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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. You don't think Lindell could make a 49-yarder in a dome with ten yards to spare? I'm not saying I disagree with you, but that is not a good example. It would be nice to have a young kicker like Zuerlein (sp?) from the Rams or Blair Walsh from Minnesota, but Lindell is far from the least dependable kicker in the league.
  2. Hey I'll admit when I'm wrong. I could've sworn I'd read a while back that the average murderer only ends up serving five years in the US. I cannot find anything to support that claim after a brief search. As far as Lewis, I didn't know anything about the clothing, but that's pretty incriminating I suppose. I was aware that he ratted out his friends in court. Personally, I wasn't there that night in Atlanta, so I just thought that saying he should be in jail for life is a little harsh for someone who was not found guilty of any crime. Clearly his friends had more to do with the incident than he did, I think we could agree on that. Either way, I find his whole God act pretty tired.
  3. That's a steep penalty for witnessing a stabbing and then fully cooperating with police. Especially considering the average murderer does like 5 years in this country. What do you recommend he should have gotten had he actually stabbed somebody? Perhaps drawn and quartered in the public square? Give it a rest already.
  4. Great post. Agreed 100%.
  5. Ich auch. Aber ich mag die Marrone wahl. Ich denke das wir haben ein gewinnerin endlich gefunden!
  6. "I don't know what every gm, coach and player in the NFL is missing about this guy!?! The guy can flat out win!" -Skip Bayless and like 5 guys on this website And by the way, I'm not sure how this video hasn't garnered more attention, it's pretty conclusive:
  7. I'm in the camp that the whole 3-4 vs. 4-3 conversation is overrated, however, I would hate to use any sort of early round pick on an interior lineman when we already have three good ones. Also, Troup? Who's that?
  8. Great post, I agree. In fact, Adrian Peterson isn't that good either. Did you see that game Saturday night? He also cannot win games on his own. And- sarcasm off- that PI call against Gilmore at the end of the game at Indy was a horrible call and a call a hall of fame veteran gets against a rookie. If that was Revis on TJ Graham in that spot, you think that's a PI call? Come on. Gilmore will be just fine.
  9. The discussion was why no Bills made the Pro Bowl. Again, he had more yards on way less carries than Ray Rice. Baltimore fans are discovering that Ray Rice may not even be the best RB on his own team. In any other market, Spiller is a pro-bowler this season, period.
  10. I don't disagree with most of what you wrote, but assuming we re-sign our guys, you're not satisfied with Hairston, Zebrie Sanders and Rinehart for depth on the OL? Our OL is a stronger suit than our DL.
  11. I don't know what to tell ya. If you think Ray Rice had a better season than CJ Spiller, then, well, to each their own I suppose. He had more yards on way less carries! If you think Jairus Byrd wasn't one of the two best free safeties in the AFC this year despite the fact he was voted as such by the fans, well, OK. If you think Andy Levitre and Eric Wood were not two of the best at their positions this year, then you do not read pro football focus, that's for sure. The Bills are the most irrelevant team in the National Football League. They are the Siberia of the league. We laugh at the Browns and the Lions, but we are a notch below them. This is what Marrone is here to change. Do you really think if Spiller was on the Jets he wouldn't have made the Pro Bowl?
  12. Exaggeration alert. ALL of them would make every roster in the league with the possible exception of Sheppard, who sucks. However, he was a consensus 3rd round pick just a year ago, so I'm pretty sure every team in the league would've kept him around for one more season. Same goes for Graham next year. Every single one of those other guys would be welcomed by every other team in the league in a depth role at the very least. Guys like Spiller, Stevie, Wood, Levitre, Glenn, Urbik, Mario, Dareus, KW (when healthy), Gilmore and Byrd would start on just about every team in this league.
  13. Come on man, you're smarter than that. Coach has gotta have something to work with to be efficient.
  14. I don't know man. I couldn't stand Jauron with his cliche-ridden press conferences, his bland offensive designs and his white Bills hoodies. Every time I saw him on the sidelines, I thought, get this guy away from my football team. But Chan, as poor a game manager as he proved to be this year, was able to turn the Bills- with Ryan Fitzpatrick at the helm- into a legitimate NFL offense that was actually not ranked in the bottom 5 every season. A team that competed with New England in shootouts more than once. Plus he seemed like a nice dude that- wait for it- you could have a beer with. Does Dick Jauron even drink beer? I'm sure he doesn't. When Chan said he was still gonna pull for the Bills, I thought that was one of the coolest things I'd ever heard in sports. Happy Birthday Chan!
  15. Don't feel like reading through all these pages to see if someone beat me to it, but you were the absolute perfect person to break this news with your avatar. Amazing!
  16. So if Dick Jauron was lying on the beach with a tattoo of his wife in a Trent Edwards jersey, you wouldn't see the humor in it at all? The distinction here is that people are laughing about Rex Ryan and his foot fetish and tattoo. There's nothing really funny about Andy Reid's situation. No one is calling Rex Ryan a bad father. Why am I even responding to you? That was one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen.
  17. Yeah the guy's a douche. I'm cooler with Brady than Manning. Who would you rather go out for a night on the town with?
  18. I'd just assume the Patriots or the Packers or a team that's recently won it. I do not want a new fan base to experience the joy that we never have. I will NEVER feel happy or sorry for any fan base being a lifelong Buffalo sports fan. I didn't even feel the least bit happy for the Saints and Saints fans when they won it. For one, those were lousy fans before they got good. And for all those pulling for the Broncos, I will literally root for New England to beat them. Living in Denver, I can tell you that Broncos fans are way cheesy.
  19. Yes, but why is Philly a more attractive job than Buffalo then? It's because it puts you on a bigger stage. Plus, the perception is that there's going to be more money at your disposal to attract players. Let's see, the Lakers and Dodgers are able to attract talent pretty easily, aren't they? If you think that most players and coaches would rather go to Buffalo- a city so small time that it HANDED TERRELL OWENS A KEY TO THE CITY- than LA with a brand new stadium, you simply aren't thinking this through. I'm not saying that Buffalo may not be a better place for Joe six-pack to raise a family and take his kids to hockey practice.
  20. Great. LA is also a more attractive place for most people than Buffalo. So San Diego is kind of a win-win.
  21. Dude I like seasons too. Everyone on here is FROM BUFFALO. So we know why there are many redeeming qualities to the region. But unfortunately many of these coaching candidates have probably stood on the beach in San Diego in October amdist palm trees while the orange sun is setting on the Pacific while babes in bikinis are walking by sipping on fruity drinks. I have witnessed this scene and it is 15 minutes from the freaking stadium. But if you want to continue to believe that Buffalo is a more attractive place because we get an actual spring (it rains for two months and the skies are all grey while sooty snow is piled up in mall parking lots), then please continue to believe it.
  22. With all due respect, that's great, but the prospective coach isn't looking only at talent. They're looking at market size and prominence and yes, they are looking at weather and where they want to move their family. That's what these so-called rankings are taking into account.
  23. This is like the loser at the high school dance standing around the punch bowl saying he wouldn't hook up with a chick because she's a 7.
  24. Thank you. Personally, I'd put the Arizona job ahead of the Bills as well because of the golf courses and what not. I'm not telling you what job I would rather have, I'm telling you what job most 50+ year-old men who aren't from Buffalo would rather have.
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