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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Band-Aid- Do They Know It's Christmas Time Brian Wilson and Sarah McLachlan- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Bing Crosby- Do You Hear What I Hear
  2. Right you are Saint Joseph WR. I feel it displays our situation quite well.
  3. "Attitude reflect leadership, captain."
  4. Hey I'm a prophet too... -Play good offense. -Play good defense. -Play good special teams. ...Win games.
  5. CoD4 with new maps and older guns.
  6. I saw a guy throw another guy over the barricade outside the gates on the way out...then a girl came up and yelled at him and he punched her in the face. He then got the sh-- kicked out of him by 3 guys... Funny thing is...no police in sight.
  7. I've never experienced the red ring of death (knock knock) but i hear bad things. A few of my friends have gotten it but all of them have gotten xbox to fix it for them with a little arguing. I have one of those cooling fans on the back of my xbox, it's loud but i hear it helps to prevent overheating and the dreaded red ring of death. I don't know if it's true but mine seems to work well.
  8. Patience ladies, patience... You outta ditch those losers your with right now and ride with me, but that's alright we'll worry about that later.
  9. It is the least creepy thing I've ever seen. Here's creepy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSjUe0FyxQ
  10. Not really obscure but a really cool song. John Butler Trio- Ocean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0
  11. $5 for a ticket. $3 for parking. $1 for a beer. ...looks like you've been missing out.
  12. Marilyn Monroe. No question.
  13. Britney Spears...we are currently in the pregnant and drug stage.
  14. Wait, wait, wait...Dick Jauron, outcoached? NO WAY!
  15. You gotta fight for your right to eat off other people's plates...especially if it's 7 dollars!
  16. Amen. http://sportscucumber.com/wordpress/wp-con...in-andrews1.jpg
  17. Detroit 52, Chicago 0.
  18. I'm selling my ticket and baracading myself in my basement until Monday rolls around.
  19. Yea, gateway to the promise land. Love, joy, happiness. Visine...miracle worker.
  20. Slater you f***ing hippie, gimme drugs man. Get em from your mother man.
  21. Like those gosh darn doobie smokers that cause all the fuss in the neighborhood.
  22. -The Office -Entourage -Curb Your Enthusiasm -24 is coming back soon
  23. I think I would be more worried to see Mort picking the Bills to win. Thank God we have Berman for that.
  24. Gee golly am I mad! Grrrr!
  25. 65% Canadians, or 65 Canadians?
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