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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. As bad? You could make an argument. Worse? No. It's like a chick you used to hook up with but haven't in a long time and as time goes on, you remember the good stuff so you text her drunk one night, she comes over and the next morning you remember why you stopped hooking up with her. By the Houston game, EJ had lost every last shred of confidence he ever had. All that being said, I would've been curious to see him play on Sunday. I want and think it will be #2. I would be elated if we could land Bradford. He looked really sharp before he got hurt in 2013.
  2. EXACTLY. Nothing more needs to be said. And with respect to EJ, the distinction is that he was playing at a might-not-even-be-worthy-of-making-an-NFL-roster level. But I would be willing to do whatever it takes to upgrade over Orton. People say "NOOOOO" or the like about Cutler but that might be the best we can do. Top end starting QB's do not grow on trees. So if we can go from a 25th-35th best QB to a 15th-25th best QB, no one should be complaining.
  3. Can we please just call them New England or the Patriots. Our inferiority complex couldn't be any more evident when we call them the "Cheatriots" or the like. If fans of the Patriots saw this board they would laugh at us more than they already do.
  4. I also ask that we pray for the families, fellow students and souls of all the little kids throughout the world whose bodies were mercilessly ravaged by cancer this year. And all the children throughout the world who have nothing to eat and no clean drinking water. And also the two police officers. May your christmases be merry and bright and may the bills find a franchise qb in 2015.
  5. What about him? Did you not read the SI article on Brady's fanatical health and workout habits? Something tells me Peyton manning falls more into the Kyle Orton school of training.
  6. I'm not sure I understand what you said here. But the QB playing behind center the past 3 months what? And isn't "QB playing behind center" kind of redundant? Who else would they play behind?
  7. Or if someone like Tom Brady was our qb we'd be even better but you wouldn't know because you wouldn't be watching. Would you at least still come on here to see what people were saying about it? Would you read a Tom Brady-led bills box score?
  8. There's really a guy named Jah?
  9. you are incredibly misinformed. It is literally the most dangerous position for permanent brain injuries.
  10. Hey I do it (one league- I think being in multiple leagues is where it gets excessive) but I agree that fantasy football has made everyone a casual fan and self-proclaimed expert when fewer and fewer people actually sit down and enjoy a good game for what it is anymore. It is really sad. I always took notice that on Monday mornings at my last job it was never "hey did you see that Packers-Vikings game go down to the wire?" It was always, "if Larry Fitzgerald would've had just one more catch I would've won my fantasy matchup."
  11. The game has changed. Everybody passes it more than they did in 1999. All you can do is compare them to the rest of the league at the time. The 2014 Bills defense is a top five defense in the NFL, probably 2nd or 3rd (there is no one in the league that would rather play against the Seahawks defense right now). The 1999 defense was the BEST in the NFL. So I would say that the 1999 defense was a better defense. I understand this argument but the bottom line is that I think we can all agree that the Bills defense is not as stifling as the Seahawks, whereas in 1999 the Bills were unarguably the best in the NFL. I don't know, if they shut down the Pats in Foxboro, maybe I could be swayed.
  12. Never mind. My brother just filled me in. So hammer is hammered a lot. Like I said we always park behind 7-11 at Abbott & southwestern but next year I should come see what this is all about. Watched the video, looks pretty intense. How does Kenny clean himself off before he goes into the game? I gotta imagine there's some games where he doesn't feel like going through with that. Oh well.
  13. Ok so I have been able to deduce that this is the lot that people squirt ketchup all over Kenny, I get it, it's hysterical, but who is hammer? Is he a poster on here?
  14. What? There are many players in this league currently servicing as backup QB's that have shown more than Manuel ever has. Sanchez, Shaun Hill, Glennon/McCown, Hasselbeck, McCoy, Vick, Schaub, Derek Anderson, Tarvaris Jackson, definitely Chad Henne, Cassel, Stanton- that's just off the top of my head. If you like Manuel's upside then fine (I would take Garropolo's upside personally) but to declare him the "best" at anything- he has not shown a great deal of promise and actually regressed in the opportunities he's had. EDIT: and only on a Buffalo Bills message board would someone praise EJ Manuel and say that Tannehill stinks. He threw for nearly 4,000 yards and 24 TD's in his second season and his numbers have improved again this year. Tannehill is a starting QB in this league. He'll never be elite but he is a top 32 QB in the NFL. Manuel has not shown that he is capable of being a starter in this league.
  15. For whatever it's worth, I know how to spell the last name of our first round QB from one year ago at all hours of the day.
  16. Who is hammer? I have tailgated pretty much exclusively in the 7-11 lot since 1986.
  17. Gilmore has had a better season than Aaron Williams but that's just my opinion.
  18. The best part about it is that the dude is only 29. Not only is he in his prime, he's nowhere near the end of it.
  19. First and foremost, my biggest pet peeve is threads about trades that are never going to happen. That being said, anyone who says no clearly just doesn't get it. Yes it would be more ideal to draft our own franchise QB but as we've discovered it's just too much of a crapshoot. Say we draft Bryce Petty this offseason and he ends up sucking too. Then we spin our wheels for another season or two and waste yet another season from a defense that is absolutely going to be elite for the next few years. At this point I would gladly exchange 2-3 years of reaching the playoffs for the chance at a 22 year old future franchise QB, which I just don't see falling in our lap.
  20. Ehh. I honestly think it's about 50/50. A lot of dominoes would have to fall a certain way for the Bills NOT to make the playoffs at 10-6 as well. This weekend we want San Diego to lose (definitely), Baltimore to lose (definitely but they're not going to; I've conceded a playoff spot to them at this point), Pittsburgh to beat Kansas City (almost definitely), Denver to beat Cincinnati (definitely)
  21. Agreed, it's not crazy at all. In fact, I think it's rather likely that if we win out we would make the playoffs. The one thing that kinda sucks is that we need Denver to beat Cincinnati, meaning that New England would have to beat us to clinch homefield. I just don't see Kyle Orton going into Gillette stadium and outdueling Tom Brady in a game the Patriots need to have. Maybe Spiller will provide a spark.
  22. This is well and good but the Ravens are going 2-0. Our best bet is for Cincinnati to lose out. They are going to be underdogs in each of their last two games.
  23. Yes. His post opened with "assuming KC and SD lose at least one game each." Anyway if the favorite wins every game here on out, the Ravens would go 2-0, Pittsburgh would go 2-0, Cincinnati would go 0-2 and KC and San Diego would each go 1-1. If all that happens and the Bills win out, they're in.
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