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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. For all the people making fun of Maybin in this thread, I can sense a fear hidden behind your words and smiley faces that he does in fact become an impact player for the Jets. It wouldn't shock me at all.
  2. So basically Hank is saying that if Faith Hill said she worshiped the devil, believed that child porn should be legal and that only white people should be allowed to vote and then NBC yanked her song from Sunday Night Football, that NBC would be at fault for stepping on her toes and violating the first amendment. So in other words, once you sing a theme song that opens a television program, you have a magical license to say whatever you want and not suffer any consequences from your employer. Got it.
  3. I hear ya man. I was kind of the same way, but here's how I have gotten over it. We got VERY lucky against New England w/ the pass interference call in the end zone. So it has kind of balanced out. No. 2, we deserved to lose that game against Cincinnati, they beat the everliving s*** out of us in the second half. So in the end, regardless of how we've gotten there, I'll take 3-1. I just wish the referees would play less of a role in the outcomes. Time to focus on the Eagles.
  4. You're starting to remind me of a certain National Socialist leader of the Third Reich.
  5. At the risk of making this a full-fledged political thread, I think you're mistaken in thinking that both sides threw around the Hitler thing as haphazardly as one another. I for one, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and tens of thousands of American soldiers have died as a direct result of his foreign policies, would NEVER compare George Bush to Adolf Hitler. I don't remember that being quite as prominent when he was president. Now on the other hand, emails were swirling around corporate offices everywhere before Obama even gave his inaugural address, comparing him to Stalin, because of course, he's a Communist- you know, lowest tax rates in 50 years and everything... You smell.
  6. Whatever, rook. What are we arguing about? Did I say that he wasn't allowed to open his mouth and form the words he did? Of course not. You are trying to minimalize the unbelievable extent to which his comments were ignorant, hate-inducing, offensive, unfathomable, etc., etc. (all the while wearing an Alabama hat, which is amazing BTW) Maybe you need a refresher on exactly who Adolf Hitler was. Go to his wikipedia page or something. He did a lot worse things than not reduce unemployment as quickly as he had predicted.
  7. Just one last time and then I'm done with this thread, to anyone who is insisting he made a harmless, innocent analogy or comparison or whatever you guys are saying, this is borderline treason. Really read what he said: In an interview Monday morning on Fox News' ''Fox & Friends,'' Williams, unprompted, said of Obama's outing on the links with House Speaker John Boehner: ''It'd be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu.'' Asked to clarify, Williams said, ''They're the enemy,'' adding that by ''they'' he meant Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Anchor Gretchen Carlson later said to him, ''You used the name of one of the most hated people in all of the world to describe, I think, the president.'' Williams replied, ''Well, that is true. But I'm telling you like it is.'' People, this is indefensible. Anyone who is defending him or saying that, "well the liberal media this or that..." Stop. You are the type that had an issue with Michelle Obama promoting kids eating healthier. There is no arguing with you. It's a wonder we agree on liking the same football team.
  8. You sound like someone worth arguing with.
  9. Go to espn.com right now, read the article (it's right there on the main page), then come back on here and tell me it was overblown. He stood firmly behind his comments, brother. I would be shocked if that song is ever part of the telecast again. Agreed 100%. Saying you're ashamed to be from Texas is way worse than comparing your president to Adolf Hitler.
  10. Yes! It's everyvbody's favorite conservative, Dwight in Philly! Let's all remember when you blamed Obama for NBC airing figure skating over the USA-Canada non-medal hockey game. Look people, I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, who's in the White House, etc. You can't compare the freaking President of the United States to Adolf Hitler and expect to have people take you seriously. The one in 20 posters who are drudging up this freedom of speech stuff- yeah, he said it and it's within his constitutional powers to say it. He said it, he's not in legal trouble. It's also within ESPN's constitutional powers to yank it. Just like if Waylon Jennings compared Reagan to Hitler, they would've yanked his theme song from Dukes of Hazzard you morons.
  11. Ya know, you're right. I've had some time to look at myself in the mirror and do some soul searching. I agree with you whole-heartedly. In fact, I'd like to take it a step further. 50 years from now, we will laugh at the fact that gay people could not get married without a hassle in 2011. This is a MAJOR issue confronting us today. So I hereby propose that in November, for all four games, teams wear rainbow colors and a patch of two men (like the men's room sign for men) holding hands. I mean, we need to increase awareness for issues, right? What better way than an NFL uniform? Who's with me? And yeah, I totally agree with you that this would in no way affect the way the game is played. You'd have to be a real jerk to object to this idea. What do you have an issue with this, tgreg99? Or are you too manly? Would you rock a Barnett rainbow jersey? Of course you would.
  12. If not agreeing with the NFL's policy of wearing pink in their uniforms for ONE-QUARTER of their games leads you to believe that I am uncomfortable in my sexuality, then so be it. But I ask you this- could you picture the Raiders in the 1970's wearing pink? Could you picture Jack Lambert with no teeth wearing pink? It's absurd. One game is more than enough. I ask you to re-read my original post before you judge me. Oh yeah, I also flew home to Buffalo in June to run the Susan Komen 5K for my aunt.
  13. It's a complete joke. My aunt just died from breast cancer and I'm completely against it. Grown men yelling and cursing while wearing pink simply does not work. Plus it's only one form of cancer. I propose everyone wear brown in November for colo-rectal cancer awareness. I went off on this subject like three times yesterday.
  14. Alright, now I'm a little perturbed with you. I don't read People magazine or watch reality TV. When the most important player in your franchise's history is tailgating in the parking lot before home games, that is noteworthy, I'm sorry. It's not like I asked what he was wearing. So if you were walking past Jim Kelly shotgunning a beer in the 7-11 Lot at 11:30 on your way to the port-o-potties and one of your friends was like, "Dude that's Jim Kelly!" you'd say, smugly, "Dude it's not a big deal, don't stare. He's just like any other tailgater." What are you from LA or something?
  15. Jim Kelly is a born again who dealt with substance (not abuse per se, but the dude partied pretty hard) issues. I don't think it was a ridiculous question to ask if he drinks at the games.
  16. Did you say double coverage? Does this mean he could become... our next ultimate decoy???
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=lc-carpenter_buffalo_bills_jim_kelly092811 I know this article came out yesterday, but this is news to me. Does he go to all the games? Where does he park? Who does he roll with? Does he tip em back? This is all very fascinating to me.
  18. I don't know why anyone is so shocked. They were an average line last year and Bell, Wood and Levitre have had another year to grow. Aside from a couple shaky preseason performances, there was no reason to think they wouldn't be at least average again. Yes they are exceeding expectations, but they were already decent. Anyone who was saying otherwise was a lot like these people who have 8 bumper stickers declaring Obama the worst president of all-time, but couldn't tell you one reason they think he's a poor president.
  19. This is like a crayonz post except it's not amusing.
  20. Let's hope Fitzpatrick doesn't play in the pro bowl because he has a more important game to worry about the following week.
  21. I think this year's draft will turn out to be a good one. I guess we'll see. I love Nix's commitment to his guys and Gailey is turning out to be the foremost offensive mastermind of the 21st century, HOWEVER, I will never, ever forgive Nix for taxing Troupp over Gronkowski. It was as blatantly obvious a pick to make as I've ever seen in my life and he had to go the cute route and take a guy who would've been there in the 3rd.
  22. How have they not drafted a LT yet!?! This franchise is a joke. Did you see Bell in that one preseason game? He looked awful!
  23. Hopefully a QB. Fitzpatrick, with his new, shiny Super Bowl ring, will be the perfect mentor for the new franchise QB. He can groom him for a year and then hand over the reigns.
  24. YIAACL (Yeah I'm at a complete loss)
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