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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. This board is turning into the football equivalent of dungeons and dragons.
  2. Are you serious? Are you the guy at the Sabres games that tells your son that the refs are out to get the Sabres? We have four games against the Patriots and the Jets, which combines for 50-14. The other 12 games' opponents' are WELL below .500. What is wrong with that picture of Matt Cassell? What is wrong with his head?
  3. Much prefer the 90's Tony Graziani-era Oregon uniforms http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/1399461.jpg%3Fv%3D1%26c%3DIWSAsset%26k%3D2%26d%3D77BFBA49EF878921F7C3FC3F69D929FD2D68DF4B5750902691B93F18B39905FCE81B3000FB4F55DBE30A760B0D811297&imgrefurl=http://www.life.com/image/1399461&usg=__okRMWQe3hCG-b79uC0k-jyfQHX4=&h=594&w=396&sz=46&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=aX3RlGFEvg5moM:&tbnh=151&tbnw=122&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtony%2Bgraziani%2Boregon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D863%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=693&vpy=61&dur=3718&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=133&ty=120&ei=GMAsTcX2L8K8nAfez7zMDA&oei=BsAsTc2zBYW9nAeT3vHyCQ&esq=4&page=1&ndsp=46&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 Dude I'm 31, I'm not old. I suppose you prefer the Atlanta Thrashers home uniforms to those of the Montreal Canadiens, right?
  4. Really? I don't. I love the fact that the Browns, Steelers, Colts, Chiefs, Raiders, Redskins, Cowboys, Packers, Bears and Saints would never even dream of touching their uniforms.
  5. Well I guess that answers my question when my buddy and I were asking ourselves, "who in the world would like these jerseys?" I actually posed the question, what will Oregon be wearing 40 years from now? Actual space suits? Does anyone care about tradition anymore? There should be a thread on how nice Auburn's uniforms are. What are you 13? Let me guess- you were pissed when the Sabres went to the semi-old school jerseys and wish they kept the slugs, right?
  6. Wasn't it Akeem Alajuwon (sp?) He was actually pretty good too.
  7. Hey thanks for joining the website man! We appreciate the input, keep up the great work!
  8. Agreed it wasn't a huge diss but still, he's being interviewed about Peyton Manning and he has to say that Tom Brady doesn't study as hard? How the hell does he know that? Whichever way you look at it, they guy's got some huge balls for keeping up his whole over-the-top-cocky shtick after video footage was released of him smelling his wife's feet.
  9. Apparently Rex Ryan just dissed Tom Brady again. That's really leaving yourself vulnerable at a time like this. Does Tom Brady do what we all know he can and should do and allude to the foot fetish video next time he is interviewed and inevitably asked about Ryan's comments? Does this redeem Tom Brady forever if he does? It would for me. Would you ever think it possible three years ago that you would actually hate the Jets significantly more than the Patriots? Incidentally, Jets are going to win Saturday night. -Metz
  10. Do you think that Tebow's agent is allowed to tell Denver which teams have expressed interest in Tebow so Denver knows how far back they can afford to trade down and still bank on getting him? That's what I wondering.
  11. I guess we'll see what happens. The dude has taken over two flailing programs and turned them into big-time winners. Obviously his record was going to be down his first couple years at Stanford before he got his own recruits in there. The dude is a complete madman. Guy I work with used to play for him at San Diego and says he's gonna be a phenomenal coach wherever he's at. He's gonna be Bill Cowher without the mustache.
  12. Dude he took San Diego from a doormat to two straight 11 win seasons. How do you think he got the Stanford job. Not to mention, had a pretty good season at Stanford last year as well. Might want to do a little research next time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Harbaugh
  13. I can't believe I'm doing this, but to help keep this thread alive cause crayonz is my favorite poster ever, NO, because if they won an extra game against the NFC West, there wouldn't even be a tie-breaker.
  14. How could God do Stevie like this?????
  15. Very insightful post.
  16. Obviously I was kidding. I do think George Edwards has made some nice adjustments this year though.
  17. I think Curtis Modkins is more responsible for the development of Fitzpatrick and the passing game than anyone. After all, he is the offensive coordinator.
  18. I love Chan Gailey. I wish he was my Uncle or something and he was coming over for Christmas. I'm sure he has a nice Christmas sweater or two he'll be wearing wherever it is he'll be.
  19. Went to Avs-Canadiens last night so I only caught the tail end of the game. Nothing new for announcers to give it up to the likes of Brady, Manning, Favre, Brees, Rivers, Roethlisberger and now Vick in such a manner and I agree it can get annoying. I know everyone loves Gruden and I do too, but don't tell me it's not cheesy when he says of Manning, "I call this guy the sheriff..." All that stuff aside and I'm sure Collinsworth laid it on pretty thick last night, the bottom line is that Collinsworth is the best color man in the business, period, end of story. This is why he is paired with the greatest announcer maybe ever. They don't hand that job to just anyone people. Believe me, Steve Tasker and his "Fred Jackson is like watching someone pour a glass of water" commentary isn't getting that gig anytime soon. Collinsworth is one of the few men in the business who offers insight above and beyond the football 101 rhetoric that most announcers give you- he actually will tell you stuff that as an advanced football fan, you don't already know, which I appreciate. Guys like Joe Theismann talk to you like you're a housewife watching your first football game. If you don't like Collinsworth, I'm not sure what else to tell ya. Dick Enberg was/is one hell of an announcer, I really miss him doing the late AFC West games.
  20. Can someone tell me what this twit said exactly? I can't view social networking sites at work.
  21. I agree. It makes me feel good just reading that. Who would have thought when they made the hire that however many months later we would be 3-10 and still making statements like that? This season has been everything we could've realistically hoped for. Chan Gailey is the best. I love that man.
  22. Because he's not Irish-Catholic.
  23. Personally, I believe in Bedullah, the God that Hightower is chanting "yama yama yama yama yaaaa-ma" to when he's sprinkling the dust on Tackleberry in Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol. To each their own I guess.
  24. That's right because I said that no smart person in the history of the world believes in God. Incidentally, do all three of your boys believe in organized religion? Huge distinction. In other words, they think their Judeo-Christian God is the one and only God, but everyone else's God is made up and silly? Cause if they all believe that I'd be surprised.
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