The Schopp and Bulldog criticism is so played out. They're good. I live in Denver, which is a substantially bigger sports market than Buffalo, and the afternoon drive guys are the worst. They have two guys, just like Schopp and the Bulldog, and one of them, former NFL linebacker Alfred Williams, posed the question a few weeks ago as to whether or not Martellus Bennett is a Hall of Famer. It has become apparent that the only people who incessantly complain about Schopp and the Bulldog are people who have never left Buffalo and never listened to drive time sports talk radio in other cities, as to have a frame of reference. They're good at what they do. If I had one complaint, it would be that they always agree with each other (aka Bulldog doesn't possess the wit to argue with Schopp) and they never really have differing opinions. But the dialogue is much smarter and high level than what you find here in Denver. And NY sports talk radio is terrible also. Relax with the Schopp and Bulldog bashing already. Not to mention, this thread has been posted at least 50 times, this is nothing new.