QB than Trent Edwards. He doesn't get jittery in the pocket. To be perfectly honest, I could have made that throw to Lee Evans, but the sideliner Brohm made to Jackson was a throw that Edwards does not make/even consider attempting. I'm glad Fitzpatrick loved the Taylor Swift concert, but that's gonna do it for him. CJ Spiller is your new starting RB.
  9. I'm not trying to be a d*ck, but how can you remember that play and barely recall Greg Bell?
  10. Spot on. I couldn't agree more.
  11. Why is Drew Brees on the top of the black sports online website?
  12. Here's hoping Joique and Chad play like Greg and O.J. tonight.
  13. Really? Am I the only one who thought he not only held his own, but was in on a bunch of pressures as well?
  14. Favre is a living, breathing football God. He can do whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned. It'll be sad when he really does retire when he's 54.
  15. 2 AFL Championships, 8 AFL/AFC Championship games since 1964, 6 AFL/AFC Championships, made the playoffs 9 of the last 22 years, which is pretty impressive if you ask me.
  16. I don't think they're going to be very good this year. Thoughts?
  17. That is inexcusable. I watched the entire game and I live in Denver and don't host a Buffalo sports talk show. How can he break down the receiver position? Me and my buddies are now predicting Hardy gets cut outright. David Nelson is definitely making this football team. Alas, this is a conversation that Howard Simon could not intelligently partake in.
  18. Many estimates say up to 70,000 years. We calously wiped them off the face of the earth in a quick 250. Anyone who has no sensitivity in this matter is really ignorant. And to answer your question literally- Mesopotamia?
  19. That was either a) an incredibly poor attempt at wit or perhaps humor, I don't know or b) one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. Wouldn't expect much more from a conservative though. Yes, I read your stupid not-at-all-applicable-to-modern-times quote.
  20. Are you the real deal or one of those "I'm 5% Cherokee people?" Regardless, I'm a white guy, but diehard Native history and culture. I go up to Pine Ridge and the Black Hills once a year. Personally I am more offended by the Braves and Seminoles chant more than anything, then the Indians logo second and the Redskins name third. The Redskins do have a very respectful and badass logo. I am very offended that the Fighting Sioux of North Dakota were forced to give up their nickname. How is that any different than the Fighting Irish? The Seminoles name and logo is also totally respectful, although I think they have some goofy mascot. The point is that I think it's totally cool to pay homage to Natives with a mascot or team name as long as it's not done in poor tatse and there are clearly plenty of examples of both in sports today.
  21. Second that. KC is right there though. I guess we'll find out about Lambeau in a month, huh? But yeah, the tailgate, in all likelihood, will end up being the highlight of your entire trip. That and mighty Taco.
  22. Get outta here. No really, get outta here.
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