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Everything posted by thewildrabbit

  1. I just don't it, I just don't get how the Buffalo Bills owner can look at his team and be satisfied given its current status of 3 years at 7-9 As fans we are guessing as to why Ralph Wilson does what he does,only he really knows what he is thinking. My guess is that he is looking at the team in a superficial manor with out really delving into the whys and what happened.If the teams wins he is happy,if they lose he is not happy, kinda simple huh? I can't be impressed with that Bills win at Denver because the Bronco's had one of the worst defenses in the NFL,Cutler had some really bad throws and lady luck was on Buffalo's side that day with the turnovers. I'd imagine Wilson was giddy though because the Bills hadn't beaten the Bronco's in mile high in forever.The Bills were out gained in that game by Denver 275 to 532 total yards.I'd be happy with the win but not the performance. We are left to think Wilson is age 90 and the AVG life expectancy in the US is about 77 or so.Most of the people I know that even make it to retirement age,retire and die before hitting 77. so from my perspective 90 is more then pushing the envelope. Stating that, I just don't understand as an owner why he just doesn't want to go all out at this point and mortgage the team to bring in the very best talent in coaches players and front office personnel to win a super bowl championship? He is the sole owner of a 800+ million dollar franchise. http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/stories...10/daily46.html To me I'd rather pass through this life knowing that my team was a winner,if only for one season. That I owned a team that had won a super bowl,a world championship!!!
  2. That's why he was offensive to me,what could that clown say that would be worth listening to? I turned off the volume while waiting for the game to start. Whatl I remember of him is what Steve Mariucci stated about him,as the head coach with the scouts and draft crew for the Lions,they would be going over draft picks and he would ignore all their advice and take whomever he wanted. Mariucci was about as handcuffed a coach as there ever will be in a system. He brought Mariucci into the Lions to fix/help Joey Harrington another of Millen's first round draft busts. Why the owner of the lions hired him with no previous front office experience whatsoever and paid him 5 mill a year still remains a mystery to many,he was a broadcast announcer for games previous to working for the Lions.
  3. Of all the people to hire to be an announcer on a pre game show,winner of the NFL biggest loser award Seriously offended me that he was on that show,I can't even imagine how Lions fans must have felt...
  4. Anyone ever see the move "Transformers"? Near the beginning of the movie the father takes the son to buy him his first car because he had gotten good grades. The father drives into a Porsche dealership and the son freaks out because he thinks he is getting a Porsche.The father laughs at him and says you really think I'm buying you a Porsche... Then they drive into a used car lot and he buys his kid a PoS used car for 4 grand. Later at the home the kid gets into his car and drives away while his mother and father are working in the yard.The used PoS car belches a huge black cloud of exhaust and the mother turns to the father and says... WOW, you are so cheap. All I can think at that moment is,that father has nothing on Ralph Wilson
  5. Some of the unwarranted optimism from some fans gets me. You honestly think because RW DIDN'T fire DJ it was because he wants to hire a head coach next season, when Bill Cowher is willing to return to football? Get a freaking grip will ya, the guy didn't fire Jauron because he didn't wanna eat the 4-6 million it would cost to buy DJ out,then he would have to pay someone else to be the head coach,double whammy. Cowher would want to pick his own GM,which this franchise doesn't even have atm because Wilson is so cheap he doesn't want to hire one. Cowher would want total control over who the team drafted,never happen with Wilson's daughter running the scouting dept and draft. Any new head coach that was even willing to work in Buffalo would fire every assistant coach on the team save for Bobby April and it would cost more money to hire real assistants. Bill Cowher nor any other high caliber coach will never, ever , come to Buffalo,PERIOD! The owner won't pay anyone over 2 mil and any coach worth a damn wouldn't come to this team because the front office is so deranged,it would take a major shake up to transform the FO into a properly functioning franchise. Like I stated earlier to all the Jauron supporters, I'm certain I'll be hearing a different story next season from all of you when the team is lionesque and the home games are not being shown locally.
  6. I didn't read anywhere in this thread about Fans threatening anything or anyone throwing out there Bills items or canceling anything,why not take your comments to the appropriate thread. This thread was started by someone who had already made the exact same post in another persons thread and its full of crud no matter where he posts it. He continues to blame the QB for the failure of the teams success. That's like you not taking your dog out for a walk and blaming the dog for the crap on your carpet. Again I'll cite the SF game where Lynch had rushed for 136 yards in 3 quarters and he got ONE carry in the 4th quarter when the Bills were only down by 7 points, instead the OC had the back up QB trying to force throws all over the field.So ignorant fools like you want to continue to blame the QB when he was put in a position to fail by the coaching staff. Lastly,you will be the one crying next season when they don't show any home games because they won't sell out
  7. I get a kick out of you,you add a reply to a post and like it so much you copy and paste it to start another thread with the same babble. My post in that other thread.. "Sooooo Is There Going To Be A Press Conference?, Or Were Those Lies Wilson Spewed Going To Be It??
  8. #5 is complete baloney,it was the play calling that contributed to the inconsistency at QB,it took the idiot OC 16 games before he realized the running game can greatly help the passing game.Remember the SF game where Lynch had over 130 yards in the first three quarters and touched the ball ONCE in the 4th qtr because the OC had the back up QB throwing every play,simply moronic. Mother nature stepped in to help the Bills against the Patriots by taking away the Pats best threat and that was Matt Cassel throwing to Wes Welker. So both teams were forced to run the ball. The bills actually had the better running game with Fred Jackson's 136 yards and 4.6 yards per rush vs the pats with 3.6 YPR and still lost because of moronic coaching and play calling. That game showed the difference between a good coaching and what the Bills have. You can give any reason you want as to why the Bills let the 1st half expire on the 12 yard line with 22 seconds, but they called a running play...that is coaching,play calling, even pee wee league coaches know better then that. You can sugar coat it all you want but the simple fact is...IF Ralph Wilson didn't panic at the thought of losing Jauron when the team was 5-1 and him being in the final year of his contract and offer a three year extension,the Bills would be looking to hire a new head coach because Jauron would have been fired!
  9. The Bills stated they would bring back the "Fullback" position for 08 after Fairchild dropped them, instead he was for utilizing the TE as a blocking back. I didn't actually see the Bills use a fullback much this season,the plays I did notice though were the dropped passes to the fullback. I notice that Lorenzo Neal singed a one year deal with the Ravens last year and man he still has what it takes to lead block. I wonder If the bills will pursue him this off season? I can't help but look at the Ravens with envious eyes,that punishing running game they use... The same OC,Cam Cameron and same FB, Lorenzo Neal that the Chargers had the year they went 14-2. Both Neal and Cameron were on the market last year and instead the bills got Schonert and Barnes / McIntyre
  10. I get the NFL Sunday ticket and super fan pack and will keep getting it every year regardless of what the Bills do. I'd imagine that this up coming season there won't be many Bills home games on anyway
  11. When the offensive free agents were looking to sign with the Buffalo Bills in the off season did they know that they would be in the hands of a rookie offensive coordinator,rookie offensive line coach,rookie QB coach? Turk Schonert was true to his word that he wouldn't be as conservative as Fairchild and would actually utilize the full back in the Buffalo Bills offensive scheme,to bad it took him most of the season to figure out he had some really good running backs on the offense. It was just incredibly lame on his part to keep forcing the Bills QB's to throw so much when he had such a great (under used) running back tandem in Lynch and Jackson. He called the shotgun play 95% of the time previous to the Cleveland game,he never even tried to establish a running game,with him it was always pass first. Which scares me into thinking he will do the exact same thing next season.The play calling in critical situations appeared to grow worse as the season was ending.
  12. Wilson might have some closeness to Jauron because he got his start as an assistant coach at Buffalo in 1985,who knows. Jauron played 8 years in the NFL and has spent 23 years as a coach 8 1/2 of those as a head coach with Chicago,Buffalo and the 1/2 at Detroit. Turk Schonert has 10 years as a back up QB and another 10 as an assistant coach. that's 31 years for Jauron and 20 years for Schonert, 51 years combined NFL experience and they still manage to make idiotic game day decisions and calls. If I didn't know better it was almost as if he tanked the last part of the season on purpose so Wilson would fire him and he could relax for 3 years while still being paid.
  13. You both are forgetting John Harbaugh in Baltimore,they also hired Cam Cameron to be the offensive coordinator and kept the defensive side intact. The team is 11-5 and in the playoffs, also with a rookie QB in Joe Flacco.
  14. The reason why the "Blowing the whole thing up and starting again" will fail with this team is because the owner,Wilson refuses to over pay for a big name head coach,even though that would be a smarter move in the long run.So bringing in another no name coach wouldn't even guarantee a 7-9 record. This past season the Bills had one of their best season ticket sales in years because the fans expectations were running high. I highly doubt that will happen again this next season,in fact I'm thinking that many games will not be sold out and therefore not be on TV. I also hold Dick Jauron in high regard,just not as a head coach though. He works hard,his players work hard for him and you would think that would be enough to win games, but it isn't.Bill Belichick showed you the difference last Sunday. I'll also remain a Bills fan, just not one with blinders on. I was a season ticket holder during the Bills magnificent super bowl years,attended every SB the Bills were in and rooted them on.I dumped my season tickets when Ralph Wilson forced Marv levy into retirement. Lastly,who is to say that some team won't consider Bobby April for a head coaching job? Wasn't Marv Levy a special teams assistant under George Allen?
  15. The Dallas Cowboys fired their special teams coach and are looking for a replacement... The one great coach the on the current Buffalo Bills staff has to be wondering what am I doing on this ship of fools.Will he still be here with all the coaching changes that will happen this off season,one has to wonder.
  16. Better then the Bills GM...oh wait they don't have one
  17. OK well I hope you keep this same enthusiasm when the Bills get swept in the division again next season. I'll purchase the NFL Sunday ticket and fan pack next season because I enjoy watching pro football. I gave up my season tickets years ago after Ralph Wilson forced Marv Levy into retirement. Attending the four super bowls was enough for me, I lost interest in going to Bills games because the owner has shown no real commitment to winning since Marv Levy left.
  18. Ralph Wilson wants to win,he just wants to do it as cheaply as he can get away with...I mean come on, no GM and he is the president of the team. The real thing about retaining Jauron is, it just might come back to bite him in the ass.I'm hearing so many people tell me that they won't renew season tickets and the economy the way it is you gotta wonder how many corporations will pass on the suites? So is he purposely trying to submarine his own franchise to alienate his fan base in order to sell the team?
  19. Wasn't he interim head coach of the Detroit Lions after Matt Millen fired Steve Mariucci ? Let me get this straight.. Matt Millen and the Lions chose not to keep Dick Jauron? Sooo, Matt Millen gets fired during the season this year and the Lions this year under Marinelli go 0-16. Look on the bright side,the Lions set an NFL record.
  20. Who are you kidding, The Browns had just given Romeo Crennel an extension just like Ralph did with tricky dickie and guess what. If he is willing to eat that contract I'll bet he goes after Marty Schottenheimer or Mike Shanahan and the Bills won't beat either of those two coaches. 2-14
  21. As long as people like you continue to support this team with a mediocre record Ralph Wilson will never have a reason to change anything. When the fans finally stop going to games and stop supporting the team then and only then will he actually do something about this team Meanwhile the Dolphins,Jets and Patriots fans all want to applaud you for your dedication and unwavering support
  22. Why should he... The team sold more then enough season tickets last year and the Buffalo area is filled with people who just look for a reason to tailgate and party so the franchise made him a bunch of money this season. He does not need to eat the contract extension for 3 years that Dick Jauron did indeed sign.So he has one of,if not the least expensive head coach in the NFL. He sure as hell didn't hand out any raises after this years performance so Ralph is loving that! Of course with the exception of giving the president of the team a choice raise...himself. He does not need to hire a new GM and pay him and that is just fine with Ralph because he can save a few million there and put it in his pockets. The Franchise is making Millions and Millions of dollars with merchandise sales, season ticket sales and Ralph particularly wants to thank the Toronto fans for their support and cash. Lets face reality here, the scrooge is here to stay and there is no way he hires a big money coach so we all need to live with that fact! Even if Ralph did fire Jauron and bring in another inexpensive head coach would the team be a *respectable 7-9? Who knows,next years team might actually win 8 games with Jauron. Shoot,he might even get elected into the Pro Football hall of fame this year. Why change now? *Respectable compared to the Detroit Lions at 0-16.
  23. As long as people like you continue to support this team with a mediocre record Ralph Wilson will never have a reason to change anything. When the fans finally stop going to games and supporting the team then and only then will he actually do something about this team Meanwhile the Dolphins,Jets and Patriots fans all want to applaud you for your dedication and unwavering support
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