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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. Wasn't McCluster already off the board by the time we drafted in the 3rd round? Could be wrong.
  2. How come there's no option for over 400 yards?
  3. I had just met Ernie Warlick in the Minneapolis Airport a few weeks back and then I saw either that special or the one on HBO about black players in the AFL (I saw them both, but I can't remember which one he was on) and he was interviewed on it. Pretty cool.
  4. Our franchise, our team, our city has all gone down the pooper For God's sake our Tight End is a guy named Stupar
  5. Not sure anyone's noticed, but the Bills have given up the 6th most carries in the NFL this year and are still 10th in the league against the rush (YPC). This despite playing five defensive back almost every play vs. Green Bay and going up against a pretty good running team in Miami. Hey I'm just looking for something here...
  6. Give Fitzpatrick a few games, if he can actually complete passes to wide receivers, then let him have the rest of the season. He is a serviceable NFL backup on ANY team and I believe he may be auditioning for that role here long term. If he sucks every bit as bad as Edwards, you HAVE to let Brohm play the rest of the season no matter how bad he sucks.
  7. I know, I can't believe we let Willis McGahee, Ryan Denney, MIKE WILLIAMS?, Ko Simpson and Nate Clements go! What idiots we have running things! Pat Williams, Fletcher, Incognito and possibly Winfield I'll give ya.
  8. So according to your logic, if someone really wants to be a politician- even if it's for all the same reasons that Paladino is running right now- but they're a little younger, then they have to do something else for 30 years and then become a politician or you won't vote for them? Or perhaps more accurately, you will only vote for someone who has never really been that passionate about politics/is not qualified to run for public office and has taken up running for office as a second career/hobby? You're also saying that because you happened to have chosen the profession of politician prior to last year, then you necessarily cannot be "fed up." Why is that all of a sudden people are so "fed up" all at once? Politicians are the same people they've been for hundreds of years. The only difference is that we have a black president. Everything else is the same.
  9. In a sick and twisted way, I kind of want Paladino to win just so we can see that this whole party line of taking Albany to task and this idea that there will be some sort of sweeping change and that your day-to-day life will somehow change can be laid to rest, at least in NY. Let me guess, he's gonna help re-instill "freedom," "liberty," "family values" and help limit "out of control big government," right? The genius Republican marketing machine. And I'm not being sarcastic, it really is genius. They have somehow managed to become the pro-America party, while convincing everyday working schleps to vote against their own interests. Yes, I am rooting for Paladino. Go Bills!
  10. If sending racist emails and emails containing bestiality and then acknowledging it and basically saying, "Why, what's so wrong with that?" helps the Bills, then Paladino can definitely help the Bills.
  11. You got it man, thanks a lot. Greatest Dead studio album?
  12. Really? Ya know something, you suck. Thursday night- Wrigleyville, Chicago, blues bars in N. Lincoln Park, Giordanos... Friday day- Field History museum, tooling around Chicago, Giordanos again probably Friday night- insane all night partying in Milwaukee w/ insane crew Saturday- scoping breweries in Milwaukee, driving up to Green Bay, going to Packers Museum Sunday- be there by 8, cranking classic rock, grilling, partying, etc. (you know the drill) Gametime- yeah, from 12 o'clock on it could be ugly, but I'll lose my voice anyway All of this w/ my two bros and two of my best friends in the world, all converging from Buffalo and Denver What are you doing this weekend?
  13. s gonna be awesome. Then Monday the flight home will be sobering and depressing but nevertheless...
  14. WEAK. Should've known better than to buy it in the first place. You owning a TO jersey: Russ Brandon 1, you 0.
  15. Great thread. I think the best jerseys are starters but not superstars from the Super Bowl era. For instance, everyone rocks Kelly, Bruce, Thurman, Reed, Tasker, etc. Keith Goganious (sp?), Scott Radecic: too obscure Metzelaars, Beebe, Leonard Smith (which is what I got), Mueller, Odomes, Reich, McKeller: PERFECT! P.S. I will pay whatever it takes for a Metzelaars jersey. I'm getting the feeling it's impossible.
  16. I know it's weird, but I think my favorite Bill as of today is David Nelson. Love it when undrafted rookies work to make the squad and I'm really excited about the prospects of a big receiver making an impact. I really think this kid could be good.
  17. Best post in a while. Well done. If they actually line up all three in a triangle at once, that will be sick. Even more psyched for Sunday now (if that's possible?)
  18. Bored at work, I just checked out Edwards wikipedia page and it's really quite startling. I knew the dude was injury prone, but I guess I never fully realized the extent. Check out his injuries at Stanford and then with the Bills. He literally gets injuries, which keep him out of entire games, twice a season, save for one season in college. Kind of troubling. I still like his upside, his accuracy, intelligence, etc., but can you ever really count on this guy to be THE guy even if he's playing well? Not so sure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Edwards
  19. MONOPOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Obviously. Not to mention, Pittsburgh's OL also blows.
  21. No false starts is not happenin. Let's keep it to 1-2 max. I think we'll probably give up closer to 175 yards rushing and still win the game. I think our offense will be able to move the ball and so will theirs. Look for a high scoring game on Sunday.
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