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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. This article was hilarious yet so true. Every one of his movies is non-stop action. Crank is a perfect example, it's like the perfect "man" movie. Sex, drugs, and action from start to finish. Snatch was also a very good movie.
  2. The Office Moral Orel Robot Chicken Family Guy Entourage Aqua Teen ^Pretty much fills up the DVR.
  3. How can you maintain a decent opinion of movies if you don't finish them? If you want good movies check out any top movie list ever. I'm sure there will be a few that you might even be able to finish. Check imdb.com Top 250 list, all good movies.
  4. I worked at Pizza Junction for 3 years and will agree that it has great pizza. Another pizza joint in North Tonawanda is Good Guys pizza. The owners used to work at Pizza Junction before they left and started their own place. It is basically the same pizza, it's heavy and filling and the sauce is unbelievable. Both places also have unbelievable bleu cheese as well as solid subs. Pizza Junction's prices are absurd, but Good Guys prices are reasonable. I recommend to anyone trying something new. If you're looking for lighter pizza i would definitely agree with Buzzy's as well as Bocce's.
  5. Great article. I am only 20 years old so I haven't been able to fully experience the glory years and super bowl years and all that jazz but I've been a Bills fan all my life and all I know is losing and it's terrible. When I sit at home to watch a game, all I feel is we're gonna find a way to lose this game....and almost every time I end up being right. I always feel like I'm being pessimistic but it's so hard to stay optimistic in the world that we live in today, especially in Buffalo with our sports teams. I remember back in October when the Bills were winning games and the Sabres were on fire, I said to myself, "Wow, the sun is finally shining down on Buffalo." Yet again, I was wrong. Our sports, the economy, corruption, politics, it's all crashing down on us at once and I feel like if there is a way out, then I've already missed it.
  6. I didn't realize Barack has his own custom rolling papers? Where do u get them?
  7. I would guess that a 5 year old iPod that has had zero problems would be crushed by a Zune that breaks after 1 year. Good call, keep the iPod bashing coming dickweed.
  8. Happy New Year! I hope all your family issues go well and everything works out for a wonderful 2009.
  9. I hope your next post is better than this one.
  10. Brett Favre > Chuck Norris.
  11. No cartoon characters remind me of any player on the Bills. I was precisely saying what would help us. I apologize for not posting on every thread everyday.
  12. Wow, difficulty at it's finest.
  13. I'd take Superman with the first pick...I think he could be the tall, strong receiver we've been looking for. I hear he has a nice vertical. In the second round I'd go with Wolverine, I think him at DE would really improve our pass rush. Then maybe Lex Luther in the third round, I'd throw him in as Head Coach.
  14. I'd throw my shoes at Dick. Did i mention they are steel-toed?
  15. I don't care what his reasoning is, running the ball on 3rd down with 22 seconds left on the clock and no timeouts and absolutely insane.
  16. Wow, you sure are a genius! Way to go!
  17. He sucks. No leadership, no hussle at times, slow as molasses, terrible at pass coverage, If you don't run into him he won't stop you.
  18. This is clearly the reason we lost the game. Not the fact that we called a run play with 22 seconds left in the first half and zero timeouts. Or not the fact that the time management for the 2 minute drill was absolutely obsurd. Or the play calling, or the execution, or the coaching...
  19. 22 seconds left, 0 timeouts. Run play.
  20. Swirling winds doesn't allow many accurate passes.
  21. Haha. So if you're bad at your job, then you should definitely be promoted.
  22. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
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