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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. I was extremely disappointed in Marrone's inability to get better production out of the line- that's what he played, right? I was disappointed in Hackett (though not as much as most- "why didn't he run there? Why didn't he pass there?"- you can only run or pass). I did not like Doug Marrone as a coach and I was glad when he quit. But that doesn't mean I can't also look at EJ Manuel and formulate my own opinions about how he looked. Like the other poster said, Marrone being a bad coach and EJ being a bad QB do not have to be mutually exclusive. You yourself just said that the odds of Manuel succeeding are not great. I'm not really sure we disagree about much to be honest.
  2. I thought Manuel should've played against New England too. Clearly Marrone was obsessed with getting to 9-7 because he knew he was going to quit and he thought the winning record would make him more marketable. I think my biggest issue here is that I haven't been burying Manuel since he was drafted. I loved the pick and I thought for sure he was gonna be our guy after the Carolina game. I just get pissed when people tell me I'm not allowed to take what I saw all last camp, all last preseason, the San Diego and Houston games and formulate the opinion that I think the chances of him succeeding at this point are highly doubtful.
  3. Shhhh...you'll ruin the perception that because Doug Marrone is now an offensive line/assistant head coach for Jacksonville that he affected EJ's accuracy in 7 on 7 drills with no pads and that EJ is necessarily going to look better this year because the new job Doug Marrone took is kind of funny.
  4. That's fair. I would rather have EJ than Cassel if they were neck and neck too. I think EJ wins the job if he is neck and neck with anyone. And I would be cool with that. One more question- would it completely shock you if Manuel came in this year in camp and the preseason and looked every bit as bad as he did last year?
  5. Wow you are actually a smart poster.
  6. Dude I'm really not trying to argue, I swear. I'm just asking you that IF EJ sucks again in camp and the preseason and everyone agrees that he is a distant third behind Cassel and whoever else (there will be a third guy, mark my words- Jeff Tuel is not a real guy), would you be OK cutting him then?
  7. Right. And as Joe B pointed out in that very segment, the Bills could always just cut Cassel and all they'd owe him is $600K and he wouldn't count against the cap. But let's start a thread slamming a guy for saying it wouldn't surprise him if they brought in another FA QB.
  8. Here we go again. It would only be dumb if EJ went on to be good somewhere else. Let me ask you this (let's not argue OK?): what if, WHAT IF, they bring in, say Jake Locker, and all throughout camp and all throughout preseason Manuel is CLEARLY a distant third. Are you OK cutting him then? Honest question.
  9. I agree with every single word you said here and you made me laugh with the Jack instead of Gatorade comment. Orton's crowning moment of the season was when the camera showed him throwing in that monster dip after they sealed up a win.
  10. Wow. What a dumb thread. Could you grasp for straws anymore? I was listening to the segment when it happened. He said "it wouldn't surprise him" if they still brought in another free agent. He didn't even say he thinks it will happen. And Bulldog agreed with him. Sal, everybody's darling at the moment, disagreed with him. I happen to agree with Joe Buscaglia here. It wouldn't surprise me either. What is with all the vitriol constantly directed toward Buffalo media members? It's ridiculous. I live in Denver and I cannot even begin to tell you how much better Schopp and the Bulldog are than the afternoon drive guys in Denver. The only guys I'm not cool with are Gleason and Sullivan. The WGR guys are just fine. Joe B is good at what he does. So is Jeremy White. And I honestly believe that all you who say otherwise are just jealous that guys like Joe B worked to a point that they get to cover the Buffalo Bills for a living while you are sitting at a desk somewhere doing some mundane job and you're pissed off about what you didn't do with your career.
  11. Dude come on man. How can you call Johnny Football a bust and champion Manuel's cause? Manziel only started one game. I am not positive that EJ Manuel is not cut out to be an NFL QB it's just my prediction based on what I've seen so far. The only thing I ask is that if and when it becomes more apparent that EJ Manuel is not cut out to be an NFL QB that you don't say, "I wasn't wrong before, I just needed to see more- we didn't know then and now we know" and instead say, "hey to those who said EJ Manuel was not fit to be an NFL QB, you were right and I was wrong."
  12. Ever. OK so you are on record as saying that at some point before he hangs it up, Manuel WILL have a season that good. I don't think he will. Do you think Geno Smith will? He's only played two seasons too. See I don't think Geno Smith will either.
  13. We should start a new poll: Will EJ Manuel ever have as good of a season as Matt Cassel did in 2010? Led his team to the playoffs, 10-5 record, made the Pro Bowl, 27 TD's, 7 INT's.
  14. Would you please stop calling people trolls every time they disagree with you? My brother, who goes on here every day but does not have an account himself, has been deriving much pleasure from your posts for several months and thinks you can't possibly be for real. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and believe you to be real. But either way, no one is trolling you, believe me.
  15. OK it sounds like we're almost ready to end this thing once and for all- well at least until training camp starts and reports come back from practice ("well Joe Bu-scab-lia says he looks bad in practice, he never played football so why do I care what he thinks?") But 1. why do you think I'm trolling you because I don't think he's got what it takes to be a franchise QB? I am in the clear and vast majority on this one. And 2. do you really think my pants are on fire about saying that I want Manuel to succeed? I AM A HUGE FREAKING BILLS FAN. If Manuel comes out and starts barking signals, grabbing guys by the facemask and marches the Bills down the field, lighting up opposing defenses and the Bills are winning, do you really think I will be upset? Of course not, I will be just as happy as any Bills fan in the world. Can you not understand that I just don't see it happening?
  16. Hey let's put this debate on ice for a while, shall we? Here's to hoping Womanuel comes to camp ready to go and wins the job once and for all. As I've stated over and over, nothing would make me happier.
  17. Nigel Bradham is better. So is Mario Williams. Hopefully Jerry Hughes too.
  18. Yeah I was certain he was going to be our franchise QB after the Carolina game. He looked pretty good in his first two starts as a pro. In fact, for a rookie playing his 1st and 2nd starts, he couldn't have looked better! Problem is, in his second offseason, he couldn't have looked less prepared. And in his 13th and 14th starts, he couldn't have looked worse. Yup.
  19. Shankchez. You called Chad Pennington "noodle arm" yesterday. You cannot make fun of other QB's when the very QB you are on this crazy crusade to defend aint shown us s*** in this league! So if I call him "Womanuel," is that cool too? Cause that's what I'm calling him until the day on WGR this offseason that the Bills reporters say, "Wow, this looks like a new EJ Manuel... He is clearly taking this job seriously... He made great throws today in practice... He is clearly taking control of this offense... Tell ya what, he could very well be the guy to lead this offense in 2015..."
  20. Let's make one thing abundantly clear: I want the QB who give the Bills the best chance to win to be on the field on September. If we bring in a FA (which we will) and Manuel looks better than him all camp and preseason, then I want Manuel to start. I just doubt that will happen. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out. And for whatever it's worth McCown "can" or "could've" still been the starter even if Manziel did not go to rehab. In fact, Manziel "can" still be the starter in Cleveland too. It's a matter of semantics. When you asked everyone "Can Manuel be the starter," well of course he "can." Dan Orlovsky has been the starter for the Lions before. Colt McCoy "can" be a starter in this league next year too. It is the most ambiguous and least pertinent EJ poll currently on this website.
  21. You love to make fun of other QB's, don't you? Trent Dilfer showed more in this league than EJ has or probably will even without his Super Bowl ring. Listen, this will all be over soon. When EJ loses out on the starting job to either Locker or the QB they take at 50, what are you going to say then? Are you going to call the new coaching staff morons for passing over on EJ even though he will have shown no improvement in the offseason again? He will still have his "only 14 games" thing intact so you can keep saying that to everyone. And then when Locker isn't that good either are you gonna start "I told you so" threads, complaining that EJ should've been the starter even though Locker was clearly better all camp and preseason? At some point the guy has to show us something. And does everyone need a dumb nickname? Shankchez? He was better last year than Manuel has ever been. Did you watch the game on Thanksgiving? One thing we can all agree on is that "Womanuel" better be prepared come springtime because he is gonna be on a short leash. Rex wants to win right now.
  22. 1) this is a taped interview so it could've been bills fan 4 ever asking the questions, it's still direct quotes from spiller you're getting. 2) I follow the bills pretty closely and I don't understand the vitriol directed toward rodak. He's just a kid doing very rudimentary ESPN beat stuff. Give him a break.
  23. Make that no. 7: Chad Pennington wasn't a good NFL QB.
  24. Can you please stop with the yawning guy? OK so in the video, Watkins makes a great catch against Detroit, that we all remember, on a poorly thrown ball. I'm not sure that video provides evidence that it would have been a pick six had he not made the catch. Plus that is only one catch. Where are the other three? The other catch he makes against Detroit in the video was on a well thrown ball that he bobbled. So far in this thread alone, you have stated that 1. no former successful NFL QB's have gone on to make good analysts, 2. QB's have been unable to succeed in Chip Kelly's fast paced offense, 3. Foles and Sanchez were both benched by the Eagles, 4. Michael Vick threw 9 INT's in 2013 (he threw 3), 5. EJ Manuel was "benched," meaning he really wasn't benched and 6. Four times last season that you can recall specifically, Watkins made acrobatic catches thrown by Orton that would have undoubtedly been returned for touchdowns by the defender had he not made the catch. I mean are you serious dude? At what point are you just going to give this whole thing up? Are you going to take your mask off at some point and be like, hey guys you're on candid website, I've been f***ing with you guys the whole time! This was comical a long time ago, it is becoming hard to believe.
  25. Nope just another bills fan 4 ever train wreck/meltdown thread. Also can you please cite the four instances where Watkins made circus catches that had he not made, a defender would have caught the ball instead and ran it back for a touchdown?
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