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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Spending my tax return each year on the belief that one year it will be our time...
  2. I went there 3 years ago with a few of my buddies for a little get away. It's definitely worth seeing and Cleveland is a pretty cool city. I wouldn't say plan on spending a whole lot of time there, it's interesting but I don't think you could stay there for an extended period of time. But if you're going to Canton, I'd say it's worth the stop to see the place.
  3. That's great news, I'm excited to see where he goes from here. I can't wait to see the exposure that Namaan gets next year as well.
  4. Hoowah!
  5. They don't look big enough in the picture to be that size, IMO, I feel like I've seen bigger before.
  6. Oh yea yea I remember now, sorry I was a little under the influence at the time of the episode.
  7. I thought I've seen every episode but I don't recall this scene...which episode is this from?
  8. The segment before the theme song came on was the funniest scene in any Office, thus far. One of my favorite shows on TV. When Michael threw that projector out the window, I damn near pissed myself. Great stuff.
  9. I wonder where he got shot in the back of the head that he survived, quite remarkable. What was the kid thinking?
  10. I think it certainly is something to consider. Our line being so big, it makes it that much more difficult to fire off the ball quickly. For example, if our linemen can't get to the hole faster than the LB reads the play, then it could be a serious problem for the play.
  11. That's a nice looking message board.
  12. Slater, you f***ing hippie, gimme drugs man! Get 'em from your mother man. Yea, we just banged your mother. (Not Wooderson but great quote nonetheless.) She said something about her sister "giving him bad looks"...Is his picture out there? Do people know that he's responsible for the attacks or is it still under wraps? If his picture is out there maybe the sister recognized his face but didn't know where she saw it. Just a theory. I thought the same thing about Tony, but you never know with this show.
  13. Definitely my favorite...I think Swiston's is quite overrrated.
  14. I have also picked up the vaporizer method, I feel that it is definitely the safest way to smoke because it doesn't smell, doesn't smell up the room and you basically taste nothing except for a strange tasting vapor that just seems like air. I like it but i prefer bongs (seems like Phelps does as well). I have a sister younger than me, who has admitted to smoke weed before, yet she has never drank alcohol (allegedly). As an older sibling, looking out for the well-being of my sister, I feel much more comfortable with her taking a few hits of a J once in a while then wandering around town drunk and possibly being caught in a driving situation. But hey, that's just me.
  15. It seemed the shirt was sweat resistant as well, he was sweating like a mad man.
  16. It's was nice to see their crowd applauding Stafford when he got his hat trick. Respect for the hometown kid.
  17. Damn, I thought my symptoms were real.
  18. The girl was appalled when the baker asked if she wanted, "Drunken negro faces" with her coffee. Haha. That's hilarious.
  19. Yeah ok, we'll be there. I loveee those redheads.
  20. Right you are my friend, right you are. Party at the Moontower, everyone's gonna be there, you should come.
  21. Mmm, now I'm really hungry.
  22. Are they really giving T.O. a reality show? http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...?urn=nfl,136818
  23. Good call. Forgot about that one.
  24. I say every team gets rid of the players, they all go into a fantasy draft and we do an old fashioned Madden Fantasy Draft. I think that would make everything better...well maybe not with the Bills FO.
  25. John Butler Trio- Ocean Awesome instrumental. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0 Looking Glass- Brandy Classic. Animal Collective- Peacbone Experimental rock, awesome stuff, video is pretty sick as well.
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