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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. Dumbest thread of the year. Actually might make it to page 2?
  2. Charlie Sheen's recent antics = amusing, compelling, interesting "Winning" references = jumped the shark last week. Not even one of the funnier things he said by a longshot.
  3. 11,978 + 3,867 = 15,845 / 32 = 495.16 There are not 495 players on each team. Am I missing something?
  4. I can't believe they haven't unveiled the new jersey yet. F'n Obama.
  5. It wouldn't shock me if those were the first two players selected in the draft. That being said, I'm bearish on Newton this week and bullish on Dareus. There are literally nine players we could conceivably take with the 3rd pick: Newton, Gabbert, Fairley, Dareus, Bowers, Quinn, Miller, Peterson or Green. I'm sure the Bills' brass will change their minds several times between now and April 28th or whenever the draft is.
  6. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WillPa20.htm Yeah that didn't sound right in the article either so I looked it up. He actually left after the 2004 season. I would've thought he left a year earlier than that.
  7. Am I the only one who can't open this? All it says is "posted image," but it's not a link that you can click on.
  8. Sorry professor. I always thought it was from Weekend at Bernie's. Perhaps that's where it originated.
  9. "Nice outfit. It'd look even better crumpled up on my floor in the morning." Name the movie (without googling it) This looks like something Trent Edwards would've worn when he was still on the Bills.
  10. Is anyone else concerned that he looks kind of skinny?
  11. "Talky, talky, talky. No more talky." -William Madison
  12. "It was the last time that the #1 and #2 ranked defenses squared off in the Super Bowl" "What is three weeks ago Alex."
  13. Can Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? Does defense really win championships?
  14. I'm at work and do not have access to youtube, but I believe that you can youtube the video of when he is drafted and when the pick is made both Kiper and McShay are very weary of the pick.
  15. The Steelers just go ahead take the player regardless of "system," that I can tell you.
  16. Living in Denver, allow me to recommend not rooting for the Broncos. They have the cheesiest fan base you've ever seen. Their tailgates are wine and cheese. They're fairweather fans. I hate them as much as the Patriots and the Jets. Probably more. I could write a book about it, but I'll digress. Ask any football fan with a solid fan base who's ever been to a Broncos game post-Mile High and they'll tell you the same thing. And my God, the incomplete chant? Are you aware that after the opposing QB throws an incomplete pass, the PA announcer prompts the entire crowd to chant "in-com-plete!" Which they do, even if they're losing 35-0. It's horrible. My 2nd team is the Bucs. When I was a kid they were actually my favorite team until I was in high school, as I was obsessed w/ the orange jerseys. To this day, I think those and the early 90's Canucks are the two best uniforms ever. Canucks are actually still a close 2nd as my NHL team behind the Sabres. Bucs I don't really care about anymore since they went to the pewter, but if I had to pick one it would still be the Bucs.
  17. I agree 100%. His monologue is usually a letdown, but his quick-witted commentary throughout the show is always very funny. Good to hear there are others like us out there, I never miss a show. It's my Friday night ritual- get all ready, have a few solo drinks during Maher and then head out from there (Mountain Time is the best by the way). I'm glad you mentioned Ron Paul. Fiscal conservative, but a rationalist. That's why Bill Maher loves the guy and has had him on his show repeatedly. Not to mention, Ron Paul respects Maher back. I wish the people on here would tune in just once to see what it's all about- they may be surprised. I've tuned in and watched full shows of every big-name Republican talk show/TV host, no matter how ridiculous, so when I get into debates I can cite exactly why they're so ridiculous. And not all of them are. But most of them are. On a lighter note, HBO programming is the best. I am obsessed with Oz right now. I've been watching it every night for the past two months, it's highly addictive. That is why I don't start watching all these shows like Boardwalk Empire, etc., I'm sure they're amazing, but I don't have any more time to waste on TV!
  18. Yeah I hear ya man. We can't talk about the Bills 365 days a year. I love talking politics, religion, etc. Probably not the best forum for it, but what are you gonna do.
  19. Alright, I take it back. Bozo is relatively harmless though, come on. He was a highly-respected clown you know.
  20. Oh my God. Friday morning and this is still going. Listen you bozo, I have watched virtually every episode of Bill Maher since he came to HBO. Like other rationalists, he leans left on most issues. More than anything, he cannot believe that in 2011, religion still dictates a good percentage of Americans' sociopolitical beliefs and it irks him. For instance, I feel this way about that issue because the Bible says so. Sorry, not gonna think for myself on that one. This is a way of thinking that is seen almost exclusively from your side, Dwight in Philly. That being said, he is CONSTANTLY playing devil's advocate, that is part of his shtick. He is CONSTANTLY calling out Obama. He is CONSTANTLY calling out Democrats for not standing up for what they believe in the way Republicans do. You clearly don't watch the show, which is fine, I'm happy to enlighten you. Bill Maher couldn't be any more bi-partisan for what he does. Bill O'Reilly, as much of a jerk as he is, is also bi-partisan. O'Reilly called out Rush Limbaugh for constantly referring to Obama's policies as Socialist, which is one of the more ignorant, outlandish claims in modern American history. Listen, Dwight in Philly, to quote George's boss in an earlier episode of Seinfeld, "this is why I'm a winner. I'll always be a winner. And you... you'll ALWAYS be a loser." Please drop it.
  21. Typical Republican point of view, very Christian of you.
  22. Who is Mitch Hedberg? You may want to youtube him. Couldn't care less about world peace or other issues? Very telling. The fact that there is constant corruption, war, disease and child starvation in third world countries around the globe concerns you not at all, but whether the Bills play a 3-4, a 4-3 or some sort of hybrid defense preys on your mind night and day? I'm happy to be on team liberal, Dwight in Philly. And by the way, for all you pencil-nosed Reaganites (PCU reference), allow me to recommend the Reagan documentary on HBO. Well worth 2 hours of your time.
  23. You disagree with his post? I thought it was well-put. Are you acknowledging that you suck from the teet which is NFL football and you need it to make your life whole? I can't believe I came in this morning and this thread was still going. Once and for all: No one says that Bill Maher is as as funny as Mitch Hedberg or Jim Gaffigan or Jim Jeffries or Richard Pryor or Chris Rock. No one! Let it go. What I've said in every post about this stupid topic is that his show is very informative, his panel always has fantastic credentials (aside from the occasional dim-witted movie star) and it is a good news/opinion show. Bill Maher is extremely quick on the trigger; I would go so far as to say he can be brilliant at times. George Will was also brilliant at one time. No one was confusing him with Chevy Chase. You could say the same thing about Dennis Miller, as much as I loathe him, he clearly has a wealth of knowledge with respect to trivial, obscure 20th century references. Please end this. And Go Bills.
  24. Exactly. There isn't a person I've ever met whose socio-political views line up closer to mine than Bill Maher's. That being said, I can even see why someone from the other side could find him "smarmy," egotistical, condescending, pedantic, etc. But how in the world could anyone not the same things about Dennis Miller? They really are the mirror images of eachother on opposite sides. The only difference is that Dennis Miller is literally the only conservative intellectual on television, while there are hundreds of intellectual liberals to choose from. Oh no, does that make me an elitist?
  25. I'm not sure that Glenn Beck has overcome any emotional problems, but OK... Yes, he has turned his life around. He is very successful at scaring middle-Americans who don't think for themselves into believeing that the apocalypse is coming and pulling the rug out from under the president of the United States. Extremely patriotic.
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