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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Mafia Wars? WTF is that?
  2. This offseason has made me hate the yankees even more than before. What are all the small markets supposed to do if the Yankees keep offering obsurd contracts to these players? It is unbelievable what they are doing in an economic recession. I've never been a Red Sox or Rays fan, but I will sure be rooting for them over the Yanks.
  3. I just got finished celebrating my Festivus. Happy Festivus everyone!
  4. False. Fred Jackson is not better than Marshawn Lynch. It's science.
  5. I think McKelvin and Corner are still young and developing. I liked the way Greer was playing before he got hurt so I'm hoping he gets a contract and stays. I would like to think that they would get him back but hey I don't work in the NFL.
  6. First win against a team with a winning record this year!
  7. It was actually Reggie Corner, he made a great athletic play to pry the ball from Stokley's hands. McGee played well all day and so did McKelvin, even with that interception being negated.
  8. There's where i stopped taking this seriously. Haha. Cassel is good, but not Tom Brady good.
  9. Good article, I know I sure am glad he is back for at least next year. I think Barkley should go throw a couple mil on the blackjack table.
  10. Black Ice and 12 degree weather.
  11. I laughed. Thought of Sage Rosenfels in that Indy game.
  12. I heard around 5th or 6th round.
  13. Pabst Blue Ribbon.
  14. Pokemon maybe, I'm not sure.
  15. Do it up.
  16. I'm glad to have Turner Gill back, nothing worse than building up a program and having that person leave after a few years. At least one more year with Gill is better than starting off fresh with a new coach. It's a nice luxury to have a coach that you have confidence in.
  17. Good joke, keep 'em coming.
  18. Haha, this is the first thing I thought of when I heard that Peters made it to the pro bowl. Ruben Brown V2.0
  19. Dude, you suck. You should quit right now. BTW, 73,967 is the capacity of the "statium."
  20. Affirmative Action.
  21. I'm on 360 as well and I have both COD4 and 5 so if anyone wants a challenge I'll be waiting. Gamertag= ahovfreak.
  22. Hey, I'd take a winning record and possible playoff appearance.
  23. What Bills Bandwagon? I didn't realize the Bills were capable of having a bandwagon...I think 4 straight superbowl losses and no playoff appearance in 9 years counts as revoking your bandwagon charter. Joe Rogan will pull a Chuck Norris and roundhouse kick Carlos Mencia.
  24. I am a Phys. Ed. major and I have classes with a bunch of training majors...I think it takes a little more than that to become a trainer budday.
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