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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. We usually always talk about planning good food for Sundays, but then Sunday comes, you're hungover from the night before and hotdogs, burgers, and chips end up just being on the menu. Our pre-game meal consists of a spliff in the Town and Country on route 5 to the stadium, then beer, then food, then beer.
  2. Shut the f*** up, Donny!
  3. Would the reason for wearing all the UB apparel on the show be a direct correlation with Nick Bakay being a writer for the show? I have no idea but just guessing.
  4. This DTV crap is ridiculous. Get it over with already!
  5. I agree, Coneheads are pretty trustworthy.
  6. What do you mean 27 already? Isn't Trent 25? So does that mean he's already getting old?
  7. I'm suprised this post wasn't about Battlestar Galactica, Dwight. Nun-chuck his ass!
  8. Damn it Chloe!
  9. Family Guy Robot Chicken Moral Orel Aqua Teen The Office Entourage 24 Movies Curb Your Enthusiasm Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Bleach Nothing too exciting.
  10. I feel no shame is saying that I enjoy Elton John music. He's a musical genius.
  11. 1 degree. -15 windchill. Quite unfortunate day in Buffalo. The convenience store bums are limited which is a plus.
  12. Wham- Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.
  13. HFB Roonmeister. Be proud of those brows.
  14. Bitter Beer Face.
  15. This isn't in your post but I saw Gran Torino and I thought that was a very good movie.
  16. iTunes is usually pretty good about finding the correct information on burned cds. Sometimes it doesn't but I haven't run into the problem that often.
  17. NCAA '09, Florida vs. Oklahoma. Oklahoma 38, Florida 23. Sounds 'bout right.
  18. My prior setup wouldn't allow for me to be able to move it to different rooms for different "recreational" activities. I have recently re-arranged things to be able to fit what i want so I might invest in something a little nicer and more retro.
  19. Hey, thanks for the feedback and the links. I'll definitely check 'em out and figure out what I want to do. I just wanted to get into vinyl because I want to have a reason to purchase music. If I'm buying cd's then I don't feel like I'm spending my money wisely. I want the artistic albums and I want to be able to appreciate the music, rather than go to my iPod and barely finish a song before noseing my way through 6,000 more songs to find one I want.
  20. I saw it last night at a free preview by the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival. I thought it was very well done and Clint Eastwood did a great job. I also laughed through many parts of the movie as he always had some new slur at every turn of the movie. Worth the money for sure.
  21. Grow some eyebrows, Mohandas.
  22. I'm thinking about purchasing a record player, I've never had one so I don't know what to look for. What would you guys recommend? I would like something not too expensive and it doesn't have to be over the top at all, just a simple turntable with a built in speaker if possible. Any suggestions?
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