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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. I heard an interview with Searcy the other day with Schopp and I noted how cool and nice he was too. And then I heard Woods last night and he seemed cool too. I guess I would've thought Woods was gonna be kind of a hothead but he was super chill.
  2. I'm as liberal as anyone on this site and I could construct a well thought out devil's advocate argument against the redskins changing their name. Mike ditka did not do this. Anyone giving him credit for this ridiculous, unintelligible rant is desperate to have someone simply agree with them on the subject.
  3. Commander Cody Carlson. If EJ can play at the level that Matt Cassel played at last season then the Bills will make the playoffs.
  4. Yeah I'd imagine I'll see the news here first. Been checking Jill Kelly's twitter account all day too.
  5. Matt Cassel looked pretty good last season. No he really did. How many years removed is he from going to the pro bowl and leading the Chiefs to the playoffs. He's not a complete joke. He has certainly played better in this league than EJ ever has. Not saying he is an answer but you could find better QB's to amuse yourselves with. How about Cleo Lemon? That's a real knee slapper. Nagle. From? Louisville.
  6. I happen to agree with you that Marrone's whole act like a d*ck shtick seems very much contrived. Like it's not him- he's actually a nice guy but he's putting on a show to seem tough or something. I feel like last year he would've given us a straight answer on a (hopefully) minor injury like Watkins and this year, he's basically doing a Bill Belichick impression every time he talks to the media. And dude, did you grow up in Ransom Oaks??
  7. I mean your argument that sure, Sammy Watkins may be incredibly talented but if EJ can't get him the ball then what good does he do us, is true but what did you want them to do? I mean, in today's NFL (I know, kind of cliché), is there a position that does make a team better if the QB can't play? You mentioned standing pat and taking a tackle at 9. OK let's say we have the best OL in football. What does that translate to? EJ having one extra half second to make a decision and get rid of the ball? It's still on him. Who is the consensus best RB and WR in football and what have their respective teams done lately? Exactly. They were both top ten picks too. You think their GM's still wouldn't have taken them? Come on Bill. You mentioned Kujo- a) it's still early, b) he was by every indication a great value in the second round and, much like Cordy Glenn, a consensus pick at the time (as opposed to recent "cute" picks like Whitner, Troup, Graham, et al.) and c) if you're going by early payoffs, if the Bills took Seantrel Henderson at 9, wouldn't everyone on this board be saying that they made a great pick and found themselves a guy who is going to start for them for ten years? If Kujo ends up being a bust, that one is not on the Bills- much like Mike Williams. It was the right pick at the time, period. I realize I'm going on tangents here but yes Bill, I will concede that I was a little surprised when they gave up next year's 1 for Sammy Watkins but the more I thought about it, this franchise needed to make a bold move. They had the guy rated so high that they made a splash to get him and you know what? Yeah I like it. Even if he ends up being a bust- which, again, aint happenin- I am officially on record as saying it was the right move. At the end of the day, Doug Whaley has put together a top 5-10 football team in the NFL in terms of talent other than the QB position. You put Aaron Rodgers or Peyton Manning on this football team and they're 13-3. It's all on EJ now. If it doesn't work you go get Kirk Cousins pronto. And good luck today Jim Kelly! What more can a guy show in camp than two handheld videos that went viral? You wanna bet that Sammy Watkins is a bust? I'll bet against you. Would I take him on my fantasy team? No, but that has nothing to do with him. His talent is pretty apparent I'd say. He has pretty much been the darling of the NFL in terms of rookies flashing in training camp.
  8. Agreed, agreed, agreed. On paper, you are absolutely right. I guess I would just rather buy a steak from Wegmans than spend my weekends shooting animals.
  9. I don't want to shoot a cow either.
  10. No I eat it every day. I am perfectly comfortable with the supposed hypocrisy in enjoying a cheeseburger yet also not wanting to shoot doves.
  11. I know I was just kidding. Big dove hunter here myself. I'm grinding my chops til dove hunting season, believe me. Whenever I see one them peaceful bastards, the first thing I think is man, that thing deserves to die. Nothing makes me feel like more of a man than splattering the brains of those little fellas across a clear September sky.
  12. Who would want to shoot a dove?
  13. I wouldn't want to know or hang out with Bon Jovi even before this whole thing with the Bills started.
  14. Does anyone else feel like Marrone's new act like a d*ck in press conferences shtick feels a little contrived?
  15. Ahh so much to address here. First and foremost, I wanted to say that every year everyone pays way too much attention to the preseason and then by week 2, I always say to myself, man how long ago does the preseason seem and more importantly, how irrelevant was it after all. And yet here we are in the middle of the preseason judging Stephon Gilmore because he got beat on one play. I think the jury is still out on Gilmore personally but I really hope your relentless crusade against him ends at some point here. As far as EJ, I certainly think it's possible he sucks. In fact, I think it's likely. I've never said anything indicating to the contrary. As far as Watkins, for the record Bill, you started a thread BEFORE the draft saying, "hey does anyone have any players that they just have bad vibes about? I had em about Spiller, Gilmore and my guy this year is Sammy Watkins." So that was before the Bills drafted him and before we knew what the Bills gave up to get him. I personally have good vibes about Watkins FWIW. As far as the trade, I mean what can I really say other than "time will tell?" If he's a Julio Jones then yeah of course it was worth it. If somehow he sucks- which, barring injury, looks very unlikely- then it was obviously not worth it. But yeah, I love the roll of the dice and I think this franchise needed to make a bold move like that. So yeah, to answer your question, I like it. Great vibes.
  16. BOLO is a little bit of a stretch as an acronym.
  17. I will concede that Gilmore looked bad in a preseason game last night. But if you are going to continue to ride out your anti-Gilmore agenda, you have to also maintain that you have "bad vibes" about Sammy Watkins.
  18. Not to mention, Thad Lewis looked better last season in real games than Tebow has ever looked in the NFL. To these bozos saying they'd take Tebow over Thad Lewis "in a heartbeat," go back and watch some game footage from 2011. Hell, look at his game numbers. He was historically inept. His defense would keep them in games and then Matt Prater would hit a 60 yard field goal and they'd win 13-10.
  19. OK so let me be clear- this thread was started, presumably, because of how poor Tuel and Lewis have looked in the PRESEASON. Does anyone realize how bad Tebow looked last PRESEASON? This is so ridiculous, I can't believe I'm responding to this. When the Bills played the Broncos out here in the preseason in 2011, there were legions of 6 year old Broncos fans chanting "we want Tebow" in the first and second quarters. This is what you people sound like to me. Whiny six year olds. Look, it's over for Tim Tebow, OK?
  20. Geez Walter Sobchak. Point taken on your signature.
  21. Well there ya go, case closed right there.
  22. Great contribution to this thread.
  23. Dude you are full of sunshine this morning, huh? Do you still maintain your assertion that any lawyer worth two cents can just go in and break the Bills' lease no problem?
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