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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. "Very solid" punt returner!?! He was a freaking ridiculous punt returner for a few years. In fact, wasn't he at one point the leader in yards per punt return in the history of the NFL? Come on guys, I was very interested to open this thread and I am shocked at some of the responses. First of all, the list is not an indictment on Bills second round picks at all. In fact, it's actually a pretty decent list. I would've put Kelsay third last right before Denney, who wasn't even that bad himself. I think you have to put Roscoe second or third (I agree 100% w/ Levitre being #1) based on just HOW good he was as a punt returner.
  2. Wow I must really be getting old if people are calling out other people on here for not remembering Phil Hansen. I in fact called Phil Hansen a "nice player." Clearly Phil Hansen holds a lot of sentimental value for you, but the bottom line is that if he was as good you're making him out to be then he would have went to at least one Pro Bowl. Plain and Simple. Now I feel bad for degrading Hansen, who I happen to like a lot. Now I will concede that I go back to '85. That was my first year I started going to games. I've seen Steve Freeman play, Jerry Butler and the two-headed monster of Mathison and Ferragamo. I also started collecting football cards that year, so I got a Ferguson from the '84 season, but never saw him play. So you know where I'm comin from. At any rate, question for the elder statesmen on here: why in the world is Gilchrist not on the WOF? I actually thought this would be his year considering he just died and everything.
  3. I was at his first game. IIRC, it was 1987 at home vs. Denver and the Bills won 21-14 by virtue of 2 TD's, a FG and 2 safeties, one of which was by Bennett? Yeah it was insane.
  4. Buftex, you and I usually get along pretty good. All I think people, including myself, are saying is that Phil Hansen was a heck of a player who was very good over a long period of time, but there are players who were GREAT who may be more deserving. Has anyone run down Phil Hansen? The guy was awesome. But look at my original post- you can't tell me Cornelius Bennett isn't exponentially more deserving. Now some people brought up the sexual harassment issue. To be honest, I'm sure that's what it was. I hadn't thought about that.
  5. Wow, 5 of the last 7 players are African-Americans (4 1/2 to be exact). What percentage of football players are African-American!?! Let's please not make this into a race issue. Very convenient by the way. You failed to mention that the next six prior to those were in fact white. So after Phil Hansen, 9 1/2 of the last 14 will have been white.
  6. That's gotta be the reason. I still don't think Hansen is a Wall of Famer though. Again, very nice "high motor" player who was consistent over a long period of time. Although I suppose the bar had already been lowered w/ some of the guys who are already on there. I have to remind myself that it's not like getting in the Hall of Fame. If Hansen's on there then Schobel, Ruben Brown, Moulds and Moorman have to go up at some point.
  7. go up on the Wall before Cornelius Bennett. Phil Hansen was a nice player, but he played in 0 Pro Bowls. Bennett? Try 5 Pro Bowls, 3 FIRST TEAM NFL ALL-PROS, 1990's All-Decade team, 1988 AFC Defensive player of the year. All of this w/ the Bills. I hate to say it, but you could bring up the race card on this one and I'd be hard-pressed to argue w/ it. Not to mention, Bennett played before Hansen. It's kind of crazy. And yes I know, Lou Saban and Cookie Gilchrist as well. Maybe next year we put up Jeff Wright and Glenn Parker.
  8. Amazing. Can't believe this is the first time I heard someone refer to him as such. From now on on this board, he shall be known as "Twittner."
  9. Awesome post. Kelsay has value as a 4-3 DE, a formation I anticipate them using half the time. Nix and Gailey appreciate his leadership, he aint goin nowhere.
  10. Google image her. She's a total babe. Anyone who says otherwise is a lunatic.
  11. Awesome post man. I get accused by my firends of being too optimistic a Bills fan all the time. I agree 100% that the new regime is going for big & physical. Seems to work w/ the Steelers (Whalen?) Really though, what do you expect? Have you been to a Bills game and tailgated in the main lot? It's not exactly a MENSA gathering.
  12. That's a really good point. The reason Brett Favre would win games in sub-zero temperatures going sleeveless in January in Lambeau is because he's from the Yukon Territory.
  13. Ur. Mother. Wow he tries his hardest 16 Sundays a year playing a game. I'm impressed.
  14. I can see both sides to this one, but I've arrived at a final conclusion. F*** Donte Whitner dude. If people are being rude to him on his "social media outlets," then Donte, get off of these silly social media outlets that are designed for 16 year-old girls and people that watch TMZ to see what celebrities wear on the red carpet. You are a grown man. The guy actually responded to some (I'm sure) 17 year-old Bills fan from Depew or something, who more than likely just told him he sucks by saying, and I quote, "Ur. Mother." You think Peyton Manning has time for this s***? Get the hell out of Buffalo Donte Whitner. LOL. Give me a friggin break. You think Jack Tatum and Night Train Lane would be tweeting? Cannot wait to see the new crop of players in camp. Peace, Metz
  15. With the third pick, I'd like to see them draft an undersized safety who, despite the fact that I've immersed myself in draft coverage the past three months, I've never heard of and is slated by most prognosticators to go in the third round.
  16. What are they thinking here? Most people have their big board as Newton/Dareus/Miller. Is that pretty much accurate? Is there a wild card we're not considering? I still want them to draft Robert Quinn. Any idea which of the second tier QB's they like best?
  17. I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?
  18. I'm way cooler with Mario Gosselin. http://www.hockeygoalies.org/bio/gosselin.html
  19. Uh stewardess, I speak jive...
  20. You can't draft a quarterback for the sake of drafting a quarterback and assume because you drafted him at #3 that he will necessarily become a franchise QB. You have to love the guy. And also, you can't start a condescending post and not take the time to look up the word delusional. Perhaps you were thinking of the word disillusioned. Either way, the more you know...
  21. JT x MM would be greater than 0 then because a negative multiplied by a negative is a positive. For instance, if JT was a -2 and MM was a -7, combined they would be a 14. That's a pretty good crew right there. Maybe you just need to give them another chance?
  22. And all along I've thought that this year's draft was kind of a crapshooot and hard to predict. Thank God I found this thread where everybody knows how these players are gonna work out in the pros and when exactly they're gonna get drafted.
  23. South West Hollywood. Only been to LA once, have no idea what I'm doing. If any of you guys want to meet up to watch a game, that would be cool too.
  24. Where is the Bills bar and will they be showing the Sabres games? If not, is there a hockey bar that will show all the games? Thanks guys.
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