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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. Agreed on all accounts. That's what annoys me so much about the people who are so adamantly against the Chase Daniels and kellen moores and argue that they'd rather have EJ- ok then bring them in and let them duke it out with EJ in practice. I guarantee you either one of them would look better than EJ in practice and win the job fair and square. That's what all the "but he's only played 14 games" crowd loves to conveniently forget- that EJ regressed in practice this past year too. Remember when everyone was just waiting for buscaglia to report that the dude at least had a good practice? He had that one good practice in Pittsburgh this summer. That was it. I swear to god, if the bills didn't reach for him in the first round no one would have any reason to think he has any potential. And there's my EJ rant of the day.
  2. I've been saying kellen moore for a while now. Start a thread about it and watch 70% of the people exclaim "nooooo" like they did with Chase Daniel. Like Hooper says to quint after he questions hoopers idea to go down in the shark cage when the orca is sinking, "you got any better ideas!?!"
  3. Coaching is not king, quarterbacking is king. Matt Ryan made it to the NFC championship game with Mike Smith as his hc and anyone who watched hard knocks this year could see that Mike Smith is a complete strunz. Now could a better coach have gotten them over the top? Maybe. But they don't get that far without a qb even with Bill belichick as hc.
  4. Sarcasm off: and also with respect to Charlotte McKinney, she is not "absolute perfection." I just did a google image search and yes, she has enormous t**s (once again) but she is not what I would describe as gorgeous. Neither is Katy Perry. I was watching the first Austin Powers last week and Elizabeth Hurley in her prime was what I would call gorgeous. The chick who dies in Braveheart is gorgeous. You guys are just suckers for gigantic t**s. EDIT: and please do not respond with the predictable responses- of course she is hot, I just think when you throw around words like "perfect," I have to take issue. And she is not "the next Kate Upton." Kate Upton is WAY prettier, it's not even close.
  5. Hearing all these Katy Perry songs just gets me psyched for next football season. When I hear Hot and Cold in particular and you can feel Katy's emotions as she laments about men in her life who have a tendency to be indecisive, I can close my eyes and picture my friend tossing me another beer while we throw some brats on the grill in preparation for rooting on our favorite Sunday warriors.
  6. Worst comeback in the history of this website? It's gotta be in the discussion right? Your nightclub must be a real hoot.
  7. This video is so dumb. She's not even a good singer. Yes she has giant t**s. Yes I would love to engage in coitus with her. No I would not listen to this song at a Bills tailgate to appease a bunch of chubby, zubaz wearing, beer funneling, cigarette smoking, nasally accented girls from North Tonawanda.
  8. Yes, you are correct. In fairness, if Katy Perry was not a singer and just lets say, a pornstar, everyone would probably just agree that she's hot. But a few people had to get all, "ya know what, not only is she attractive but I really have a lot of respect for her... I really like her music; it speaks to me and helps me through stressful and emotional times in my life... In fact, it's what I listen to when I tailgate before Bills games." And there ya go, we're on page 5.
  9. All joking aside, as a betting man, how in the world is this bet quantified?
  10. Still waiting on that pic... I am envisioning Paul Newman circa 1967 with Zac Efron's abs. Lord don't let me be wrong.
  11. Actually BillsFan-4-Ever, your wit and charm is starting to really come through on this one. My opinion that cranking Katy Perry at Bills tailgates isn't for me is "wrong," you're right! I just didn't know it before but now I do. I think I'm falling for you. Can you PM me a pic?
  12. It took me a couple minutes but now I see where you're going with this.
  13. Look junior, you found the one thread of the year where everyone is ganging up on me and not you. Congratulations. I can tell you are having fun with this. Don't worry though, when the conversations revert back to football talk and possessing actual football acumen is required you will assume your usual role once again. Enjoy your day my friend.
  14. Look dude. I am the resident liberal extremist on tbd, or at least one of them. That being said, I think it is ok to enjoy going to bills games with dudes and have it be kind of like a guy's day out experience. There's only eight of them a year for gods sake. I don't try and get in on my gf's bachelor night with her friends either. It doesn't mean I'm stuck in the 1950's. Perhaps I have never experienced the thrill of tailgating with women while listening to Katy Perry but I'd like to think our tailgates work out just fine. We should all agree to disagree on this one and just enjoy Katy Perry for what she is: a crazy chick who looks great on tv caked in makeup and has enormous t**s.
  15. The Beatles was still pop music in 1969. Every great artist mentioned on this thread was pop music in its time. I would disagree with you in that since about 1994 you have to go beyond pop music to find good music in just about every genre there is. If you are saying that bubble gum pop music is better than it's been in a while (your all about that bass's) then I wouldn't be able to argue that point one way or another.
  16. It is a sad day when I have been backed into a corner and outnumbered on this one. I will look for you all at the home opener next year- you should be easy to find in the parking lot as you'll be blaring Katy Perry's newest single, surrounded by beautiful women (there's so many of them at bills games it could make it more difficult to find you guys). Anyway hopefully you will be able to put down your champagne coolies and your In Touch magazines for a second so that we may shake hands, make a truce and say "go bills."
  17. And you obviously don't tailgate with your brothers and best friends. You should, it's worth listening to the allman brothers.
  18. Seriously tell me what I am clueless about. Because I haven't discovered the vast treasure that is Katy Perry's musical catalogue? Or because I don't know how cool it is to pander to chicks by playing katy perry at bills tailgates? Me too. Nothing wrong with that at all.
  19. So you are saying that you go to bills games with groups of girls and listen to Katy Perry while you tailgate and I'm missing out on something? Do you drink appletinis while you're doing this? Do you watch the bachelor with these girls too? Do you leave in the 3rd quarter if it gets chilly? Are you gearing up for your annual oscars party with these girls? Because I'm a bills fan damnit. We listen to the stones and zeppelin and van halen and the hip when we tailgate. Not katy freaking perry. Am I in a twilight zone episode here? Speaking of which you people sound like you probably watch the twilight movies too. Am I missing out on that too if I go with a group of girls? Jesus I'm getting old.
  20. What's the matter with you people? Acknowledging this chick has giant t**s is fine, of course she does. But listening to her music when you can't see her? Her music is for middle school girls and she's not even a good singer. My 3 year old niece listens to roar. Seriously it's adorable. Sincerely hope you guys aren't representing the bills by cranking Katy Perry when you tailgate.
  21. You seem to be the voice of reason around here these days. There's very few of us anymore. Why can't people just say, "hey I'd be shocked if he's good, I'm skeptical, etc." rather than "no he sucks?" WE DON'T KNOW IF HE'S GOOD OR NOT. He probably isn't good but mark brunell and matt hasselbeck probably weren't gonna be good either. It's an identical situation. It usually doesn't work but neither does EJ manuel which we've seen play out with losman and edwards. Maybe daniel would at least look good in practice.
  22. Why...just why? Look, I can see why someone would be skeptical but I just hate when people act like the verdict is in on a guy who has actually looked good in limited opportunities.
  23. Not another Mark Brunell, Matt Hasselbeck, Brett Favre, Steve Young... wait-
  24. So here we are back to square one: you really think that Manuel will ever achieve the level of play that Foles has displayed the last couple years? I will bet you anything he doesn't.
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